Water is the most dominant element on Earth, but did you know that only 1.1% of it is suitable for drinking?
Also, if you’re fatigued, stressed, or depressed, did you know that a glass of water could alleviate your mood swings? Water offers many benefits, especially when you know more facts about it.
Depression and fatigue can often be an indication of dehydration.
It is important to drink water with meals as it helps with the process of digestion.
Water can help in losing fat. It allows our body to metabolize more efficiently.
Water can benefit your skin. As your body rehydrates through drinking, your skin will be nourished and will avoid sagging as you age.

You can go three weeks without food, but you will perish if you don't drink water within three days.
The immediate weight loss after your workout is not due to the amount of fat burned, but rather the water lost through excessive sweating.
Water comprises about 70% of our body, 12-18 gallons, depending on your weight. A 2% water level reduction in your body can decrease about 20% of your mental and physical activity.
The feeling of thirst only signals when your body is already dehydrated. Drinking water constantly is better, even without feeling the thirst reflex.
Children dehydrate more quickly than adults do.

Water boosts the immune system. Water guzzlers are less likely to get flu, cancer, or other ailments because more foreign and unwanted substances are flashed out with more water circulating in our bodies.
Drinking water frequently will prevent cramps and sprains. Proper hydration will keep your joints lubricated and your muscles more flexible.
After reading all these, you can grab a glass of water and drink. Remember to always stay hydrated with safe water!
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