Are Your Kids Drinking Enough Water? Make Sure of it Now!

Are Your Kids Drinking Enough WaterMake Sure of it Now!

In this generation, children and teens are more preoccupied with how to get the WiFi passwords than to remind themselves to drink water. Not to mention that this generation offers a lot of distraction which could reroute the minds and focus of the young ones and leave them careless towards their health.

Parents play an important role in ensuring that their kids are getting enough water intake they need daily. However, what happens if the kids are not on the lookout for their parents? Do they drink water regularly if they are in school or a friend's house? Do they instill discipline in themselves when staying hydrated if the parents are out for work? Now, those are examples of situations that are no longer within the control of parents. 

So, how do you make sure that your kids drink the sufficient amount of water they need?

Why Should Kids Drink Water?

Water is essential for a person's overall health. Our body is mainly composed of water and is dependent on water to be able to function properly. On the other hand, kids have more water percentage in the body if compared to adults. Hence, more they need to drink more water than the average. 

Water keeps you hydrated and functioning well throughout the day. It is an important factor in protecting your skin, your bodily organs, and your whole body in general. A human body naturally wastes water every day through sweating, talking, breathing, eating, and even the minor physical tasks you do on a day-to-day basis. Your body already uses up 30 to 40 percent of the water with those alone, which needs to be replaced regularly by drinking water. 

Kids are considered to be more hyperactive as compared to adults. They engage in playful activities that require muscular movements letting them sweat heavily. Furthermore, they are fond of talking endlessly because of their wild imaginations and fictional fantasies. Therefore, they are prone to lose more water than normal, and the more likely it is needed for them to drink water. 

The young ones are not yet mindful of their health and do not somehow yet comprehend the importance of taking care of it. So, they tend to be carefree and do, eat and drink whatever they want. If they feel thirsty, they do not consciously decide to drink water because it is good. Instead, they choose whatever is inside your fridge. In cases, if they are in school or outside from home, they will most likely choose a beverage drink that has different flavors because that is more interesting to their taste buds if compared to water. Nonetheless, kids are curious and explorers in nature. They tend to go for the ones that tickle their creativity and challenge their thinking. 

The Importance of Having Kids to Drink Water Regularly

Are Your Kids Drinking Enough WaterMake Sure of it Now!

The human body is suggested to have 60 percent of the water on average. In addition, kids have more percentages of water on their bodies as oppose to adults. Hence, the more important and needed it is for kids to drink water regularly. 

A lot of negotiation usually happens whenever parents try to introduce water to their kids and especially its importance to their bodies. If their parents are trying to offer them water, the most common question of kids is, "why?".

Our bodies may be composed of different amounts of water depending on certain factors, but generally, water offers the same benefits to every person. 

  1. Water is responsible for regulating the temperature of the body. In simple terms, it helps us not to get too cold and too hot in certain weather or climate conditions. 
  2. It is in charge of removing toxins and wastes out of the body. This is done through urinating and regular bowel movements.
  3. Water serves as the carrying machine for nutrients to successfully enter and spread to our body. 
  4. Water is a lubrication device that helps keep our muscles and joints functioning smoothly. 
  5. It protects and rejuvenates the skin, preventing it from becoming vulnerable to any skin problems or diseases.
  6. Generally, water enables our whole body to act and function normally and keeps us in a healthy state to easily reach our optimum potentials that are needed for a day-to-day encounter with tasks and activities.

When our body loses water, even as little as 5 percent of it, it already poses minor risks that affect our health. It causes the person to experience headaches, dry mouth, irritability or mood swings, tiredness, confusion and prevents regular heart rates. 

If kids stay in a situation in which they are hydrated, their ability to think and comprehend will be seriously affected. In the long run, it could result in an inability to learn and poor performances in school and as a kid in general. They may not be able to challenge their cognitive capabilities and mental capacities.

Dehydration is Common among Kids

Studies have shown that 8 out of 10 kids are found to have mild dehydration. In addition, children ages 6 to 19 are drinking less water than they should normally be drinking. As a result, most children suffer from dehydration. 

The American Journal of Public Health also published a study that stated a significant difference in racial differences when it comes to dehydration. It is found that kids from the black race are prone to becoming more hydrated than white kids. The reason might be with the unequal allocation of water supplies in specific supplies, substandard maintenance of water utilities or systems, or water availability is barely reachable to the black community. 

Dehydration in this sense could be mild, or it could also be severe depending on how the situation is being addressed. It has also been tested that kids are difficult to persuade in drinking water because they usually choose sugary drinks. Scientists from different universities have been studying how to let children drink more water and choose water regularly. 

The Institute of Medicine has made it clear that children and even teenagers should drink at least two to three quarts of water daily. This ensures that they stay hydrated and healthy no matter what physical activities are in store for them. Research also advises that boys should drink more water as opposed to girls. 

Quite the good thing is that it is easy and quick for them to re-hydrate if kids get dehydrated. Simply by just letting them drink more water and to make it a routine. Unfortunately, inadequate hydration can seriously lead to major health and mental problems for kids and teens. The more they stay dehydrated and do not immediately address the issue by drinking water, the worse their current health situation becomes.

Certain cities or local areas have a hard time providing kids, or the people in general, with water to drink on. If they can, the problem is still with the safety levels of the water, if it is healthy and reliable to drink.

Therefore, a bigger question arises, and that is, "how could you make sure that your kids are drinking safe supplies of water and could stay away from dehydration?"

Do your kids have access to Safe and Clean Water?

The case with dehydration or hydration is not as simple as grabbing a glass of water to drink on, but the water quality is just as important to make sure that you and your kids stay well hydrated and healthy. 

The water quality in particular regions is difficult to achieve and maintain. Certain factors contribute to this downfall of having poor quality waters. In addition, having limited to no access to quality waters can greatly take a toll in making sure that the children, and the people, are healthy and well. 

Some of the cases that could highly affect or is affecting the water supplies from being safe consumption are:

  • Poor maintenance of city pipes is causing them to corrode and distribute unsanitary tap water. 
  • Bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and other pollutants contaminate the water.
  • No sufficient supply of water for proper allocation around the area. 

There are a lot more contributing factors that enable the problem regarding water resources safety to continue happening. Paying attention to the water your kids are drinking is highly important to ensure that they will stay healthy. Furthermore, focusing on providing your kids with safe access to drinkable water is something that all parents should be mindful of. 

How can you Make your Kids Drink More Water?

There are many possible ways on how to make your kids drink more water than they should. It is important to ensure that they are getting a sufficient amount of water a day to prevent dehydration and further health problems. 

Are Your Kids Drinking Enough WaterMake Sure of it Now!

Be the Example

One perfect way to show your kids the importance of drinking water regularly is by setting an example. Kids look up to their parents as their role models. Especially at a young age, to which their brains are like sponges to which they absorb everything that they hear or see, it is likely that they will follow in your footsteps. 

Show them that you discipline yourself into drinking water from time to time. Also, it can be an advantage if, as early as their age, they could already practice the proper timing as to when to drink water. Drinking water at the right time can maximize the functions and potentials of your body. Here is a list explaining the different times where water is necessary and most important.

  1. Drink a glass of water after waking up. This is to activate your bodily organs and help clear out remaining toxins in your body before you even begin the day. 
  2. One glass of water before and after a meal. Drinking before your meal aids in your digestion and metabolism. Then, drinking another glass of water after a meal makes sure that the nutrients are absorbed by the body. 
  3. It is also necessary to drink a glass of water before taking a bath. Studies show that drinking a glass of water before bath time can help lower your blood pressure.
  4. Lastly, drink a glass of water an hour before bedtime. This is to replace the water that is used by your body during the night. 

Incorporate Creativity to Capture their Interest

Kids are playful and creative, and they are easily attracted to things that seem extraordinary to them. For example, a mixture of colors, weird combinations of shapes and sizes, or uniquely looking objects. Hence, to make them drink water, one best way to capture their attention is by mixing cut fruits with water. 

Chop tiny bits of different fruits like oranges, apples, watermelons, and alike and mix them all with water to make naturally flavored waters. It does not just attract your kids with all the colors and shapes, but it also makes the water even more healthy considering the different vitamins and nutrients found on the fruits. 

Please provide them with Sufficient Water Supply

If there is water, most importantly if that is their only available option for a thirst-quencher, kids are just most likely to accept that option. It is not depriving them of other enjoyable fluids or beverages but limiting their intake of sugary drinks and increasing their water consumption. 

Fill your fridge with mostly water or have a water dispenser conveniently available in your house. Easy access to water can significantly increase the chances of kids drinking water. Because if water is too difficult to reach or find, kids will forget about their thirst and continue with what they are doing. As opposed to having water available and accessible anytime, and it is easy for them to reach, the regular they will drink water.

There are many hindering factors when it comes to providing your kids with water, more so, making sure that they drink it. Nonetheless, always remember that it is better to ensure a healthy lifestyle than to regret the consequences in the end. 

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