Saving water saves lives. Since water is essential for life, we must conserve it for future generations. Nowadays, we use and misuse water more than we need. Everyone must know that it is our primary duty to learn its importance and how easy it would be to take action before it’s too late.
Conservation is “preserving, guarding and protecting or wise use of environment or its natural resources.” It can be done or even start with a few adjustments that could become a big blast in conserving more water now and for future use.
It can simply start with you or in your own home. It is now time to make those simple daily plans for saving water. Sometimes, we don’t care how much water we waste doing our daily chores. There are those simple ways in which we take water for granted. For instance, when brushing teeth or washing hands, we let tap water flow instead of turning it off to reduce waste.
It is a matter of mind over matter. We only need to remember how precious water is every time we use it, like bathing, washing clothes, flushing the toilet, or even watering plants to conserve and protect it easily.
Water recycling could be best done, too! You can cut down your water usage through proper recycling in your home. You can start from your kitchen, saving the leftover drinking water from being used for other possible purposes.
You can also save the rinsed water from your laundry for flushing the toilet or adjust the water flush to minimize the use. Remember that tap water is treated and has already passed the SDWA standard, so it must be controlled most of the time for drinking.
Collecting and Storing RainWater

You can recycle rainwater for your home use. You can use it for gardening, laundry, toilet flushing, or even whole house use if properly collected and through a properly installed rainwater collection system from your roof and gutters. Since these are much more expensive ways of water conservation, you can use the rainwater barrels available in your home.
Always wash your clothes in full loads and even on your dishwasher during laundry if possible. These could minimize the use of too much water. Check for those leaks on your piping or in your tap. A small water leak could lead to too much loss or add more to your bills. You can check out those hidden leaks from it through your water readings and repair possible leaks.
Daily Water Conservation
Make Use of Shorter Showers - Shorter ones use less water than longer showers. You can also make use of those low-flow showerheads. There are many other ways to conserve water at home, but saving water should not only start and end up in your homes but should be widely practiced for the entire population and future generations. They say that only 1% of the global water supply is freshwater.
These should make up for all those human consumption and water drinking that need to be saved. It can save money and the environment at the same time. If we cannot control the global deficit, we can keep it from using excessive water every day or by controlling our daily use or how much we are supposed to use daily.
As they say, we are facing a water shortage in the coming 2025. So we should act now by preserving freshwater resources, minimizing, if not eradicating, water pollution, and, of course, by recycling, cleaning, and using good, eco-friendly purifying water to provide good water resources for children of the next generation.
You can also conserve water for irrigation and industrial uses. These could save the environment globally for personal reasons such as reducing monthly bills and protecting your family’s future by properly preserving the water supply.
What will happen to the next generation?

If exploitation still prevails, what will happen to the next generation? Maybe there would be a war for just a pail or with just a glass of water? Or war between strong nations worldwide just for the sake of one-fourth of that 1% freshwater availability left for them? Better think twice.
Maybe there would never be generated next to us if water exploitation still prevails. Better yet, preservation should be given utmost priority now before it’s too late for us to notice that water resources are almost dying. Our great responsibility is for them to pass on those natural resources unharmed so they can cherish them, too.
Do you think it’s impossible to do? Why not give it a try? You can start by simply acknowledging and knowing what you should do in your little way of preserving it because that little way could spell magic, and if done by everyone, it could save lives and our future.
It is a fact that conserving water is taken for granted because of its increasing need worldwide, and freshwater resources are significantly dying for human consumption because of water pollution.
For as long as the world is turning so fast with industrialization and technology, we have forgotten the essence of water as the most precious gift from God that we should be thankful for. That’s why it is also called “life.”
Water is life, as they say. So we need to give importance to it and continuously preserve and protect it not only for ourselves now but for the next generation so that they can enjoy the beauty, essence, and natural taste of water for them to cherish, protect, and preserve to pass it on for their next generation too!
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