Potassium Iodate, according to Wikipedia, is a chemical compound that is, at the same time, ionic. Potassium Iodate comprises K+ ions and IO3− ions in a 1:1 ratio.
In addition, Potassium Iodate is an oxidizing agent. Oxidizing agents are substances that can let other substances lose their electrons. A chemical reaction allows the oxidizing agent to remove only one or more electrons from another substance or atom.
In line with that, Potassium Iodate is commonly used or applied for radiation protection.
Radiation Protection
The beneficial purpose of the Potassium Iodate when it comes to Radiation protection is quite vital. Because it is in charge of not enabling radioactive iodine to accumulate on the person's thyroid, the way it takes place is that the Potassium Iodate supplies the body with enough sources of iodine. This should always be done before radiation exposure.
Some countries are known to stock Potassium Iodate in tablet form for safety precautions. Also, it is safe and legal because the World Health Organization approves it. However, certain promoters of this product promise consumers it can be used as a Thyroid blocker. However, that is not the case. That is why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has taken action to stop this false product advertisement.
Since the chaos of the 9/11 attack, Ireland has issued a rule that every household must be distributed with Potassium Iodate tablets for protection. On the contrary, it has been found through an experiment by an anonymous Irish expert that the distribution and results were not as successful as had been anticipated. So, the Irish government decided to dispose of the tablets instead.
Important Uses of Potassium Iodate
Other potassium iodate promoters or websites often market the product as a Thyroid-blocking agent. But, as mentioned earlier, Potassium Iodate does not work that way. It helps reduce the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid area.
Potassium Iodate is commonly used in cases wherein a nuclear explosion or accident just happened.
When a nuclear emergency has been called for, potassium iodate is used to protect you from radiation. Radiation carries radioactive iodines that spread throughout the environment after a nuclear accident.
Radioactive Iodines are extremely harmful, especially to children and babies. The tablets will act as a shield or stoppage for your thyroid, so you do not need to consume them.
Precautions Before Taking Potassium Iodate

Always Check the Ingredients of the Tablet
It is of utmost importance to check the ingredients of the Potassium Iodate. This ensures you are not allergic to the ingredients and prevents unwanted side effects.
Most importantly, if you discover that you are allergic to any iodine substances, it is certain that you will be allergic to radioactive iodine as well. This is another matter that needs to be urgently discussed with your doctor.
Do not take Potassium Iodate IF:
Do not take potassium iodate if you have dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin disease that causes itchiness whenever you encounter gluten.
When you have kidney troubles or any problem related to your kidney.
You have Hypocomplementaemic Vasculitis.
You are/were diagnosed with an overactive thyroid gland.
Due to extreme heat, you get dehydrated or are suffering from cramps.
If you are currently pregnant, expecting pregnancy, or want to have one, always advise your doctor, especially if you are breastfeeding.
Potassium Iodate is not prohibited during pregnancy but is highly limited. It should be taken in a minimum number and at a lower dosage.
In addition, always remember to inform your doctor or pharmacist about any recent or current medicines or drugs, whether prescribed or not. It is important to disclose this to your doctor to ensure safety and avoid unnecessary risks.
How to Take Potassium Iodate?
Ideally, Potassium Iodate is used right after a nuclear accident. As soon as you are advised to do so, the ideal dosage is a single tablet for adults. Due to age restrictions, there are different ways and dosages to take Potassium Iodate.
For newborn babies, the ideal way to let them take Potassium Iodate is to crush 1/4 of the tablet and mix it with their formula or even water. Please advise the assigned nurse to respond immediately if the newborn is still hospitalized. They know the standard protocol for giving newborn babies Potassium Iodate after a nuclear incident. If not, the ideal dosage for newborn babies is 12.5mg of iodine in replacement for their basic, given solution.
The same manner as that from newborn babies is to be followed for months-old infants. Take 1/4 of the Potassium Iodate tablet, crush it, and mix it with milk or water.
For children, one tablet of Potassium Iodate should be taken. The same steps should be taken by crushing it and mixing it with jams, yogurts, or juices.
CAUTION: When exposed to radiation for a long time, taking another Potassium Iodate dose is necessary. However, this is not advised for pregnant, breastfeeding, and newborn babies.
Afterward, always consult the physician or doctor to check if the thyroid is normal. Hazardous risks follow for those who might have taken more Potassium Iodate than they should have.
Signs That You Might Have Taken Potassium Iodate More Than You Should
A swelling sensation inside and around the throat is
Constant headaches or dizziness
Having difficulties with your vision (i.e., blurriness)
Unable to breathe properly and easily
Internal bleeding, particularly on the stomach or intestine area. This will cause you to either have some blood spots on your stool or when you vomit.
If you experience these, you must contact your doctor immediately for immediate assistance.
What is Radiation in the Concept of a Nuclear Explosion?
Radiation is a type of energy that undergoes transmission. It comes in all shapes and forms that are nearly impossible to see with our naked eye. Radiation is almost everywhere.
It can take visible light, the ultraviolet rays that we get from the sun, and the channeling signals to and from the radio and television are the most common forms of radiation that we are usually exposed to.
Especially in today's generation, almost everyone in all age groups is always glued to their mobile devices or high-tech gadgets, which leads to a much higher risk of radiation exposure.
However, the good news is that these forms of radiation are not classified as extremely harmful or deadly. This is because these examples of radiation are grouped as non-ionizing radiation. It is as opposed to the sun's rays' radiation, though, wherein it is ionizing.
So, What is Ionizing Radiation Then?
Ionizing radiation is the kind of radiation associated with nuclear energy and nuclear medicine usage. An example of ionizing radiation is the X-ray.
Ionizing radiation carries just enough energy to interact with matter, such as the human body.
Nuclear radiation arises from hundreds of different kinds of unstable atoms. While many exist in nature, the majority are created in nuclear reactions. Ionizing radiation, which can damage living tissue, is emitted as the unstable atoms (radionuclides) change ('decay') spontaneously to become different kinds of atoms. -World Nuclear Association
Types of Ionizing Radiation
The World Nuclear Association categorizes the principal kinds of ionizing radiation. It is just as important to be aware of these kinds to determine the sources of harmful radiation and potentially prevent exposure.
Alpha Particles
This kind of ionizing radiation is probably the least harmful among the other ionizing radiation because Alpha Particles cannot penetrate the human skin. So, it is only considered harmful or even deadly once emitted inside the human body. The Alpha Particles are commonly carried by larger radioactive nuclei such as uranium, thorium, radium, and transuranic elements.
Beta Particles
The Beta Particles are considered fast-traveling radiation particles among the other ionizing radiation types. The Beta Particles are a little bit more dangerous than the Alpha particles. They can penetrate the skin, but only slightly or in-depth, since the Beta particles can easily be shielded. A common result of being exposed to Beta Particles is acquiring sunburn.
Gamma Rays
Compared to the two ionizing radiation particles, the Gamma Ray is the most harmful among them. Substantial shielding is further required because its ability to penetrate the human skin is persistent.
All kinds of Radiation have been proven harmful to human health, so we must understand what they do to our health.
Being aware of the possible effects of radiation on our health may enlighten us to think and take precautionary measures to prevent such danger to ourselves.
The Effects of Nuclear Accidents on the Human Health

There have been many incidents of Nuclear Explosion all across the globe. Especially the most common nuclear accident is power plant explosions.
Alarmingly, the effect of radiation emitted from the nuclear explosion on a person's health has increased drastically over the past decades.
Apart from the fires and falling debris caused by the explosion, which are also extremely harmful and even deadly to humans, another source threatens people's health: the radiation that evolves from the explosion.
Unfortunately, the effect of radiation comes up fast, depending on the period of exposure you are to it. Employees and people near the scene of a nuclear explosion are at higher risk of acquiring radiation syndrome caused by radioactive materials emitted from the explosion.
The radiation from the nuclear explosion directly targets a person's DNA. Furthermore, the dividing cells responsible for regenerating a person's tissues, bones, and skin are also at extreme risk.
Most importantly, because of the radiation, a person's brain may also be affected and damaged. These can cause, depending on the period you are exposed to the radiation, allergic skin reactions such as rash, vomiting, diarrhea, instant coma, or death.
The longer you are exposed to such radiation, the worse your health conditions become. The deeper and inner radiation damages your internal body organs, such as gut damage, blood infection, disruption of red and white blood cell production, and many more that are impossible to imagine.
Hence, it will be harder for a medical specialist to cure you.
Potassium Iodate and its Significance on Radiation Protection
With all of the above mentioned, it could be concluded that potassium iodate is significantly important for radiation protection.
Given all the advancements and technologies, we can no longer be sure when nuclear explosions might occur.
So, it is always best to be informed and prepared to avoid unwanted risks and losses.
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