The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

We can all agree that adding some extra flavors to water will make drinking water more interesting. Not saying that plain water is bad or not interesting, but sometimes, we need to add a little spice to change things up from the usual to normal. Not to mention, adding flavor to water is also a great way to engage yourself, most importantly, kids to drink more water. We can all agree that if we choose between sugary drinks and water, most of us will opt for the one that would likely tickle our taste buds. However, we can not always have and drink sugary drinks because it is not healthy for a person. 

With the discovery of flavored water, we can now have the best of both worlds by having something that is both healthy and tasteful. But, we are not talking about the processed flavored water because, not to give any bad lights on the companies that produce this kind of product, it has been proven that processed flavored waters contain chemicals that might cause potential harm to a person's health, especially when consumed over some time. Moreover, this article promotes naturally made flavored waters. 

Not only that you still retain the health benefits of water itself, but with the additional natural and organic ingredients, more extra health benefits are added as well. This article will introduce the different natural recipes to make up your flavored water.

The Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

Basically, for this lineup of combos to make up your flavored water, it just takes a couple of minutes to make. Since the whole process of doing so is as simple as mixing all the ingredients in a jar, preferably for safekeeping. The combo ingredients below are a mixture of simple yet tasteful. Not only that but they are also guaranteed to boost up your immune system and keep you healthy. 

The things that you will need to proceed with making your flavored water are:

  • Glass Jars with Lids
  • Bucket/s of Ice
  • Water
  • Your chosen fruit or herb ingredient

The following lists of suggested naturally flavored water combos below are as simple as to make. So, there is not an exact procedure as to how to mix and make your flavored water. Since all ingredients are natural, there is no room for errors here, because in this case, having more or less of one thing is not a problem, for all the ingredients you are using are guaranteed healthy for the body. Hence, you will find below detailed information regarding the certain health benefits you will be getting upon having these flavored waters. 

1. Watermelon and Jalapeño Flavored Water

The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

You prepare your glass jar and fill it halfway with some ice cubes. Afterward, pour in the water but do not allow it to reach the mouth of the jar. Leave off at least 2 to 3 inches of the gap from the water's surface to the jar because you do not want the water to overflow from the pot after adding in the fruits and clean up a lot of mess once you are done. 

Next, add in the sliced watermelons and Jalapeños. Stir all the ingredients together to allow the juice of the ingredients to come out and mix with the water. Now, you have your first naturally flavored water all ready to drink. 

Watermelons contain a load amount of Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system and helps your body produce antibodies to fight off any sicknesses or diseases. In addition, watermelon also carries a fair amount of Vitamin A, which is good for the eyes and can help reduce macular degeneration or cataracts. Furthermore, watermelons also contain Vitamin B6, which is good for the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 also helps the body to break down proteins. The more you intake proteins, the more Vitamin B6 is needed for your body to break down those proteins. The watermelon is approximately 90 percent of water, which means that it is beneficial in keeping the body well-hydrated and nourished.

On the other hand, Jalapeños also has their fair share of health benefits for the body. Although fairly small, it is jam-packed with nutrition and vitamins that the body needs. Jalapeños are rich in containing Vitamin C, and as we all know, Vitamin C is a great antioxidant. Together with the watermelon, it also carries a good supply of Vitamin A. 

2. Lime Slices and Basil Flavored Water

The same process of making the Watermelon and Jalapeños flavored water goes for this combo and the other combos after this. It is just a matter of mixing everything according to your preferred taste. 

Lime is a member of the citrus fruit family. Like any other fruit, Lime is also a good antioxidant that boosts the immune system. Moreover, Lime is also a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium, Vitamins A, B, C, and D. A lot going on for just a minimal-sized fruit. That is why it works perfectly in a mixture with your water. Not only does it add taste to your average tasting water, but it also offers additional health benefits. Lime gives off a series of health benefits, and some of them are the following:

  • Skin Rejuvenation. Limes contain vitamin C and flavonoids, which help strengthen the collagen of the body.
  • Improves your Digestion. Limes are acidic and help out the saliva break down the food, making it easier for digestion.
  • Boosts your Metabolism. Because of the acid component of Lime, it helps significantly with digestion. Furthermore, it is also a great way to shed pounds because it increases your metabolism, which then helps your body to burn more calories.
  • Lowers your Blood Sugar level. Limes are known to contain a low glycemic index responsible for regulating the amount of sugar that your body intakes. 

Basil is a common herb with this unique scent of aroma, which belongs to the mint family. It is commonly used to add flavor to recipes, but little do we know that Basil also has some health benefits. Studies have shown that Basil is an antioxidant, fights off cancer, pain reliever prevents diabetes, protects the liver and blood vessels, and helps relieve stress. 

3. Apples and Cinnamon Flavored Water

As the famous quote always say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," which is indeed true because Apple carries a lot of nutrients and vitamins that are found to be extremely good and healthy for the body. Apple is known to be rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber.

  • It is incredibly helpful regarding improving neurological health. Studies have found that apples contain a kind of antioxidant called quercetin which is said to help cell damage that results from oxidation and neuron inflammation.
  • Apples help reduce your chances of having a stroke.
  • Researches were also conducted and found that apples also help when it comes to lowering bad cholesterol levels.

Cinnamon also has its benefits when it comes to aiding human health. The U.S National Library of Medicine was able to find that Cinnamon is an effective remedy for treating muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and erectile dysfunction. As same as with the other fruits, Cinnamon also has antioxidant effects that help fight off bacteria. 

4. Citrus-filled Flavored Water 

The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

For this particular combo, you are free to incorporate any citrus fruits that you have near your area or are accessible for you. Examples of Citrus fruits are Lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges, Tangerines, Limes, Pomelo, Buddha's Hand, Blood Orange, Oroblanco, and more. Whatever each of these you have available, you can slice them up as many kinds of fruits as you want and mix them all in the same jar. 

5. Raspberry and Lime Flavored Water

 In this combo, to add a little creativity and color to it, try to mush the raspberry to squeeze out its juices, giving the water a bit of a misty raspberry color.

Raspberry is an extremely rich source of antioxidants such as quercetin, gallic acid, and Vitamin C. These combined are a great shield that prevents acquiring cancer and heart diseases. Raspberries are also known to contain anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Lemon Flavored Water

The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

The most common flavored water among all of the combos on the list must be Lemon flavored water. It is usually the go-to beverage for those who are in a goal to achieve weight loss. Since lemon water is said to repress hunger and increase your metabolism. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, pectin fiber, calcium, and potassium. 

7. Grapes and Pineapple Flavored Water

Grapes are considered to be rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols can prevent many types of cancer, including lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, esophageal, mouth, endometrial, pancreatic, and cancer in the pharynx. Other health benefits of grapes are:

  • It helps you with Weight loss because grapes reduce the ability of the body to store fat.
  • Grapes contain resveratrol that improves the blood vessels dilation that causes the bloodstream to flow smoothly.
  • Improves Brain performance. Due to the unique properties of resveratrol, the circulation of blood in your brain is also made easier. Hence, enhancing its functions and reaching its optimum potential.
  • Protects your skin from any skin diseases or cancer, and radiation.

Pineapples are delicious by nature and in their original state. They are also known for their seemingly incredible health benefits. Pineapples are best known for their ability to reduce inflammation of the joints and muscles, which prevents arthritis. It contains this unique proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which is responsible for breaking down stubborn proteins. Moreover, pineapples also have anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Watermelon and Lemon Flavored Water

It is unlikely to imagine the mixture of watermelon and lemon, but many of you might be surprised that it could potentially be a good mixture. Just do not squeeze the lemons too hard. Let its juices naturally come out of the lemon. With the combined nutrients and vitamins found in both the watermelon and lemon, you can guarantee yourself a healthy beverage that can be a great substitute for water.

9. Cucumber and Mint Flavored Water

There is just something about cucumbers that most people find refreshing, which is indeed a fact. The same thing goes for mint, and there is just this soothing effect that they give to people who either smell or taste them. 

Cucumbers have high water components and carry essential nutrients such as magnesium and potassium. All of these three are perfect for keeping the body hydrated. In addition, cucumbers also have anti-inflammatory compounds that can effectively remove wastes and toxins from the body and prevent skin irritation. 

Mint leaves also have their health benefits, including being an amazing appetizer and helps improve digestion significantly. In any cases of indigestion or inflammation, the soothing effect of the mint leaves can remedy the sick feeling you get and relieve you off from it. Furthermore, it also improves digestive and oral health and also aids in preventing cancer.

10. Papaya and Mango Flavored Water

The 10 Best Natural Flavored Water Recipes

Not only are Papaya and Mango are of the same color, but they also make a perfect combination as well. Their softness and sweetness are just satisfyingly good for the taste buds. 

Papayas contain an enzyme called papain which is helpful in terms of digestion. Fun fact, that particular enzyme is also used to tenderized meat. Papayas are also rich in fiber and have a high water content, which both are proven to prevent cases of constipation and helps achieve a regular bowel movement.

Mangoes, on the other hand, decrease the risk of macular degeneration and types of cancer. Furthermore, it improves digestion significantly and is extremely good for the skin and hair.

You are Your Maker!

The recipes above are just suggestions that are already proven to be tasty and a good substitute for water once in a while. You can always mix it up the way you want to. Just remember to use all-natural and organic ingredients because this aims to achieve a healthy substitute for water. 

Then again, always remember that even though we are using healthy and natural ingredients for this, this does not mean that you should never drink the regular water anymore. Of course, you still need to do so to provide your body with that all-natural cleansing effect. 

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