Best Tips on How to Stay Cool On Summer Camping

Best Tips on How to Stay Cool On Summer Camping

Summer is probably the best season for outdoor adventure. School is out for the year, the weather is fine, and you can generally figure out how to get away from work. It's the ideal time to pile stuff in your car, hit the road, and get lost in nature.      

Camping in summer is a perfect activity but can also be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is the season to get outside and unwind, enjoying the long, hot days and warm, beautiful evenings.  

On the other hand, waking up in a hot tent on a scorching day can deter anyone from setting up camp. Read on for tips on remaining cool and making camp more enjoyable.     

Choosing the best spot.       

Choosing the right camping site in hot weather is critical. 

Whether setting up a tent, resting in a campervan, or setting up the entire caravan, the shade will be your closest companion at summer camp. 

Choose a spot in the shade from noon onwards to keep your tent cool in summer. It doesn't so much in the morning, and keeping a tent cool in the gentler morning light is simpler. Come midday, in any case, and the heat is on. An essential camp spot for the afternoon heat will help you remain cool while setting up camp. 

If you camp under a tree, know its health. If it is old or rotten, branches may fall on your tent. Choose a camp spot that lessens this danger or ensures that any branches above are huge and will probably not fall.

Consider the weather forecast.

If a scorching hot day is ahead, and there is potential for wind, adjust your tent so the breeze can stream through your windows to keep it cool. 

Set up close to a water source.

Another incredible tip is to camp close to water if possible. The breeze falling off the water will cool down your area, and a plunge is only a couple of feet away! If you don't find a waterside spot, take a cold shower from the camp amenities, or bring an inflatable pool for yourself, the children, and even the canine to splash in.

Make additional layers to block the sun.

Putting together a canopy or tarp for another layer can block the heat as the sun moves or shade a couple of trees at campgrounds.

Position that layer with about a foot of space between the highest point of the tent and the tarp to prevent the heat from moving from the tarp or canopy to the tent.

Collapse the tent during the day.  

Indeed, this can be a great deal of work, particularly if your tent has a ton of stuff inside. However, this is probably the ideal approach to keep a tent cool and worth the effort, mainly if you can't get to a shady area at your campground. 

Set up for ventilation. 

Remove the rainfly and open any vents in your tent to let as much breeze and air through as possible if rain is not forecast. However, consistently keep the rainfly nearby if unexpected storms arise. 

Use a double-walled tent.

This implies that the rainfly is a different layer than the tent itself. Eliminating the rainfly of a twofold-walled tent improves the wind current, keeping you cooler on warm summer evenings. Furthermore, the rainfly can keep you dry if a downpour is forecast. 

Avoid using single-walled tents with thicker, waterproof dividers that confine wind currents. This alternative can keep the tent closed and hot in the summer.

Sleep 'On' your sleeping bag, not 'In.'

Summer unquestionably doesn't need innovative low-degree bags. Yet sleeping bags made for a hotter climate can be hot and stuffy. Instead, sleep on top of your sleeping bag and cover it with a sheet. Silk camping bed liners likewise function admirably in the summer season. 

Best Tips on How to Stay Cool On Summer Camping

Sleep when it's dark.

The early morning sun can rapidly warm a tent. Furthermore, if moisture is noticeable, tents can rapidly feel like saunas toward the beginning of the day, making it challenging to rest once the sun rises.

Late evenings can make it tempting to stay in bed, yet having the opportunity to go to bed early will wake you up soon after the sun rises and give you a good night's sleep.

Dress for hot weather.

Wearing loose, light-shaded clothing will help keep you cooler on blistering summer days. Garments made of cotton, linen, or jersey are the most breathable and keep you cooler on hotter days.

Materials like polyester, nylon, and silk have the opposite effect: They make hot days feel considerably hotter, so avoid them. 

Schedule adventures for early mornings and late evenings 

The late morning heat can make activities outside hopeless and now and again risky. Take hikes, dip, or play lawn games in the cooler morning and evening hours when the sun isn't as scorching. Instead, spend the most blazing hours of the day relaxing under the tree's shade. 

Secure a portable fan or mister.   

Small fans—corded if you have power access or battery-operated if you don't—circulate air to cool you off. For the best air ventilation, look for battery-operated models that can be swung from the highest point of the tent.

Stay hydrated. 

Hydration is essential in hot weather for safety reasons, yet it will keep you cooler. Pack additional water for summer camping adventures, and drink before feeling thirsty. 

Ice-cool your water in insulated jugs to prevent it from getting excessively warm. To ensure you drink clean water while on camp, use the Berkey Water Filters, a filtration system for outdoor activities.

Take advantage of frozen water bottles in your water cooler

Use these or still-cold ice packs to keep your cooler cold once you no longer need frozen water bottles. You can hold a frozen bottle against your skin briefly for a moment's cooling impact. You can also set the bottle before a fan to blow cool air around within the tent.  

Opt for no-cook camping meals.

There is nothing better than meals prepared over a campfire; however, a fire never really keeps you cool in the summer heat while setting up camp.

Meals prepared on the camp stove emit significantly less heat. 

However, no-cook meals are ideal. Sandwiches, mixed salads, and cold fried chicken are excellent summer camping meals.  

Choose high-elevated or wooded areas.

Best Tips on How to Stay Cool On Summer Camping

Head to the mountains for summer camping outings, where summertime temperatures can be slightly lower than in lower elevations. Heavily wooded camping areas are another best alternative for remaining cool while setting up camp, where there is a lot of full shade the entire day. 

High elevations can relieve the high temperatures around the evening when the temperature can plunge once the sun goes down.

Camping Checklist for Hot Weather

Our staff camping checklist has a couple more things during the summer to help you stay cool while camping in the heat.

Packing only a few extra things protects you cool and safe from the burning sun. 

  • Sunscreen. It's essential to protect your skin from the sun throughout the year, but this is particularly important in the summer when there are longer periods of direct sun. 

  • Bug repellent. The warm summer months likewise welcome bugs, particularly in the humidity. Pack up bug repellent to keep these critters off your skin and clothes.

  • Hats and sunglasses. You must protect your face and eyes from the brutal sun during your days outside.   

  • Fresh fruit. Chilled fruits like pineapple, watermelon, and grapes are refreshing and hydrating, keeping you cool in the heat.

  • Bagged ice. Because ice dissolves quicker in the blistering climate, pack an additional pack of ice in a different cooler. Keep this cooler shut until the ice is needed to prevent it from melting. 

  • Portable fans. If you have power in your camping area, run small corded fans directly into your tent for a cooling breeze. Bring a battery-operated, USB-controlled, or solar-powered fan if you don't have power. Expand the breeze with two other fans for cross-ventilation. 

  • Extra water. We get serious about water in the summer since we use more than expected. If portable water is accessible at the camping area, bring a 5-gallon folding container so that you don't take up space with bulky water. 

  • Tent air conditioner.  An A/C that keeps you comfortable on your summer camp excursions is a decent choice. A few tents come with a vent to put in an A/C unit. Make a point to book a campground with power or have a generator to run the unit.  

  • Canopy. Bring a canopy to protect against rain and sun on camp excursions; additional tarps and bungee ropes will also do the work.              

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