Many households in the United States get their drinking water from a private well. That is a significant good thing since people can save money on it. They no longer have to pay for water to drink as long as the water from the well they get is safe.
Private wells are not covered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States. They regulate to ensure that the water from the systems delivered to our home is safe to drink. So this means there is no guarantee that the water you get from the private wells is safe.
The United States has one of the safest water supplies in the world. However, many things can still affect and contaminate drinking water sources. Some of them are natural minerals like arsenic or other kinds of chemicals.
These minerals are responsible for the malfunction in the wastewater treatment system. It also includes the use of pesticides near the water source. They could also get the water contaminated.
The appearance of your water can be deceiving sometimes. Just because it looks "clean" and tastes "normal" does not mean it is bacteria-free, especially if it comes from well water. Contaminants are often so microscopic, including bacteria, nitrates, or parasites —that you can't see them with the naked eye. To expound, there are a lot of contaminants that may linger in your well water.
One is those naturally occurring minerals and chemicals, which include copper, arsenic, and radon. Some well water also contains pesticides and herbicides. Some contain the so-called volatile organic compounds primarily from industrial and commercial activities.
Heavy metals may also float in the well water due to poor waste or mining management. If the sewers or septic systems are defective or poorly maintained, it may also cause well water contamination. Hence, before gulping the sweet relish of well water, you should test and see if it suits your and your family's consumption.
In this article, we will talk about well water in the following aspects:
1.1 Related Questions About Well Water
1.2 Is my well water drinkable?
1.3 The Natural and Unnatural Contaminants of Water
1.4 Getting Private Wells Checked
1.5 Reasons to Get Private Wells Checked
1.6 Well Water Testing
1.7 Why Should You Disinfect Your Water?
1.8 The Different Treatments of Water
1.9 Determine When to Disinfect Your Water Well: Its Preparations and Safety Measures
1.10 Our Recommendation -- Berkey Water Filters
1.11 How to Additionally Protect Your Well Water from Pollution
1.12 Well Retirement
1.3 Conclusion
Related Questions About Well Water
Is Well Water Safe to Drink if You Boil it?
Yes, boiling is the surest way to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites in the well water.
To boil the water to be safe, heat it to a full swirling boil. Keep the swirling boil going for at least one minute before you use the water. Store the boiled water in a clean, covered container in the fridge. Throw out the water after 72 hours (three days). You can use this boiled water for:
Adding to frozen orange juice and frozen lemonade
Making drinks
Making ice
Essential mouth care, like brushing your teeth
You can boil the well water for five minutes. With this, all the bacteria inside it will be removed. However, boiling will not be able to remove the solids and other materials inside the well water. Regularly test your well water to ensure 100% safe water for your daily household essentials.
Is Well Water Safe to Shower in?
Yes, it is completely safe to bathe or shower with well water.
Is Well Water Healthier than Tap Water?
Indeed, it is. Purified well water tastes better since it doesn't contain additional chemical compounds like fluoride and chlorine (in contrast to public water). While pure water doesn't have a flavor, well water might contain trace minerals that are significant for your body and flavor.
Thus, you get all the health advantages of clean water with no man-made chemical added substances. Best of all, you will not need to depend on anybody to carry it to you or have it in stock during a crisis.
Does a deeper well mean better water?
Regarding water quality and well depth, there's one rule of thumb: the deeper the well, the better the water quality. As you go further down, there's a higher possibility that the water you experience will be full of minerals.
Does heavy rain affect well water?
If you think surface water might spill into your well, it's an ideal opportunity to check your wellhead. It is unlikely heavy rain will impact all-around sturdy and functional well water.
Is My Well Water Safe to Drink?
If your drinking water comes from a private well, you must get it tested. You may conduct it through laboratory testing or an authorized research facility. This way, you may know whether drinking water is safe for you and your family.
Your bare eyes cannot see the harmful bacteria, parasites, and infections. This is why water looks and tastes may not be safe to drink.
Regardless of the possibility that you are not becoming ill, your well water may not be unsafe. A few contaminants found in well water can cause long-term health issues.

These microorganisms can exist in surface and groundwater supplies.
Specific chemical contaminants found in a water source can cause chronic health issues. That takes a very long time to grow. Constant water testing will determine hazardous water. It will guarantee that the treatment system is treating the water to a satisfying level.
If your neighbors’ well has been tested and observed to be safe, this does not mean yours is safe. The security of your well water relies on many factors. They include surface and underground geology, depth, development of the well, and more.
The Well water quality can change regularly upon revival/refilling because of the dry season. You must test your well water and keep all testing outcomes for future reference.
Various aspects should be addressed to keep up a healthy private well, that is, a well which gives 'safe' water:
- Construction – How strong was it constructed? If ever it wasn't built well, there might be issues at any time.
- Location – Where is it located? What issues have your neighbors stated?
- Maintenance – How old is the well if for years? Has the water quality been checked regularly?
- Water Source – What is the nature of the aquifer from which your water is drawn?
- Human activities – What is happening in your vicinity that could affect your well?
The more deep-seated your well (800+ feet), the cleaner the water. The CDC suggests having your well water tried for contaminants. They include Coliform bacteria, nitrates, and others, even once every year.
Testing your well water for pesticides, heavy metals, and inorganic mixes is vital before utilizing it out of the blue.
Natural and Unnatural Contaminants and Your Well
Naturally occurring chemicals and minerals (for example, arsenic, copper, calcium, and radon).
Pesticides, herbicides, and other cultivating works. They include runoff from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Industrial contamination and fuel drilling can present dangerous levels of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in well water.
Heavy metals from adjacent mining or mishandled waste.
Malfunctioning sewers or manufactured septic systems (the EPA prescribes that septic tanks should be introduced no less than 50 feet away from wells).
Getting Private Wells Checked
Septic Tanks | 50 feet |
Livestock Yards, Silos Septic, and Leach Fields | 50 feet |
Petroleum Tanks, Liquid-tight Manure Storage, Pesticide and Fertilizer Storage, and Handling | 100 feet |
Manure Stack | 250 feet |
Reasons to Get Private Wells Checked
It is essential to know the kinds of contaminants that may be present near your wells. The chart below lists the standard conditions or nearby activities that well owners may get their private well checked for.
Not every kind poses an immediate health threat to the quality of your wells. Some may just affect the water's taste, immediate appearance, and appearance.
Conditions or Nearby Activities: | Test for: |
Recurring gastrointestinal illness |
Coliform bacteria |
Household plumbing or service lines that contain lead |
pH, lead, copper |
Radon in indoor air or region is radon-rich |
Radon |
Corrosion of pipes, plumbing |
Corrosion, pH, lead |
Nearby areas of intensive agriculture |
Nitrate, nitrite, pesticides, coliform bacteria |
Coal or other mining operations nearby |
Metals, pH, corrosion |
Gas drilling operations nearby |
Chloride, sodium, barium, strontium |
Dump, junkyard, landfill, factory, gas station, or dry-cleaning operation nearby |
Volatile organic compounds, total dissolved solids, pH, sulfate, chloride, metals |
The odor of gasoline or fuel oil and a nearby gas station or buried fuel tanks |
Volatile organic compounds |
Objectionable taste or smell |
Hydrogen sulfide, corrosion, metals |
Stained plumbing fixtures, laundry |
Iron, copper, manganese |
Salty taste and seawater, or a heavily salted roadway nearby |
Chloride, total dissolved solids, sodium |
Scaly residues, soaps don’t lather |
Hardness |
Rapid wear of water treatment equipment |
pH, corrosion |
Water softener needed to treat hardness |
Manganese, iron |
Water appears cloudy, frothy, or colored |
Color, detergents |
Well Water Testing
Well Water Must be Tested at Least Once a Year
The nature of well water is continually changing, and the most ideal approach to secure your family is to have your water tested. While the public authority doesn't require it, it's a fundamental move to keep your family protected.
The EPA suggests that you test your well once a year for E. coli and coliform bacteria at a total minimum. You should likewise test your water for radon and arsenic, minerals like iron, manganese, nitrate levels, and any volatile organic compounds to guarantee your home's water is protected.
If you see a change in water quality, such as the appearance, smell, taste, and the like, it's smart to have your well tested, regardless of whether it hasn't been a year since the last test.
There are at-home, out-of-the-box tests you can buy and perform yourself. When you opt for this method, read precisely what the kit is testing for – not all tests are made equal.
If you suspect your well may have other contaminants, you have to get a test for that. However, you have to identify a potential problem since the testing will cost you money.
Before getting your well tested, you can consult a local expert. The first thing you should be concerned about is the local water contaminants.
Other Considerations for Well Water Testing
If there are small children, elderly adults living in your house, or even someone in your home who is pregnant or nursing, you may need to consider testing your well water.
These population segments will be more sensitive and vulnerable to contaminants than the rest.
Here are other considerations that you may test your well water immediately:
Water quality disturbance - when water changes in color, odor, and taste
Well water part repair or replacement - a reaction to your well water system likely creates changes in the water quality
Surrounding conditions altered - such changes as land disturbances, flooding, new construction, or industrial activity could affect your well water source.
Unknown groundwater problems - if an occurrence happens, you may need to undertake your well water testing
Lastly, groundwater, with a direct influence from surface water, could also influence the contaminants found in that water. This is because the activities on the surface easily influence groundwater.
Why Disinfect?
Groundwater isn't 100% pure water. It gathered in the modest pore spaces inside sediments and the cracks inside the bedrock. Groundwater contains some broken-down minerals. Many microorganisms usually appear in groundwater.
As indicated by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), most waterborne microorganisms are safe. Many are useful. A few, be that as it may, are pathogenic. Microbes, for instance, are from the intestinal tracts of individuals and warm-blooded creatures. For example, E. coli can cause ailment and death.
These pathogens may enter groundwater through septic tank floods. Another way is through contaminated runoff from forests, fields, and feedlots. Routine testing of the private well must be done. Chemical disinfection is essential to keeping a safe, private water supply.
Also, one must maintain a strategic distance from the damage of pathogenic organisms. Disease with E. coli, for instance, can bring stomach distress, diarrhea, severe sickness, and even death.
Did you know?
- Groundwater serves as the gathering of rainwater, melted snow, and ice. They filter through soil, sediments, and bedrock to settle beneath the Earth's surface.
- A watershed draws water to a sewerage area. It incorporates the groundwater in the drainage area.
- Groundwater composes around 98% of the accessible freshwater on Earth.
- Consistently, the U.S. utilizes around 83.3 billion gallons of groundwater.
Treatment of Well Water
A Filtration System
A water filter is a device that you can use to remove many kinds of contaminants and impurities from your drinking water. A water filtration system could use a chemical, a biological process, or a physical barrier to filter your drinking water. This is to make sure that it is safe to drink.
Sink Water Filters
- Eliminates foul odor and taste
- Removes sediment
- Removes chlorine and heavy metals
- There is less fluoride in the water
- There are no arsenic
- Reduces the nitrite and nitrate
- Less limescale
- Removes the bacteria and other microorganisms
Counter-top Water Filter
Water Softener
- Makes the hair and skin softer: Water softener makes the skin and hair soft, just like with clothes. Since it protects the skin gently, it can also affect the fabric you wear. As such, there will be an increase in general cleanliness.
- Prolong the lifespan of appliances: Appliances will be protected since chemical and residue buildup will be prevented. Also, it can use less energy as it operates.
- Stain-free surface: With a water softener, there will be stain-free surfaces. Also, the functionality of the soap will not be compromised. It will make the detergents effective and reduce the amount needed to clean a particular area inside the house.
- Salt-based water softener
- Salt-free water softener
- Dual tank water softener
- Magnetic water descaler
A Distillation System
- You can make a DIY design by yourself. This can be achieved using small rocks, sand, charcoal, and cloth. Use a cone-shaped object and put some charcoal on it. Then, create a filter by filling the cone alternately with sand and small rocks.
- You can boil the well water for 5 minutes. With this, all the bacteria inside it will be eliminated. However, boiling will not be able to remove the solids and other materials inside the well water.
- The use of chlorine drops or iodine tablets can effectively kill the bacteria in the well water. However, it can cause an undesirable taste.
- There are filters available that you can use during outdoor adventures. It usually uses a ceramic or carbon-based system to purify or clean the water.
Water Chlorination
Water chlorination is one of the many methods of disinfecting water. It deactivates the microorganisms by destroying their cell membrane. When the cell membrane is weakened, chlorine can enter the cell. After that, it can disrupt respiration plus DNA activity.
Chlorination can be done at any moment. Each point of chlorine can control a different area of concern. It can offer a complete treatment when the water enters the facility and leaves.
Moreover, chlorine has many purposes apart from disinfection. It can provide a residual that can avoid the growth of pathogens in the tanks. Berkey Water Filters can be your best option for treating well water. It can remove the most common contaminants from water better than any other gravity filter.
Chlorination is one process of disinfecting or treating the plumbing and well system with chlorine. This can eliminate or kill different kinds of bacteria.
It can kill the coliform bacteria, which indicates the presence of nuisance microorganisms in the water. When you disinfect a well, it will eliminate other water quality issues like nitrate contamination.
If you would like to eliminate a one-time bacterial contamination case, then chlorination is an effective method. However, if you have a long-term and ongoing problem, disinfecting will only fix the issue temporarily.
Your issues can be related to well construction, location, or maintenance. You have to identify the cause of this problem before you proceed.
Sometimes, the source of contamination is not clear. Some wells are hard to disinfect. These are the wells impacted by the flood, artesian wells, and wells situated near the pit. It is best to hire a licensed professional plumber or driller to do the work in these instances.
Full Chlorination
The full chlorination method can kill the bacteria that may be present in well water and aquifers. This is the standard method for the well drillers. They use this for persistent contamination of bacteria. Moreover, this method is used for waters affected by the flood.
Indeed, professionals often use the complete chlorination technique. However, you can also do it by yourself. Just gather the necessary equipment and follow the steps included in this article.
Determine When to Disinfect Your Water Well
Consider disinfecting the well if the following signs occur:
- If the tests show that there are coliform bacteria
- If the flood or surface water gets inside the well
- If the well is newly drilled or connected to the plumbing system
- If there are new changes or repairs made to the existing well
- If the well pump is newly repaired or replaced
- You need to disinfect it as part of the yearly maintenance
If you are disinfecting your well due to floods or think the surface water has entered, wait for it until it recedes. Have time to let the overland flooding pass or for the ground close to your well to dry before you begin.
Safety Measures
If you wish to disinfect your well due to bacteria's presence, you can boil your tap water. You can also use bottled water during the entire disinfection process.
If your well is near your neighbor's wells, then the process can affect their well, too. Ensure you let your neighbors know you are disinfecting your water well. With this, they can monitor for the smell of chlorine. Moreover, they can flush their system.
You must note that you must handle chlorine bleach safely and carefully. You must use protective clothing, gloves, and eyewear. Keep your pets and kids away from the area of the well during the entire process. Ensure you do not leave the bleach containers inside your house.
Keep the containers secured so you can avoid inhaling the odor. If you are using bleach in crawl spaces, well pits, or well houses, see that you follow the health rules whenever you are working in tight spaces.
Preparations for Disinfecting a Well
To disinfect a well, you can use any household bleach. The chlorine present in the bleach can destroy the bacteria. You can check the label to see if the bleach contains any additives.
The method of disinfection is based on a chlorine concentration of 5%. This is the common concentration of bleach inside the household. If there are minor concentrations of chlorine, it will affect the entire disinfection process.
You must take note of the following before you begin the entire disinfection proceedings:
First, you must notify everyone in your home that you will disinfect the well water. Then, store enough water for all your members for up to 24 hours. For drinking water, you can use bottled water during the process. You can also fill the water containers with well water.
However, you must note that you must boil the water before drinking. Meanwhile, you can use the bathtub to store water for household chores.
Since bleach can lose its strength after some time, you must buy unscented and regular chlorine bleach. You must also bypass or disconnect water treatment or filters.
This includes reverse osmosis, water softeners, and carbon filters. Finally, you must shut off the power of your water heater.
Steps on How to Do a Full Chlorination
To fully chlorinate the well, you must pump 1,500 to 2,500 liters of water from the well to a clean water tank. Ensure you don’t use containers that have previously helped with pesticides or fuel. This can contaminate your water.
Next, put 10 liters or 2 ½ gallons of bleach in your tank. Make sure that you remove the cap from the casing of the well. Then, mix another 10 liters or 2 ½ gallons of bleach again in 15 liters or 4 gallons of water.
Now, you have to pour the mixture into the well. You can use a funnel to control the bleach's direction and flow. See that you don’t let the bleach run on the wire connections.
After you pour the bleach, rinse the well water casing for a few minutes using a garden hose that is disinfected and connected to the water supply. With this, water can circulate inside the well. When you are done, turn off the hose.
Give an hour for the well to rest. This time will allow the chlorine to mix well with the water.
Then, you have to gradually pour the 1,500 to 2,500 liters of water plus the bleach mixture from the tank into the well. Control the flow so the bleach and water will not overflow the casing on the ground.
Then, tighten and replace the cap once again. Now, you have to open the faucets inside your house. Flush the toilets until you can smell the chlorine. This will enable you to circulate chlorine throughout your water system. Now, you can turn off the faucets.
Turn off all the water supply in your toilets. You can use the stored water if you wish to flush the toilets.
Ensure you let the bleach sit in the system for 12 to 24 hours. The longer the bleach remains in your water system, the more time the chlorine can have to eliminate the bacteria.
Finally, you have to keep the level of chlorinated water that proceeds into your sewage system at a minimum during the disinfection process. Excess chlorine can affect the operation of the septic field and tank.
Our Recommendation
The Well owners must embrace a multi-obstruction way of protecting their drinking water. Protection must incorporate standard monitoring for waterborne pathogens and raise disinfection when required. It's a duty to keep the well-being of families from being affected by sickness, depending on private well water.
Crown Berkey 6 Gallon Water Filter
This product includes two Black Berkey filters. However, you can upgrade it to 4, 6, or 8. Amazingly, it can accommodate up to 6 to 12 people daily with regular use. Indeed, the Crown Berkey 6 Gallon Water Filter is your best protection against water contaminants.
Berkey Light Water Filter 2.75 Gallons
How to Additionally Protect Your Well Water from Pollution
Unnatural Sources
To protect your well water, it’s essential to know how to identify potential sources of contamination. One way is to manage activities near the water source. For domestic use wells, this includes ensuring to keep away from sinkholes and the septic systems, a great source of hazardous chemicals.
Here are steps you may need to take note of to protect your well water:
- Slope the area around the well. This is to drain the surface runoff away from the well.
- Install a well cap or sanitary seal. This prevents unauthorized use of or entry into the well.
- Keep accurate records of your well-maintenance. This includes disinfection or sediment removal, which may require chemicals in the well.
- Hire a certified well driller. For any new well construction, modification, abandonment, and closure, a professional knows the best precautions to prevent contamination in your well.
- Avoid mixing hazardous chemicals near the well. This includes using pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, degreasers, fuels, and other pollutants.
- Do not dispose of wastes in dry wells or abandoned wells. Rainwater runoff may discharge to your well.
- Do not cut off the well casing below the land surface. It makes for efficient, well water transport; it supports a good and clean water source for your household.
- Pump and inspect septic systems. This can be scheduled on a monthly or quarterly basis. However, it can be done as often as your local health department recommends.
- Never dispose of harsh chemicals, solvents, petroleum products, or pesticides in a septic or dry well. Just like wastes, rainwater runoff may discharge residue into your well water.
- Periodically inspect exposed parts of the well for problems such as:
- Cracked, corroded, or damaged well casing
- Broken or missing well cap
- Settling and cracking of surface seals
- Regularly check the integrity of any above-ground and underground storage tanks that hold home heating oil, diesel, or gasoline on your property. When forgotten, it can even cause fire at once.
- Check with your local health department or environmental agency to ensure activities and industries on or near your property are set at a safe distance from your well. This should be noted to avoid inconveniences for you and the operating industry.
Natural Sources
Flooding, landslides, earthquakes, and other natural disasters can impact the overall safety of your well water. Contaminants incurred through such natural occurrences can also adversely affect your well water.
If you suspect your well is contaminated after heavy flooding or another natural disaster, contact your local state health department or environmental agency for advice right away.
They may need to inspect and test your well. If possible, a contractor with experience servicing drinking water wells is heavily impacted by natural disasters.
Water well flood response steps:
- Stay away from the well pump while flooded to avoid electric shock. The contractor wearing the proper personal protective equipment can only be the one to prevent this electric shock.
- Do not drink or wash from the flooded well to avoid becoming sick. Water is still unsafe until inspected and treated by a contractor or expert.
- Get assistance from a well or pump contractor to clean and disinfect your well before turning on the pump. Because of the natural disaster, it is likely that water is highly contaminated and thus needs immediate treatment.
- After the pump is turned back on, pump the well until the water runs clear to rid the well of floodwater.
- If the water is unclear, get advice from the county or state health department or extension service. They know exactly the following steps, such as contacting the EPA.
In its short guide, "What to do After the Flood, " EPA provides more specific steps for well owners to follow."
Well Retirement
Water wells, over time, exhaust themselves and stop functioning. As such, they should be retired from the community when they are no longer as useful as they used to be.
The process of water well retirement is often skipped by many people, leaving it further to deteriorate on its own, causing potential hazards to the people living within the area. Old wells fall under the landowner's liability, where the owner can also be put at risk if one of the neighbors gets sick or is affected by groundwater contamination.
One good reason why wells must be retired when no longer in use is because they will protect groundwater from surface contamination.
Next, it will protect the vertical movement of water between and among aquifers. Lastly, it will also lessen the risk of threats and other negative effects that may affect humans and wildlife.
To retire wells from their long-time functions, they need to be filled in and sealed properly. Each state has different policies and regulations regarding how and when landowners should coordinate with the local Department of Environmental Protection or Water Quality Division to notify and document the retirement of the well.
Generally, landowners should contact their local agencies to learn the necessary procedures in their area. If you wish to know more, visit Wellowner.org’s Old/UnusedWells for more information on retiring your water well for good.
Most of the time, you can't possibly retire wells without the help of a well water systems contractor. This is because certain equipment, tools, and skills are required to complete this task.
Furthermore, a professional will know more about plugging unused wells and your state's decommissioning (retiring) code requirements. So, you can look for a contractor in your state to have a convenient and hassle-free process of water well retirement.
Well water, in general, is a good source of water. This is because well water comes directly from the aquifer underground and not in the run-off or surface water —as a result, this makes it a cleaner and fresher version of your drinking water.
Even so, you should well water should go through various water filtration systems for it to be safe to drink. After all, water tested is water safe to drink.
Ultimately, ensuring the drinking water quality is one way to protect you and your loved ones from harmful contaminants that may put them at great health risks.
So, for the final question, is well water safe to drink? The answer is yes, but as long as you get the water tested regularly and set up house water filtration systems to ensure its quality.
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