FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Berkey Products

We appreciate your interest in the Berkey Water Filters.
We have summarized the most frequently asked questions on this page.

<Effectiveness of Berkey Filters>

Q: What is a Berkey Water Filter?

A: Berkey Water Filter is the world's most effective and cost-effective personal water filtration system. It uses gravity water filtration technology to remove toxic elements and hundreds of other contaminants from water without removing beneficial minerals or using electricity.

Q: What does Berkey Water Filter remove?

A: Berkey Water Filters can remove
  • Lead - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Arsenic - Removed to greater than 99.9%
  • Iron - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Mercury - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Chlorine - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Bisphenol-A - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Chloramines - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Pharmaceuticals - Removed to greater than 99.5%. 
  • Petroleum Contaminants - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Methylcyclohexane-methane - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Pesticides - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Heavy Metals - Removed to greater than 99.1%. 
  • Atrazine - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Fluoride - Removed to greater than 99.9%.

Q: Do the Black Berkey Filters reduce fluoride in the water?

A: The Black Berkey Elements can initially reduce Fluoride up to 99.9%.
However, the efficiency of removing Fluoride begins to decrease after a few hundred gallons. So, to effectively reduce fluoride in your water, you will still need to use post filters that work in conjunction with the filters in your system, which are called the Berkey PF-2 Elements. Berkey PF-2 elements can remove Fluoride for up to 1,000 gallons.

Q: Does the Berkey water filter remove Chloramine?

A: Yes, our Black Berkey Elements remove chlorine. 

Q: Does the Berkey water filter take out plastic from the water?

A: Plastic materials can be leached into the water, and the most common are BPA ( Bisphenol A) and 1,1-Dichloroethane (11-DCA). The Black Berkey elements have been tested to remove both plastic materials.

Q: Does the Berkey water filter remove kerosene?

A: Petroleum-based products are some of the easiest to remove from water. The Black Berkey Elements have been tested to remove the following petroleum contaminants up to 99.9%: Gasoline, Diesel, Crude Oil, Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, and Refine Oil. However, please remember that it is possible to overwhelm filtration elements. For example, removing a gallon of kerosene from a 1,000-gallon pool should not be a problem (time-consuming, but not a problem). Removing a gallon of kerosene from 2 gallons of water & kerosene mixed would probably overwhelm any gravity-fed element.

Q: How do the Black Berkey Filters handle beneficial minerals in the water?

A: The technology utilized in the Black Berkey elements is designed not to remove ionic minerals from the water. The elements are, however, designed to remove sedimentary minerals.
Additionally, several types of media are used in the proprietary formulation with a specific affinity for heavy metals to reduce heavy metals. The best part is that the media used in the Black Berkey elements are designed not to remove beneficial minerals. Because the media formulation does not have an affinity for beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium, these minerals should pass right on through the elements.

Q: Does the Berkey water filter remove lithium?

A: No. It is our understanding that Lithium is a mineral. The Black Berkey Elements do NOT remove minerals.

Q: Does the Berkey water filter remove Glyphosate?

A: Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide and pesticide. It is primarily released into the environment via runoff water and is predominantly applied as a spray for agricultural purposes. This contaminant has recently become the topic of discussion because its association with acute or chronic exposure leads to various potential health issues or concerns. Black Berkey Elements will reduce the Glyphosate in your water by more than 75%, exceeding the laboratory reporting limits.

Q: What does Sport Berkey Filter remove?

A: There are so many health-threatening contaminants that Sport Berkey can dramatically reduce. Just to list a few, Sport Berkey can reduce up to 99.9% of the following:
  • Toxic Chemicals
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Trihalomethanes
  • Heavy Metals
  • Detergents
  • Pesticides
  • Unpleasant taste and odors, cloudiness, silt, sediment, and chlorine
The Sport Berkey is as effective as the Black Berkey elements.

Q: Does the Berkey water filter remove Chromium-6?

A: Black Berkey Filters can remove Chromium 6 for over 99.85% from water.
     Berkey can also remove other HEAVY METALS, such as
  •     Aluminum (>99%) 
  •     Antimony (>99.9%) 
  •     Barium (>80%)
  •     Beryllium (>99.9%) 
  •     Bismuth (>99.9%)
  •     Cadmium (>99.7%) 
  •     Cobalt (>95%)
  •     Chromium (>99.9%) 
  •     Chromium 6 (>99.85%) 
  •     Copper (>99.9%)
  •     Iron (>99.9%)
  •     Lead (>99.9%) 
  •     Mercury (>99.9%) 
  •     Molybdenum (>90%) 
  •     Nickel (>99.9%)
  •     Vanadium (>87.5%) 
  •     Zinc (>99.9%)

Inorganic Minerals, Pesticides, Petroleum, Pharmaceuticals, Semi-VOC’s, THM’s, VOC’s; reduction exceeded lab detection limits.

Q: How should I use my Berkey system during a boil order?

A: You do not need to boil your water in addition to running it through the Black Berkey® Elements. The Black Berkey® Elements, which come standard with all Berkey® Systems, dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, radioactivity, and more. These filters will provide a final barrier between you and your drinking water during a boil order.




<Questions About Daily Usage>

Q: Can I use the Berkey water filter system with softened water?

A: The Black Berkey elements are designed to remove heavy metals but will not remove mineral salts, which are added by a water softener. The salt in softened water tends to clog the pores of the black Berkey element. You can use one of our filtration systems regularly by bypassing your water softener to get your drinking water. Most water softeners have a bypass valve or way to get water before it passes through your softener. Therefore, we highly recommend obtaining pre-softened water directly from the source rather than running softened water through your Black Berkey Elements.

Q: The water in the upper chamber of my Berkey system does not drain all the way. Is this normal?

A: Yes, it is normal and not unusual for the last few inches of water to remain in the upper chamber. By design, the water must pass through very fine micropores within the elements to pass from the upper chamber to the lower. The lower the water level in the upper chamber, the lower the pressure to force the water through the micropores. You may have noticed that the system filters much faster than when it is half full. That’s because there is more water pressure. The only way to remedy this problem would be to enlarge the pores of the filter elements. This would, of course, reduce the efficiency of the Berkey filtration system. During each cycle, the water left from the previous cycle mixes with the water from the current cycle and is then filtered. There is no need to be concerned about excess water during normal use. Should you discontinue using your filter for a period of time, such as during a vacation, it would be best to empty both chambers before departing and leave them upside down to dry on the dish rack.

Q: I heard that it is recommended to replace my filtered water by Berkey after three days. Is this true if it is refrigerated?

A: We do recommend replacing your filtered water after three days. The length can be extended to a week if the water is in a cold environment. This is a conservative estimate for caution. This is because the chemicals that inhibit bacteria growth are removed when you filter your water. In more humid environments, bacteria growth can occur more quickly.

Q: Why do your instructions say: “Do not allow the Berkey filter to freeze?"

A: We strongly advise against freezing your elements as a general rule of caution. We also advise against storing the elements (even unused) in sub-freezing climates. The concern with freezing the elements is that any cold or freezing water will expand inside the element, increasing the pore size and ruining the element. Whether the elements are unused or used and fully dried out, a small amount of moisture could still exist inside the element, especially in predominately humid climates. This moisture could expand inside the element and render them unusable. Please note that this recommendation applies to ALL our Berkey elements, including the Sport Berkey water filter bottle element. Freezing your element and rendering it unusable will also void your warranty coverage.

Q: Why does my filtered water have a bad taste? 

A: The bad taste in your filtered water generally results from not priming your filters enough. The unpleasant taste is caused by process dust that may have remained after the initial priming process. Please try priming your filters a couple of more times.


<Replacing/Cleaning the Berkey filters>

Q: How long does a Berkey filter last? How often do the Black Berkey filters need to be replaced?

A: Each Black Berkey Element is designed to filter approximately 3000 gallons of water before needing to be replaced. A set of two elements will last approximately 6000 gallons of water before needing replacement. If you have a two-filter Big Berkey and use 5 gallons of water per day, then you have 1200 days the filters will last. That's over 3 years.

Q: What happens if I use my Black Berkey Elements after 3,000 gallons?

A: We determine the typical lifespan of the Black Berkey Elements by their ability to reduce heavy metals. The breakthrough of heavy minerals can occur at about 3,000 gallons(6000 gallons per set of 2). Heavy metals can leach through beyond 3,000 gallons. However, the elements can be used because other reductions continue well beyond 3,000 gallons.

Q: How long does a Berkey fluoride filter last?

A: Under normal conditions, we recommend replacing each set of two PF-2 filters after approximately 1,000 gallons. If you have a two-filter Big Berkey and use 5 gallons of water per day, then the PF-2 filters should be replaced after (1,000/5) or 200 days. They should also be replaced about every 6 months.

Q: How should I clean my Berkey stainless steel chambers?

A: Wash the lower chamber once per month with soapy dishwater.
After prolonged use in areas with hard water, calcium scale may build up on spigots and chambers. To remove it, soak the affected part(s) in vinegar or a 50-50% mix of vinegar and water for about 15 minutes. Wipe away the calcium scale with a ScotchBrite pad or soft brush, wash with soapy dishwater, and rinse.

Q: When and how do I clean the Black Berkey Elements?

A: Cleaning the elements should be done when you experience a drastic slowdown in your flow rate. You may consider cleaning your elements consistently - for example, every 6 months. The benefit of doing so is that you won’t experience a slow flow rate. 

Q: Are the Black Filters or PF-2 Filters recyclable? 

A: No. We don’t recommend recycling the Black Berkey filters, PF-2s or PF-4s. The shells of the Berkey PF-2 and PF-4 are made of Polypropylene, which is Recycle Code 5. Uses of Polypro include catsup bottles, yogurt containers, margarine tubs & medicine bottles. However, there is no recycling code for the Berkey PF elements. As we understand, a recycle code cannot be assigned since the element is sealed and contains material inside for arsenic & fluoride reduction. To recycle, you must cut the element open and remove the material before recycling the plastic shell. The same issue applies to the Black Berkey filters. The complex matrix of materials manufacturing the BB9 elements does not allow the elements to be easily classified by a single recycle code. In addition, with both types of elements, there is no way of knowing what contaminants are in the media after use. That is why we are not recommending recycling our filters.


<Berkey Water Filter Problems>

Q: The filtering flow rate in my Berkey system is slow. What Should I do?

A:  If the flow rate slows considerably at any time during the lifespan of the filter elements, the problem can be easily remedied by re-cleaning the elements. What typically causes the elements to drip slowly is turbidity and sediment clogging the micro-pores of the filtration elements. Simply remove the elements from your system and scrub the exterior of each element with a ScotchBrite Pad or stiff toothbrush. Scrub a section of the element until you see a bit of black on the pads, and then move to the next section. This simple process should take only a few minutes. Re-prime each element and then reinstall it in your unit. Your flow rate should be restored. Never use soap or detergents.

If you just purchased your Berkey system and the filters hardly filter water, the problem is typically due to high water tension. This high water tension prevents the air from being purged from the micropores of the new elements. Your Black Berkey elements must be primed to purge this air out and allow water to flow through them. Included with your Black Berkey elements are a tan priming button and instructions for priming. Please remove your elements from the unit, prime them, and install them back in your unit. This should fix the slow flow rate problem.

Q: I just assembled the Berkey system but found the spigot started to leak. What's wrong?

A: This likely happened because the last 1/4 turn was not tightened enough. At the last 1/4 turn, leave the spigot 90 degrees out of phase, hold the nut in place, and turn the spigot for the last quarter to get a tighter turn.

If the leakage is coming from the cap of the spigot, unscrew it and pull the cap off. Once the cap and lever are off, assemble them again. This will fix the issue.

<Storing the Berkey System>

Q: How should I store my Black Berkey Elements, and how long is their shelf-life?

A: It is best to empty both chambers before storing because anytime water is still, it becomes stagnant, which means it can produce bacteria. You may consider washing your chambers with soapy water before drying them. If you have used your elements, you should fully dry them before storing them. We offer a tool to assist in both priming and purging. This tool is called a Black Berkey Primer. The benefit of purging the Black Berkey Elements is that they are dried quickly and cleaned simultaneously. Another option for drying your elements is to leave them on a window sill for one to three days and allow them to air-dry. The key is to ensure they are bone-dry before storing them to prevent bacterial growth.

For long-term storage, we recommend sealing the elements. This can be done with a storage bag such as a sealable sandwich bag. The elements are extremely powerful and can absorb odors and smoke from the air. Sealing them in a storage bag will not absorb any odors from the air. When ready to use your elements, they must be re-primed by scrubbing them clean with a Scotch-Brite pad or stiff brush. In theory, the shelf life of the elements is indefinite.

Q: How long can filtered water be stored, and what is the best method?

A: The length of storage depends on how the water is treated. When using the Berkey Biofilm Drops, water can be stored for up to 5 years. For long-term storage, 16 drops (1/2 tablespoon) of chlorinated bleach per gallon of water is recommended. Both treatments inhibit bacteria growth. Once you are ready to use the water, filter it using your Berkey system.

It's okay to use a plastic storage container for short-term storage. However, it’s best to use a sterilized glass container. We recommend storing your water in a cool, dry place.


<Size/Materials of Berkey Products>

Q: What is the thread size for the Black Berkey Element’s Stem?

A: The thread size on the stem of the Berkey Elements is 11 mm. The outer diameter is about 3/8 of an inch, and the inner is about 2/8 of an inch.

Q: What type of steel is used for the housing of Berkey systems?

A: Berkey Water systems use only the highest quality, highly polished AISI 304 grade stainless steel, known for its high corrosion and heat-resistant properties. These stainless steel chambers are durable enough to handle camping trips and college dorms yet elegant enough to complement your finest decor.

Q: What are the Black Berkey Elements made of?

A: Our Black Berkey elements comprise a proprietary formulation of more than six different media types, including high-grade coconut shell carbon, all constructed into a very compact matrix containing millions of microscopic pores.

Q: What are the Blocking Plugs for Berkey systems made of?

A: There are two different types of Blocking Plugs: Black Blocking Plugs come standard in all Berkey Light systems and some stainless steel systems. The black plugs are made of FDA-approved Buna rubber. White-blocking plugs may be used in some stainless steel systems. These include a nut and bolt that are made of Polypropylene. The washers are made of food-grade silicone. Please keep in mind that the water in the bottom chamber will not touch either Blocking Plug. The water will be filtered before it reaches the bottom chamber.

Q: What are the spigots for Berkey systems made out of?

A: We carry different types of spigots. 

Standard Spigots and Sight Glass Spigots are made of the following materials:
  • The stopper inside is “FDA grade silicone”
  • The shell/nut is FDA grade polypropylene.
  • The washers are FDA grade rubber.
  • The Sight Glass Spigot tubes are buffed aluminum gauge shields with a glass insert tube.
  • The small washers in the top and bottom of the tube to the Sight Glass Spigot are FDA-grade Rubber.

Vino Spigot is built a little differently. 
  • Washer – EPDM + Black Rubber
  • Back Nut- High-Density Polyethylene
  • Body – Polypropylene
  • Spigot – Polypropylene

Q: What is the plastic composition of the Sport Berkey components?

A: We only use plastic resins approved by the FDA.
  • The Bottle is FDA LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene)
    LDPE can hold your food products without leaching harmful materials or allowing microorganisms to permeate.
  • The Cap is FDA HDPE(High-Density Polyethylene)
    HDPE resin produces corrosion-resistant plastic and absorbs little moisture, making it well-suited for storing beverages. Also, HDPE containers don’t leach chemicals into their contents.
  • The Straw is FDA PP(Polypropylene)
    PP plastics are inert materials and do not present a health hazard.

Q: Do the Black Berkey Elements contain graphene oxide in their composition?

A: The Black Berkey® Elements are made of a proprietary blend of different media types, including high-grade carbonized coconut shells. We confirm there is no graphene oxide in the composition of the elements.

In addition, NMCL does not have testing to verify the reduction of graphene oxide by the Black Berkey® Elements. Without test results, we cannot determine if the elements are capable of reducing/removing this contaminant.


<Shipping/Return Policy>

Q: How much is the shipping fee?
A: We offer free shipping on orders over $99 within the continental US lower 48 states. 

Q: How long does it take to ship out?
A: We normally process and ship orders within 3 -5 business days. We do not ship on weekends or holidays. Please note that delivery times might be delayed during holiday seasons and peak periods.

Q: Do you ship overseas?
A: No, we do not ship to International Customers.

Q: How can I cancel my order?
A: Please call (888) 899-3903 immediately for help with order cancellations or changes to an order. We cannot cancel or change orders by email notification.

Order cancellations or changes are possible for orders still needing to enter the shipping process. We will not accept the cancelation for orders that have been shipped.

Q: How can I return the products?
A: Please be aware that all sales are final. We accept returns and exchanges only for incorrect orders or damaged, missing, or defective items. If your order is incorrect or defective, please contact us within 30 days of receiving the product to request a prepaid return label for the warranty replacement.

Please note that used filters cannot be returned for health and safety reasons. Please note that you must have our approval before returning items. Only shipments that have prior approval will be accepted.

Q: How can I get a refund instead of replacements?
A: Refunds will only be considered for incorrect orders or damaged, missing, or defective items and only if the return request is made within 10 business days of product delivery. No exceptions will be made for refund requests submitted after 10 business days.

The customer is responsible for return shipping fees and a 20% restocking fee for the items. The restocking fees cover the initial shipping fee we paid to deliver to you and the inspection cost of the returned items. Once there is a confirmed receipt of the items, The Berkey will refund 80% of your original purchase price.

Please refer to our return policy for further details.