How to Stay Hydrated During the Summer Heat

We like it or not, the heat of the sunlight will always strike on us no matter what. All the more during the summer season! 

The long, sunny days and windy evenings of summer lure us to the outdoor activities. Trekking, swimming, and water activities indeed are the things you will explore so severely. Strolling along the seashores while enjoying the surf or exploring hiking trails becomes the favorite pastime for many. However, summer likewise brings heat waves, and the rush of outrageous weather, especially in the first part of summer, is a potent reminder of staying hydrated throughout the summer months. As indicated by the Centers for Disease Control, extreme heat caused 7,415 fatalities somewhere in the range of years 1999 and 2010

The best way to remaining safe this summer? Staying hydrated. How can one stay hydrated? Indicated below the methods and keys to staying hydrated. But before that, how much water do you need in your body?

How Much Water Do You Need?

As per the doctors, there's no standard in daily water intake. The amount of water you should drink daily relies upon your body, health conditions, medications, and different factors. Certain conditions like thyroid disease or kidney, liver, or heart issues make it practicable for specific individuals to have much water. At the same time, a few antidepressants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause individuals to retain water. 

There is no standard requirement for how much plain water adults and children should drink daily. However, there are overall recommendations for both men and women. One rule of thumb is that men should consume an average of 3.7 liters of total water while women should drink around 2.7 liters of water every day. You can likewise divide your body weight in pounds by two and drink that number of ounces every day. In any case, drinking water should be an essential part of your daily routine, not something you need to make a special effort to do.

How To Stay Hydrated During Summer Heat

Hydration is a significant issue, yet it's not as straightforward as drinking a specific amount of water. 

The customary way of thinking says you should drink six to eight-ounce glasses of water each day. However, that is just a general rule. You lose roughly 10 cups of water each day through basic bodily activities, including perspiring and urination, and you ought to drink enough liquids to restore the fluid you're losing. 

Here are the key ways to stay hydrated, particularly during the summer season.

Drink lots of water, have it in a big water bottle.

Drinking a lot of water is the best method to stay hydrated during the streaking of summer. Make sure to drink more water than usual and plan regular "water breaks" during the day.
Moreover, it is always best to know how much water you need. The elderly and individuals with diabetes or heart illness may require more water to stay hydrated than others. If you have a specific medical issue, make sure to talk with your primary care physician about any special precautions you should take to stay away from dehydration.

Know how much you sweat and replenish with water.

Sweat is how your body cools (know  that it is not sweating that cools the body, evaporation of sweat.) The more you sweat, the more liquids you'll have to replenish.
It is not unusual for athletes or those heading out on a hike to lose 5 pounds or more sweat during these activities. It's vital to drink water all through these exercises. Your sweat rate, the humidity, and how long you've done such vigorous activities are all factors to consider. Proper hydration implies getting sufficient water before, during, and after these activities. As for workouts, the American Council on Exercise suggests these guidelines before, during, and after an exercise: 
  • Drink 17-20 oz. Two to three hours before you exercise.
  • Drink 8 oz. 20-30 minutes before you exercise.
  • Drink 7-10 oz. Every 10-20 minutes during exercise.
  • Drink 8 oz. no more than 30 minutes after exercise.

Monitor your urine.

The color of your urine is a vital indicator of how much water you need, and it tends to be a noticeable indication of dehydration. If you are hydrated enough, you ought to urinate once every two to four hours. 
The urine ought to be light yellow and clear. Once it’s darker or that of amber color, you could have mild to severe dehydration. Different medications and health issues could influence this. In case you're worried about the color of your urine, talk with your health provider.

Be aware of your alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks intake.

Believe it or not, few liquids act against hydration! Drinks like beer, wine, coffee, sugary sodas and hard alcohol, lemonade, sweet tea, energy drinks, smoothies, and flavored milk are, for the most, the guilty party. They are stacked with sugar, sodium, and other ingredients that eliminate water from your tissues. As indicated in a study by the University of Connecticut, it has shown that the body holds a portion of the hydrating liquid in caffeinated beverages. It goes to show that it doesn't have the hydrating advantages of water.
Consider substituting a portion of these out every day or rehydrating with more water for each dehydrating drink you take.

Choose to eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content.

Did you realize that roughly 80% of the water admission comes from drinking water? The other 20% comes from food
Certain fruits are ideal for this, and eating them assists you with keeping away from a portion of the added substances that are usually found in juice drinks. All whole fruits and vegetables contain some water, but snack on these for optimal advantage: cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, cauliflower, watermelon, spinach, strawberries, broccoli, and grapefruit. They all contain 90% water or higher. On average, an apple is 84% water, while melons and peaches both contain 89% water. 
This doesn't have any significant bearing on dried fruit. 

Up the game of your plain water and infuse it with flavor. 

If you are not a frequent water drinker, try infusing your water with a couple of basic ingredients to add some flavor. Limes, lemons, mint, oranges, berries, cucumbers, and other fruits improve on the taste without artificial sugars or preservatives. This can help you drink more water than you typically do, as well. You can likewise check coconut water out. This mineral-rich liquid is loaded with potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, so it recharges lost liquids and electrolytes from exercise and hot weather rapidly. 

Have cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. 

Breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day. But it is a lot more when you start the day with a bowl of oats or cereal. Oats expand as they absorb water, so you're getting a decent meal as well as a lot of liquids. If you add blueberries or strawberries, you'll settle the score more water by eating your oats. Try not to put chia seeds if you want a variation or don’t like fruits in your oatmeal. They likewise absorb water and will aid with keeping you full until lunch.

When on flights, choose water.

Airports and flights can be very dehydrating. It's difficult to drink however much you typically do when you're in a hurry for a summer get-away, and planes are known for low humidity air, which adds to low hydration at touchdown. Pack an empty reusable water bottle with you in your portable suitcase, and afterward top it off with water in the wake of going through security. Avoid the vending machines in the airport and request water when the refreshment cart passes by mid-flight.

Probiotics can also keep your water intake.

Our bodies are home to good and bad bacteria. They're in our mouth, gut, and skin. Probiotics are living microorganisms found in yogurt and other cultured food varieties and supplements that can assist with working on your body's bacteria. Taking a probiotic can help with working on your immune system, protect against disease, and work on your absorption and retention of food and supplements—including water. Probiotics likewise assist with a few conditions related to dehydration, including diarrhea.

How Can I Tell That I am Dehydrated?

The majority of the human body is made out of water. Indeed, however much 60% of an adult human is water. It's a fundamental life source and liable for some important body functions, from crying and spitting to flushing waste and regulating body temperature. You would prefer not to get trapped in the heat without enough water in your system.

Dehydration sets in when your body needs more water. A portion of the indications of dehydration include: 

  • Dark yellow urine
  • Lack of sweating
  • Dry skin
  • Rapid heart rate and breathing
  • Dizziness

Final Thoughts

Staying hydrated and following the key ways above can help you keep away from heat-related diseases that are intense throughout the summer. Making sure the water, you are consuming is also vital. Securing a water filtration system like the Berkey Water Filters is a practical option.

Prevention is the main treatment for lack of hydration. Consuming many liquids and food varieties that have high water content (such as fruits and vegetables mentioned above) ought to be sufficient for many to prevent dehydration.

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