Dehydration Headache: An Overview
Sometimes, certain individuals don't drink enough water to the point of getting headaches or migraine.
For some people, it could feel as simple as a hangover headache, a situation which is, in many cases, portrayed as a throbbing torment on the two sides of the head that is exasperated by active work.
That being said, how it feels can change if another underlying medical condition causes it.
To say the least, headaches are among the most well-known causes of pain that can adversely affect daily activities.
Yet, what are the key signs that dehydration may be the reason for headaches? There are various sorts of headaches. No less than nine (9) out of ten (10) adults will encounter one sooner or later.
Don't worry, though, because a few headaches can be not so difficult to treat and stay away from. One of those kinds is a dehydration headache. So, what exactly is a dehydration headache?
This article investigates what a dehydration headache is, the symptoms and symptoms that a person would possibly have, and how they may deal with or stop it.
1.1 Dehydration and Headache
Dehydration occurs when you lose more water than you're absorbing. Sometimes, you may simply forget to hydrate or drink enough water.
However, most often, lack of hydration occurs when one practices vivaciously and neglects to recharge the water lost through sweat.
On extremely hot days, especially when it's hot and moist, you can lose a lot of water through sweat. Dehydration is likewise a typical symptom of numerous prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
Mild dehydration might cause a dehydration migraine. Different side effects can include:
dry or sticky mouth
not urinating much
darker yellow urine
cool, dry skin
muscle cramps
1.2 How Does Dehydration Cause Headache?
Few studies and research undertakings tackle dehydration-related headaches without one more recognized cause. However, the available study proposes that getting a headache after a period without drinking is feasible and immediately "relieved" by simply drinking water.
Another way that dehydration headaches manifest is through fasting migraines. Numerous solid food sources, such as foods grown from the ground (e.g., fruits, and vegetables), contain water, so fasting could likewise, in principle, prompt the cure or prevention of dehydration headaches.
As indicated by research, a fasting headache can happen for eight (8) to sixteen (16 ) hours in the wake of fasting starts. Mild dehydration typically settles once an individual resumes eating.
1.3 More Symptoms of Dehydration
A dehydrated headache can feel dull or extreme. The pain can occur in the front, back, side, or all around the head. Don't try moving your head because it may cause more pain.
A dehydration headache is not the same as a sinus migraine because an individual encountering a lack of hydration migraine will probably not feel facial torment or strain. Pain is likewise far-fetched to happen toward the rear of the neck, as a tension headache could cause it.
Point in case of dehydration, headaches can happen when the body has lost a lot of liquid, and side effects of drying out will happen with the headache.
More Symptoms of Dehydration Headaches:
extreme thirst
reduced urination
dark-colored urine
dry, sticky mouth
loss of skin elasticity
low blood pressure
increased heart rate
Certain individuals may encounter a dehydration headache if they are seriously dried out or lose too much fluid. They might encounter the above side effects as well as extra side effects, for example:
lack of sweating
sunken eyes
shriveled skin
1.4 Causes of Dehydration Headaches
Dehydration headaches occur when the body loses an excess of liquid. Indeed, even mild dehydration can cause headaches.
To reiterate, drying out happens when the body doesn't get sufficient water to address its issues. Certain variables can keep the body from recharging liquids and electrolytes.
These variables increment the gamble of dehydration and include:
diarrhea or lose bowels
outrageous perspiring, either from heavy activity or heat
excessive urination or pee
1.5 Other Related Causes for Dehydration Headaches
There are underlying medical conditions —related to headaches — that can be deteriorated by dehydration.
For instance, drying out can trigger episodes of headache or tension headaches. A tension headache, for the most part, causes pain in your head, neck, and sometimes behind your eyes. Migraine, on the other hand, is a neurological condition that can cause headache episodes and different side effects, for example, nausea or sensitivity to sound and light.
A headache migraine likewise influences the brow or one side of the head. Migraine is commonly hereditary and can be very disabling when not handled properly.
Dehydration can set off or worsen cerebral pain associated with different medical conditions or the impacts of substances. For instance, you can encounter a hangover headache after drinking alcohol or liquor. Liquor can cause a lack of hydration, which can aggravate your cerebral pain.
A more clinical reason is orthostatic hypotension, which is an unexpected drop in pulse while standing upstanding. This condition is often brought about by a heart or nerve issue or certain prescriptions and medication.
It can prompt what is known as a coat-hanger migraine, which affects the rear of the head, the neck, and the shoulders. Another reason can be postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which is a gathering of neurological conditions that can trigger headaches and coat-hanger migraines.
1.6 Risk Factors for Dehydration Headache
The truth is that anybody can encounter a lack of hydration. A great number of people will encounter mild dehydration. Nonetheless, a few people are at higher risk, including:
individuals who inhabit higher elevations
babies and small kids
elderly people
individuals with persistent ailments, like diabetes and kidney sickness
individuals who take meds that increment urination
athletes, competitors, or individuals participating in demanding physical work
individuals who live in warm environments or hot climates
How to Prevent Dehydration Headaches
It takes some self-awareness to recognize when a headache triggers you. Additionally, assuming you have an underlying medical condition that can cause migraines, you can follow these steps to prevent a lack of hydration from exacerbating your headache or migraine.
Ultimately, the most effective way to forestall a dehydration migraine is to avoid a lack of hydration or dehydration. An individual can find the accompanying ways to keep their liquid and electrolyte levels in balance:
Drink enough fluids
This is perhaps a very straightforward way to combat dehydration in general. Many people need no less than eight (8) cups of water each day. However, a few people might require more.
Eat liquid-rich food varieties.
Food varieties like cucumbers, different vegetables, and organic products have a high water content.
Get sufficient liquid over the day.
Spreading out how much liquid should be consumed instead of drinking everything simultaneously helps keep the body hydrated.
Hydrate more during activity or when exposed to a hot and humid climate
During heavy sweating and perspiration seasons, such as heavy activity or openness to a warm climate, one should increase their water consumption. Drinking more water during these times will recharge the additional liquids lost through sweat.
Treat underlying conditions for dehydration.
Fevers and infections can make the body lose more liquid than expected. Tending to the reasons for drying out while expanding liquid intake can assist with forestalling dehydration symptoms.
Keep away from caffeinated drinks and liquor.
Caffeine and liquor could both increment pee at any point yield, prompting a higher risk of dehydration.
Lessen difficult movement during heat or, on the other hand, if feeling unwell.
Heat and disease can both increase the body's requirement for liquids. Weighty activity can cause additional liquid loss through sweat, which can be hazardous.
Dehydration Headache Treatments and Remedies
If you have side effects from other underlying medical conditions, you might wish to discuss them with your primary care physician so you can seek proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If you're dehydrated and experiencing a migraine, you should replenish your liquids.
Drinking Water
First, drink water immediately. Most dehydration headaches settle within three hours of drinking. You don't have to overhydrate: A glass or two of water ought to help most of the time.
Drinking excessively fast, in some cases, makes dehydrated individuals get nauseous and vomit, so taking slow, consistent sips is ideal. You may even suck on a couple of ice shapes, too.
Electrolyte Drinks
While plain water should suffice, electrolyte solution drinks help recharge the minerals your body needs to work efficiently.
Electrolytes are obtained from the foods you eat and the drinks you drink. Lack of hydration can disturb the significant equilibrium of electrolytes in your body, so recharging them with a low-sugar sports drink could help you feel better.
OTC Pain Relievers
On the off chance that your headache doesn't further develop even after drinking water, you can have a go at taking an OTC pain killer, for example:
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)
aspirin (Bufferin)
acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Avoid OTC migraine medicines containing caffeine, as caffeine can contribute to dehydration. As usual, check with your primary care physician before beginning any new prescriptions, even OTC medications. Take these prescriptions as directed with food or water to avoid an upset stomach.
Cold Compress
At the point when your head is pounding heavily, ice is your companion. A gel ice pack is, by and large, the most agreeable choice. You can purchase these ice packs with a cover that lashes around your brow. You can likewise effectively make your own.
Many individuals find that crushed ice in cubes or squares makes a homemade ice pack that fits better on their temples. Put the ice in a plastic pack on your head, and rest somewhere dim and calm. You can likewise try utilizing a washcloth that you've soaked in water and set in a tad.
When To See A Doctor for a Dehydration Headache
You should seek professional help immediately when you are starting to experience these things as listed below:
Headache pain doesn't improve
If you still have headaches even after replenishing yourself by drinking water, resting, and taking over-the-counter pain meds, call your medical services provider. Most drying-out migraines get better after several long stretches of water and rest.
Pain returns or is severe:
Call your medical care supplier, assuming your headache pain returns. Persistent (repeating) migraines and extreme pain might indicate a serious medical issue.
You have a few other side effects or symptoms.
Vision problems, unsteadiness, sickness, and vomiting indicate difficulty. See your medical care provider assuming you have these side effects alongside migraine torment that doesn't disappear.
You have indications of extreme dehydration.
Drying out can likewise prompt serious medical issues. Assuming you or your kid has indications of lack of hydration, see your medical care provider immediately.
Water Deprivation Headache: A Conclusion
Dehydration headaches can range from somewhat irritating to seriously excruciating. However, they typically disappear after drinking water and loosening up in a cool spot.
To forestall a dehydration headache, simply hydrate over the day and increment the sum you drink when you work out. Continuously pause and hydrate, assuming that you feel the side effects of drying out.
Call your medical care supplier if your migraine doesn't disappear with water and rest. Move help immediately if you have an extreme migraine or when you return.
To ensure proper hydration at all times, you should invest in a good and reliable water filter, such as The Berkey Water Filter. This will not only prevent dehydration but also keep you safe from water-related diseases caused by unfiltered and contaminated water intake.
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