All About Water - Water Quality, Water Filter, Water Resources and Issues

Coliform Bacteria in Water: What It Is and Why You Should Mind

Coliform Bacteria in Water: What It Is and Why You Should Mind

Little do we know, the public is still skeptical about the safety of their drinking water. Who can blame them? Society has been terrifying enough to trust that even water, nowadays, can be dangerous. Only to consider that water is one of the most important necessities of people. Questions on the safety and portability of drinking water have been a part of human curiosity. Moreover, it has been bugging people ever since. The truth is, we still do not trust if we are taking in water that is safe for consumption or luring ourselves to what should not be. In all...

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Sediments Water Pollution: How Sediments are Formed

Sediments Water Pollution: How Sediments are Formed

How Sediments are Formed and the Different Kinds of Sediments Found in Water May it be caused by natural floras of water found in seas, oceans, lakes, waterfalls, and many more, or can be caused by human activities that disrupt the natural state of water and creates turbidity, thus forming sediments in the water. Sediment is a matter or substance that settles at the bottom of any liquid. Caused mainly by human activities, like mining and agriculture, and artificial chemical and waste materials, various particles get mixed up with water. Without interruption with the water's natural state, these particles sometimes...

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What is a Pesticide and What are Its Uses?

What is a Pesticide and What are Its Uses?

Pesticides are one of the volatile organic compounds found in the environment. Volatile organic compounds are rapidly evaporating chemicals that are created by man. There are different types of volatile organic compounds aside from pesticides. Those are gasoline, kerosene, thinner used for paints, insecticides, and even arsenic. Pesticides are commonly used to kills or control pests.  A pesticide is chemically designed to kill pests, though not to a specific species but is toxic enough to kill a human being. Pesticides are formulated to be Active or Inert. Active pesticide ingredients are chemical ingredients that directly kill pests, and inert pesticide...

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Transparence to Translucence: Devastating Aftermaths to Earth’s Agua Life

Transparence to Translucence: Devastating Aftermaths to Earth’s Agua Life

Water has been an integral part of the world. Long been created, it has endured natural catastrophes unharmed and serene as it was since the beginning. It composes at least 70% of both the Earth and the human body; from the most effective water forms like great oceans surrounding the continents, lakes in-between countries, rivers bordering states, and springs bathing forest fauna to small forms that include human extracellular and intracellular fluids. At the same time, development and progress have also been noted to change its phase. With technology constantly upgrading, the Earth has been home not only to natural...

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