Safe drinking water is one essential aspect of our life that we take for granted. On average, each of us drinks two liters of water every day. As such, our drinking water is prone to be exposed to various substances.
We take action only when we experience a crisis, such as lead contamination. During this time, we investigated the chemicals in our tap water source.
America is not the only region where problems in tap water exist. It is felt throughout the world.
While there are cases won over the years, every consumer must still be vigilant regarding toxins lurking at the pipes and faucets.
Indeed, water contaminants can lead to adverse health effects, which can be short or long-term. Examples of these are reproductive health issues, gastrointestinal illness, respiratory, and cancer.
Here are some of the tap water contaminants that you don’t know existed in your water:

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), around 36 million Americans in 2000 consumed water with arsenic at above three parts per billion.
In the early 2000s, the EPA updated the arsenic standard based on the advancement of modern science. As such, the level of arsenic in the water across the country has gradually declined.
Health issues with Arsenic
When you are exposed to arsenic for a long period, it can cause cancer of the lungs, skin, bladder, and kidney. Experts also show it can cause skin issues like pigmentation and thickening. There is an increased risk of bladder and lung cancer for those who ingest arsenic at the water of 50 ug/ liter or lower.
Chlorine treatment by-products
Chlorine is one of the oxidants added to the municipal water systems to eliminate the microbes. It is very effective in removing viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Examples of these are E.coli, salmonella, and Giardia.
Unfortunately, chlorinated water can bring negative health effects. As one is exposed to it, it can be absorbed by the body. It can be through bathing or drinking.
Meanwhile, chloramines are produced whenever ammonia is added to the water with free chlorine. Typically, these are added as a secondary disinfectant. Chloramine and chlorine, when combined, will form the disinfectant byproducts (DBPs).
Health issues with Chlorine treatment by-products
Chlorine in the water is proven to cause reproductive problems. Haloacetic acids plus trihalomethanes are known to cause cancer, especially if it is present in high quantities. It can put the bladder at risk and cause breast and rectal cancer.
Also, chlorine can cause dryness in the skin and the hair. It can irritate the eyes and the nose. Chlorine and chloramine cause cell damage, impaired balance, and memory loss.
Fluorides are compounds that combine with fluorine plus other substances. Some water facilities add it to the water to help reduce tooth decay, especially in children.
Health issues with Fluoride
High levels of fluoride are known to cause skeletal fluorosis. This is a painful health condition that causes pain and stiffness in the joint. Researchers also state that drinking high levels of fluoridated water can cause thyroid gland dysfunctions, hormone disruption, and cancer.
Lead can be compared to the most popular bad guy in your area. This chemical can cause leaching in the plumbing fixtures and the pipes. This is especially true when the flowing water is corrosive.
According to studies, lead is a common problem in places with older water systems. On the other hand, modern homes with new brass fixtures can still experience lead problems in their water.
Health Issues with Lead
Lead in the water can cause several health issues. Examples of these are behavioral and neurological problems with children.
Herbicides can enter the public water system by accumulating in the water and soil. They enter into the water system from rainfall. It also goes into irrigation, which washes away the herbicides from the farmlands and into rivers and lakes.
One of the most commonly detected herbicides in the water source of the United States is atrazine. Studies show that it can be found in the waters of the Southern and Midwest parts of America.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) addressed the government to stop using atrazine.
Health issues with herbicides
Atrazine is a popular endocrine disruptor. It can interfere with hormonal activity and cause failure in the reproductive organs.
Mercury is found in different natural deposits and is a liquid metal. It can get into the public water system in various ways. These include erosion of natural deposits, discharge from factories and refineries, cropland runoff, and landfill runoff.
Health issues with mercury
A high level of mercury exposure can cause damage to the kidneys. Furthermore, mercury in the water can cause brain damage, muscle atrophy, cognitive dysfunction, skin problems, and memory loss.
Nitrates are known to occur naturally in low concentrations in soil and plants. But nowadays, nitrates have become a contaminant due to the fertilizers used. Runoff from farms and factories flows in the ground. As such, it ends up in our drinking water.
Health issues with Nitrates
The EPA has set the standard of 10 parts per million for nitrates, which can harm babies and pregnant mothers.
In rare cases, infants’ too much exposure to nitrates can cause the 'blue baby syndrome. This fatal disease can prevent oxygen from flowing in the blood.
Through the years, modern technology has created better control of pathogens. After the 1993 water-borne outbreak in Milwaukee, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made the rules and regulations controlling pathogens. However, there is still more to go.
Health issues with Pathogens
Pathogens are viruses, bacteria, and parasites that can cause diseases in the body. These pathogens are now present in the water, which causes adverse health effects to us.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are artificial chemicals that big industries use. They are useful in the production of capacitors, refrigerators, and televisions. During manufacture, the PCBs enter the water, air, and soil. Wastes from the industries with PCBs were dumped in landfills and dumpsites. There are times when spills and leakages happen, which causes the PCBs to enter the water source.
Today, there are traces of PCBs around the world. Due to their long lifespan, they are toxic and considered a persistent organic pollutant. These findings contributed to its banning in 1979.
Health issues with PCBs
As it enters the water supply, it can be very difficult to remove it. It acts as a neurotoxin that disrupts hormone production. It interferes with the immune system of the body and can even cause cancer in the long run.
Perchlorate is found in various industrial activities. Examples of these are explosives, road flares, and rocket fuels.
Perchlorate has been detected in the water of the 26 states of the country. Up until now, there is no standard for its presence. However, it is being finalized, and we expect the EPA to issue the final version in 2019.
Health issues with Perchlorate
According to studies, Perchlorate can interfere with thyroid hormone production. It messes with the regulation of the metabolism.
Pharmaceuticals are synthetic products. These are found as prescriptions or for veterinary medicine. Some patients flush out their unused medicines in the toilet or sink. Others were released due to the body's wastes. However, most of the traces of pharmaceuticals in the water are due to improper disposal and poor manufacturing facilities.
Radioactive Contaminants
The radioactive elements found in the drinking water can occur naturally. However, radioactive materials are produced from nuclear weapons, medicines, and energy that can get into drinking water. This can be due to leakage and improper water storage.
Health issues with radioactive contaminants
According to studies, the radioactive contaminants in the water can potentially lead to kidney failure. In the long run, one can also possibly develop cancer.
Vinyl Chloride
Vinyl chloride is a chemical that is used to make PVC plastic products. Examples of these are the pipes we use inside the home. Old pipes can lead to leakage of vinyl chloride in the water. This is true for some communities in the United States. Vinyl chloride can cause cancer when there is a high quantity of it in the water.
Volatile Organic Compounds
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can include various chemicals emitted as gases. Today, thousands of products have VOCs. As such, it is no surprise that these elements end up in our drinking water. When it is heated and vaporized, the body can absorb these contaminants.
Quality of Tap Water

The quality of tap water differs greatly between cities and countries. First, it depends upon the available water sources for each region.
It also depends upon the kinds of artificial and natural infrastructures near water resources.
The quality of tap water also depends upon the water treatment processes utilized. The chemicals involved will also determine its end product.
Moreover, the standards set out by the health and government authorities have much to say regarding water quality. Finally, the water delivery infrastructure's conditions, age, and materials determine water quality.
How to Keep the Water Safe
One of the effective ways to prevent health issues due to contaminants is to ensure that the water meets the standards. Protect your water sources, provide effective water treatment, and monitor water quality. There are various laws and regulations at the federal and state levels that implement these strategies.
In the United States, the EPA regulates the public drinking water supply. The country has one of the most reliable public water systems, which delivers water to millions of consumers. While there are regulations and infrastructure that assure water quality, many areas have contaminant levels that pose risks to many people.
On the other hand, there is little assurance for small community water supply consumers, which is not covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Examples of these are private domestic wells, which the government does not regulate. With this, the exposure and hazards of contaminants in drinking water remain essential to public health.
The Berkey Water Filter System

One effective method is investing in and installing a water filter system inside your home to protect the water source. This can produce clean drinking water without issues of contaminants. Various brands are available in the market, but one is the Berkey Water Filter System.
Our company provides the Berkey Water Filter Systems, the best gravity water filter element in the market. It can eliminate all the toxins without messing with the healthy minerals on it.
Our product line has surpassed other filtering methods with its ability to remove harmful contaminants. According to the test results done by the Envirotek Laboratories Inc. in New Jersey, the Berkey Water can remove up to 99.9% of the following chemicals:
- Bisphenol-A
- Chloramine
- Pharmaceuticals
- Petroleum Contaminants
- Heavy Metals
- Coliform and E-Coli
Meanwhile, the testing done by Analytical Services, Inc. shows that our product materials do not leach into the water. Unlike other brands, where plastic and metal leach the water stored inside. Indeed, the Berkey Water Filters can purify and not just filter the water.
Furthermore, the Environmental Toxicology Laboratory in Los Angeles conducted a series of studies on our products. There is a 95% reduction of nitrates, MBAs, and arsenic in the drinking water versus other brands.
Product Line

We have seven various products here at the Berkey Water Filter. All of our products contain the Black Berkey Purification Elements. The state authorities have tested this water purifier. Furthermore, it has been accredited by the laboratories of EPA to exceed NSF/ ANSI standard 53.
Here are some of our best-sellers:
- Big Berkey Water Filter-2.25 gallons
- Royal Berkey Water Filter- 3.25 gallons
- Travel Berkey Water Filter-1.5 gallons
- Crown Berkey Water Filter-6 gallons
- Imperial Berkey Water Filter-4.5 gallons
- Berkey Light Water Filter-2.75 gallons
- Sport Berkey Water Bottle
- Go Berkey Kit
Grab yours now today! Protect your family from the adverse health effects of contaminants in your water. Produce your own clean and safe drinking water anywhere you go. You can have this at your home. You can also bring this to camps or at work. Moreover, the Berkey Water Filters are a good gift for your loved ones.
In a nutshell, there are various contaminants in our drinking water today due to environmental chemicals.
You can protect your family by converting contaminated tap water into clean drinking water. This can be done using a water purification device like the Berkey Water Filter System. Check out our website and choose the products that satisfy your family’s needs.
Also Read: Is It Safe To Drink Tap Water In U.S.? Find Out The Facts And Truth About Tap Water
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