Encouraging Consumption of Water in School: Access, Challenges, and Strategies

Kids and young people are not consuming enough water. Instead, they choose sugar-sweetened refreshments (soft drinks, sports drinks, caffeinated drinks, milk, coffees, and fruit-flavored drinks with added sugars), 100% natural product juice, and other drinks. Drinking adequate water can improve weight status, lessen dental cavities, and boost cognition among children and youth.
Numerous schools are attempting to make free drinking water more available. Government law requires schools to participate in the National School Lunch Program, which provides students access to free drinking water during lunchtime.
Since kids spend a large portion of their day at school and in youngsters' minds, guaranteeing that safe, potable drinking water is accessible in these settings is a central general well-being measure.
We tried to distinguish challenges that restrict access to drinking water, openings, promising practices to expand drinking water accessibility and consumption, and future research, arrangement endeavors, and funding required around this area.
Drinking Water Access in Schools

The drinking fountains of our childhood are everything except evidence of the past: at numerous schools today, sugary refreshments are far less demanding to drop by than safe, free drinking water. Lacking water utilization can affect kids' general well-being and learning capacity. Dehydrated youngsters notice decreased cognitive performance, especially limited memory and focus.
Making the situation worse, rather than drinking water, kids tend to drink refreshments that can contribute to excess weight gain and tooth decay, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, and sweetened teas. About 33% of youngsters and teenagers in the United States are overweight or obese, and studies have connected rising obesity rates to the consumption of soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks.
Since kids spend most of their day at school, school strategies and projects can significantly affect empowering – or disheartening – healthy water consumption. With the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, government law now requires schools to be interested in federal meal programs. For example, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) makes fresh drinking water accessible amid mealtimes in school food service areas at no cost to students. States can establish more extensive prerequisites, as Massachusetts has done, expecting schools to give free drinking water throughout the day.
Benefits of Water Provision
Providing and supplying water:
- makes an ample source of minimal amount of refreshment for the day;
- supports great health and prosperity among students, staff, and different grown-ups;
- lessens tiredness, irritation, and diversion from thirst;
- can positively affect students' fixation for the day;
- exhibits to guardians and to the neighborhood group that the school esteems students' health and growth;
- brings attention to the significance of adequate liquid intake and a good diet as part of a sound, dynamic way of life.
Schools face various obstacles to promptly providing free drinking water, including depreciating school infrastructure, concerns about water quality, and the pervasiveness of sugar-sweetened refreshments.
A larger part of U.S. schools was constructed before 1969, and numerous need critical infrastructure repairs for old pipes or installations. Students tend to maintain a strategic distance from drinking fountains that are broken or filthy or deliver water that tastes awful. Few might be situated in poorly designed areas where water fountains are usable. Staff, guardians, and students express established and unwarranted concerns about faucet water security and quality.
Most schools get their faucet water from public water systems. Considering that federal law approves states and nearby locales to set up water testing and remediation programs, a current overview found that some U.S. schools required examinations for the lead in their drinking water. The absence of practices and policies for testing, reporting results, and making a remedial move adds to fears about faucet water security.
Bottled water has become increasingly popular in schools as an alternative to tap water. However, it isn't more secure, and it can be expensive for students. In addition, it is environmentally inefficient.
In the meantime, students are consuming an ever-increasing number of calories from sugary beverages, which are generally accessible at or near schools. State nutrition rules, school boards, arrangements, and planned industry activities have decreased the accessibility of sugary beverages in schools. Yet, a national investigation found that half of grade school students could purchase undesirable drinks (including soft drinks, sports beverages, and high-fat milk) in school vending machines, student stores, lines, and a la carte cafeterias.
Supplanting sugary beverages with artificially sweetened ones, such as diet soda, may reduce the number of calories consumed. However, these beverages expel water and other, more nutritious refreshments. Moreover, because numerous schools depend on vending machine deals to fund store-to-school activities, they may fear losing income by eliminating soda and other beverages from the machines.
Likewise, schools that depend on bottled water sales for benefits may hesitate to offer free drinking water. School approaches can be critical in making drinking water more open, yet just a few schools have such policies set up.
Most have concentrated on decreasing the accessibility and utilization of sugar-sweetened beverages. Although this is imperative, these policies don't need to improve drinking water accessibility. A few schools have policies that discourage water utilization.
For instance, some schools prohibit students from using reusable water bottles because they worry that students will consume alcoholic beverages, and others restrict water use in classrooms because of concerns about water spills and the need for restroom breaks.
Six Strategies
What to Say
The initial move toward building an advancement strategy is choosing what water data to pass on. That is, what should site consumers find out about water? What messages may spur them to drink water rather than sugary refreshments? Cases of messages are recorded below:
Water is good for health
- Water has zero calories and no sugar
- Drinking more water and fewer sugary beverages can help avoid weight gain
- Drinking water rather than sugary beverages can help avoid dental cavities
Water can enhance one's capacity to learn and think
- Drinking water hydrates individuals so they can function at their best
- Drinking water may improve cognitive function
Water is low-cost
- Faucet water costs under 1 cent for every gallon, making it substantially less costly than bundled refreshments.
- Drinking faucet water rather than one bottled refreshment daily can save $350 a year.
Water is safe
- Faucet water is tested for contaminants more regularly than bottled water and is safe to drink in many places in the U.S. Water is tasty and refreshing.
- Especially when chilled, water is delectable and refreshing.
- Infusing water with a natural product like fruits, vegetables, or herbs is a simple method to make water alluring without sugar.
Drinking faucet water rather than packaged refreshments is better for the environment.
- Drinking faucet water saves water and energy because no plastic containers or packaging should be produced.
- Drinking faucet water lessens the number of plastic bottles that end in landfills.
Water is easy to find
- Tap water is accessible in any place, including schools, parks, community centers, restaurants, and homes
Schools can find a way to urge students to drink water all through the school day:
1. Improve water quality.

Schools can test their drinking water and correct any issues to make free drinking water more secure and engaging. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created school guidance for data on testing programs. It is called 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools.
Schools can execute cleanliness guidelines for water fountains and reestablish depreciating infrastructure by working with local and state governments or securing federal funding to cover the expenses of repairs. For instance, the Los Angeles Unified School District utilized assets from a city bond reserved for school changes to repair plumbing in its schools. Performing general testing and maintenance, and opening the data can help lessen students' and staff's concerns.
2. Scale back on sugary beverages.
Schools can advance healthier refreshments, including water, by restricting the accessibility of soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks. They can boycott the deal and publicize sugar-sweetened drinks, selecting to fund-raise in ways that don't advance unwanted products.
Likewise, schools may increase income by expanding their investment in the government meals program. They can advance students' well-being and district funds by embracing distributing arrangements with clear contract terms that help youngsters' health.
3. Push for school policies.
While government and state policies that administer nourishment standards in schools can advance drinking water accessibility, school sheets can also make local arrangements. At the very least, schools can reinforce their arrangements by including language that determines that free and safe drinking water is generally accessible in different areas on school grounds.
School policies that support student water use throughout the school day may include offering drinking water at the lunch counter and enabling students to acquire water in the classroom's clear, topped containers. National, state, and local governments provide funding and different incentives to help schools in these endeavors.
4. Invest in a water dispenser.
Schools can expand access to free drinking water by installing a water dispenser (e.g., a water container or cooler) in the cafeteria. They can also introduce a filtration gadget to provide a lasting source of perfect and engaging drinking water. However, schools may require funds for the establishment, maintenance, work (to fill and purify dispensers), and purchasing cups or containers to buy a filter.
The USDA does not consider consumable water a component of the NSLP reimbursable meal, and no other financing is available. Notwithstanding, essential and inexpensive costs related to providing drinking water, such as pitchers and paper cups, are reasonable costs that food services can charge to its not-for-profit food services account (which holds income from offering meals; the assets can be utilized to work and enhance school food benefits).
See the USDA update "Water Availability During National School Lunch Program Meal Services" for more data on the USDA's view of a reasonable cost. Guardians and other interested individuals can work with school boards and local governments to promote awareness of the issue and raise funds for its resolution. Schools can also cooperate with industry to cover costs.
For instance, New York City public schools obtained financial help from the city's Department of Education and Health (with government subsidy) to install water fountains in their cafeterias, similar to the commercial water and ice containers used in restaurants.
5. Conduct a water-drinking contest.
Having a goal and friendly competition is inspiring, leading to positive results. To encourage drinking water at school day by day, hold a classroom contest where everybody should accomplish collectively. While the contest rules, in all probability, should rely on trust, it urges everybody to be seen continually drinking water. Laying out a group goal with a prize toward the end offers uplifting feedback for any individual who needs a reminder every so often.
6. Host a health week.
Promote the advantages of drinking water through a specific health week where students can discover best practices for diet and exercise to assist with their physical and mental well-being. While students might have a general idea of why water is great for them, they may not understand the side effects if they don't drink enough.
Dehydration can prompt issues, such as headaches, fatigue, and muscle cramps. It can restrict active students and impact their performance in school and sports. Students must remain hydrated to maintain optimal levels of education.
For younger children, it's great to assist them with learning the basics, and for older ones who might have learned it previously, progressing schooling won't ever hurt. Educating and reminding students to remain hydrated can assist them with performing better on specific exercises, like taking an examination, participating in sports, and keeping on track in class.
Making healthy habits takes consistency and monitored progress until it becomes solidified in the brain. Integrating fun into any occasion can get individuals to discuss and drink more water.
Promoting Water in School
Water awareness and consumption can be brought up in school by:
At school:
- Asking the school committee to talk about thoughts for advancement;
- Establishing campaigns and poster generation, like the composition to plan the best publication/ poster, would be an excellent method to bring issues to the light of the significance of water in school;
- Having water-only days to delve into the issues;
- Organizing a supported swim for a water charity to accentuate the issues;
- Introducing the school in a regional competition. Like Northern, Ireland Water runs a yearly competition called 'Water for Health.'
- Advancing the accessibility of free water inside school catering;
- Writing an official statement to produce enthusiasm for the local (and national) press;
- Advancing water drinking on the school website. A pop-up message on each page of the site will highlight the message until the point when the great practice is built up;
- Guaranteeing that all pamphlets and reports created in the school promote the message that drinking water is beneficial for you;
- Educating guardians frequently about water provision at school;
- Utilizing grown-ups as good positive examples;
- Holding a healthy day or week to promote water and a healthier way of eating;
- Beginning an educational program undertaking to study student and staff consumption before and after water promotion;
- Inspiring students to make a presentation on the significance of water at congregations or in class;
- Organizing visits from speakers, for instance, a local health expert or sports enthusiast.
- Incorporation of the entire school nutrition policy and joining the healthy schools exercises.
At home:
- Ensure kids eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly. Their high water content helps meet their daily water needs.
- Talk with your kid about the association between water intake and developing further, and how choosing water over soda or fruit juices might cause them to feel more energized, alert, and ready to play and explore.
- Model the behavior you need to see from your children. Assuming you begin drinking more water and choose water over other less nutritious choices, they will, as well.
- Get creative and decorate personal water bottles with stickers, markers, and materials to make drinking water more fun.
- Team up with your kid to replace one sugar-sweetened drink daily with water, which can also reduce the weekly grocery bill!
Motivating kids to drink more water promotes their general health and willingness to learn, and it can be crucial in the battle against child obesity. When they drink more water, youngsters consume fewer calories from sugar-sweetened beverages, remain hydrated, and increase their vitality and focus capacity.
Essentially, reassuring kids to drink more water isn't sufficient if it is safe, and free water isn't promptly accessible. Schools, students, guardians, local government, and private industry can cooperate in actualizing approaches and practices that help access free, savoring water schools.
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