All About Water - Water Quality, Water Filter, Water Resources and Issues

How do the Black Berkey Filter Elements work?

How do the Black Berkey Filter Elements work?

Several methodologies are used to produce the Black Berkey Filter purification elements. MICROFILTRATION The first line of defense is that Berkey elements are composed of a proprietary formulation of more than six different media types, all constructed into a very compact matrix containing millions of microscopic pores. These pores are so small that they produce what we refer to as a “Tortuous Path” that dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, radiologicals, and more. These paths are so small that these pollutants physically cannot pass through them and become trapped,...

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What are Pharmaceuticals and How Can They Contaminate Our Drinking Water?

What are Pharmaceuticals and How Can They Contaminate Our Drinking Water?

Pharmaceuticals are natural or synthetic drugs that are chemically designed or created to treat, inhibit or alter diseases found in humans or animals. Pharmaceuticals can be therapeutic drugs prescribed by doctors, can be over-the-counter drugs, or can also be veterinary drugs and animal feeds. When excreted by the animal or human body through urine, feces, or saliva, these drugs can contaminate our drinking water. How? When an individual or patient took these chemicals and improperly disposed of these drugs, drugs were thrown into the toilet, excreted through urine, and fecal wastes can contaminate drinking water through the sewage. Also, animals...

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Arsenic in Drinking Water - Know More about Arsenic and Its Sources

Arsenic in Drinking Water - Know More about Arsenic and Its Sources

We all know that arsenic is a poisonous chemical capable of killing not only animals and pests but also humans. Arsenic is a metalloid that can either be organic and inorganic in composition. Organic arsenic is naturally found in the environment provided by Mother Nature itself. At the same time, inorganic arsenic is made by man and human waste materials such as chemicals and metals. Inorganic arsenic is the most toxic and lethal chemical compared to organic arsenic because man produced these chemicals combined with other chemical compounds that are poisonous as well. Though wherever and however you look at...

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How to Do the Berkey Water Filter Red Dye Food Coloring Test

How to Do the Berkey Water Filter Red Dye Food Coloring Test

 The Black Berkey  Filter Purification elements are powerful enough to remove red food coloring from water. Performing a red food coloring test on your Black Berkey Filters allows you to ensure that your system operates properly. GUIDELINES We recommend this test be done upon first use and then every three to six months to ensure the Black Berkey Filter Purification elements are working properly. The red food coloring test is only designed for the Black Berkey Filter Purification elements and NOT for the ceramic or other filter elements that do not filter out food color. This test is also NOT recommended for the Sport...

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The Effects of Atrazine in Drinking Water to Human Health

The Effects of Atrazine in Drinking Water to Human Health

Atrazine is a chemical that contaminates water significantly. This herbicide is used frequently on corn, sugar canes, sorghum, non-specific herbicide, and other crops on industrial sites. The chemical Atrazine is widely used today because of its effectiveness in reducing the loss of crops due to the interference of weeds. Furthermore, it also eliminates the need for inter-row cultivation in sorghum and other crop fields. Because of its popularity and well-renowned components, it has become a concern to water suppliers. Thus, manufacturers ensure a long half-life of 60-100 days is not strongly absorbed by the oil.  Atrazine controls weeds and is non-toxic to...

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Dangers of Fracking Chemicals in Water

Dangers of Fracking Chemicals in Water

  Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is the process of injecting or drilling any fluids into the earth at high pressure to release the gas inside to fissure earth elements to discharge natural gas. More than 600 chemicals use fracking unsolidified components like carcinogens and toxins. Examples of these are lead, uranium, mercury, ethylene glycol, radium, methanol, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde. Fraction fluid injects into the ground with pressure through a drilled pipeline.  Some companies use fracking waters to resist divulging fracking waters, assuming that being informative is proprietary. Some companies use fracking to remove billions of gallons of crystal clear waters from...

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Health Effects of Mercury in Drinking Water

Health Effects of Mercury in Drinking Water

“Health is wealth.” A common saying that we can hear wherever we go. Nowadays, health is becoming an issue in society. Many people, especially young ones, don’t give more attention to their health because they think that if they are young, they can’t be contaminated by diseases. But there is an issue regarding mercury in drinking water. Many people wondered what will be the effects of mercury in drinking water if exposed to our bodies. Mercury is an element (symbol: Hg) that exists in our environment, and it is also known as quicksilver. Mercury is used in laboratory apparatuses like...

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Pathogenic Bacteria and Viruses in Drinking Water

Pathogenic Bacteria and Viruses in Drinking Water

We will talk a little about the medical field to understand more about pathogenic bacteria and viruses found in drinking water. Knowing more about the simple terms and cycle of pathogenic bacteria and viruses will give us a clear picture of what they are and how it occurs. A pathogen is an infectious agent. Pathogens are biological agents that cause illness to their host. A host is a susceptible animal or human body that these microorganisms feed on and multiply. The individual host should be susceptible because these individuals have a low resistance to these microorganisms. Truth be told, though,...

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Chromium 6 in Drinking Water and How to Filter Out

Chromium 6 in Drinking Water and How to Filter Out

Little do you know that the drinking water you consume is rich in toxic chemicals that can cause harm to you and your family. Though it is indeed true that water gives you life, what would you do when you know that it can also be the cause of your slow death? The water that you think is safe might cause illnesses. It was made known that drinking water is contaminated by certain pathogens and chemicals dangerous to health. Though some pathogens are natural floras of water, some are created by human waste products. Those are the chemicals that were...

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Bottled Water Facts and History

Bottled Water Facts and History

Water is and always will be an essential gift Mother Nature bestowed to nurture her children. Come to think of it, water had been around since the Earth is created, but how did water evolve and ended up in a bottle? The Chronicle of the Commencement of Bottled Water Since the beginning of human civilization, water was placed on vessels such as sacs made out of animal skins meant to hold water for traveling. The water bottling only began at the Holly Well dated back in 1621 in the United Kingdom, and since then, bottled water has sparked to higher...

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What is the difference between hard water and soft water?

What is the difference between hard water and soft water?

Are You Knowledgeable about the Water You Drink? Water is a vital element that is needed by all living things. It is a natural gift from Mother Nature to nurture her children. As you can see, water can be found anywhere, may it be at the earth's surface or even within the earth’s soil. But nowadays, we also have bottled water. There are different kinds of bottled water. These waters are made to be alkaline, contain minerals, have different flavors, and are even made to be carbonated to give the effervescent taste of spring water. But little do we know...

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What are the Causes of Turbidity in Water?

What are the Causes of Turbidity in Water?

Turbidity in water is caused mainly by human activities in certain industries, such as mining and agriculture, that cause the movement of particles and get mixed up with water. Those can be mud, sand, and other waste materials found in the changing environment. However, a certain particle is a natural flora of water, especially seen in seawater, oceans, and can be found in freshwater. This particle is known as Phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is a certain tiny plant that wanders or drifts to different bodies of water. This plankton is so small that it can only be seen using a microscope. Phytoplankton...

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Preparedness Checklist - Are You Ready for Upcoming Disasters?

Preparedness Checklist - Are You Ready for Upcoming Disasters?

When the time comes, will you be ready? Are you prepared for the worst? A lot has happened. Lately, numerous disasters have occurred. Perhaps luckily, you haven’t been a part of that. But, what if the time comes and it’s your turn? Do you have the necessary equipment and supplies to keep you and your family safe? Every day numerous disasters are happening around the world, whether fire, earthquakes, floods, and other kinds of disasters you could ever think of. Being prepared in times of emergency is a must for all individuals. Being prepared and ready can help save our...

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How to Purify Camping Water - Best Ways to Purify and Filter Water

How to Purify Camping Water -  Best Ways to Purify and Filter Water

Never think that water on the campground is clean and safe to drink. Waters in rivers, lagoons, lakes, and springs may look transparent and crystal clear, but they also comprise bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases and illnesses. In today's generation, campers or explorers fetch water everywhere without knowing its risks when consumed. They said that their bodies are already immune to drink camping water. Yet, this is not a good enough reason, for health should be a number one priority at all times. To ensure the safeness of campground water, there are three ways to purify it: Boiling...

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Water Pollution Facts: The Cost of Contamination

Water Pollution Facts: The Cost of Contamination

Drinking-Water: A Most Precious Resource The Earth is 75% water. Out of this, only 2.5% is non-saline. Out of the 2.5%, only 1% is easily accessible for human use and consumption. The rest is are in cold places that receive snow all year long, like Antarctica and Greenland, in glaciers, which can be found in the same area, and in icebergs, which mostly traverse the North Atlantic Ocean. This leaves a mere 0.025% of the Earth’s total water accessible to humans, and this figure still includes polluted rivers, lakes, and streams. If all the water in the world were set...

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Heavy Metals like Manganese, Cadmium, Copper, Zinc and Irons in Drinking Water

Heavy Metals like Manganese, Cadmium, Copper, Zinc and Irons in Drinking Water

Various metals are present anywhere in our surroundings. Some are natural flora of the environment, and some are caused by human waste material, and most of the time are caused by pollution. Heavy metals are a relatively similar group of metals that have everyday uses. Heavy metals can be notably toxic to health, and some are essential elements too and plays a vital role in many aspects of life. Though it has no exact meaning in chemistry, heavy metal is used to describe it by using quantitative criteria that measure the atomic weight, atomic number, and density level of heavy...

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Coliform Bacteria in Water: What It Is and Why You Should Mind

Coliform Bacteria in Water: What It Is and Why You Should Mind

Little do we know, the public is still skeptical about the safety of their drinking water. Who can blame them? Society has been terrifying enough to trust that even water, nowadays, can be dangerous. Only to consider that water is one of the most important necessities of people. Questions on the safety and portability of drinking water have been a part of human curiosity. Moreover, it has been bugging people ever since. The truth is, we still do not trust if we are taking in water that is safe for consumption or luring ourselves to what should not be. In all...

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Sediments Water Pollution: How Sediments are Formed

Sediments Water Pollution: How Sediments are Formed

How Sediments are Formed and the Different Kinds of Sediments Found in Water May it be caused by natural floras of water found in seas, oceans, lakes, waterfalls, and many more, or can be caused by human activities that disrupt the natural state of water and creates turbidity, thus forming sediments in the water. Sediment is a matter or substance that settles at the bottom of any liquid. Caused mainly by human activities, like mining and agriculture, and artificial chemical and waste materials, various particles get mixed up with water. Without interruption with the water's natural state, these particles sometimes...

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What is a Pesticide and What are Its Uses?

What is a Pesticide and What are Its Uses?

 Pesticides are one of the volatile organic compounds found in the environment. Volatile organic compounds are rapidly evaporating chemicals that are created by man. There are different types of volatile organic compounds aside from pesticides. Those are gasoline, kerosene, thinner used for paints, insecticides, and even arsenic. Pesticides are commonly used to kills or control pests.  A pesticide is chemically designed to kill pests, though not to a specific species but is toxic enough to kill a human being. Pesticides are formulated to be Active or Inert. Active pesticide ingredients are chemical ingredients that directly kill pests, and inert pesticide...

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Transparence to Translucence: Devastating Aftermaths to Earth’s Agua Life

Transparence to Translucence: Devastating Aftermaths to Earth’s Agua Life

Water has been an integral part of the world. Long been created, it has endured natural catastrophes unharmed and serene as it was since the beginning. It composes at least 70% of both the Earth and the human body; from the most effective water forms like great oceans surrounding the continents, lakes in-between countries, rivers bordering states, and springs bathing forest fauna to small forms that include human extracellular and intracellular fluids. At the same time, development and progress have also been noted to change its phase. With technology constantly upgrading, the Earth has been home not only to natural...

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