All About Water - Water Quality, Water Filter, Water Resources and Issues

The Dangers of Toxic Contaminated Water in America

The Dangers of Toxic Contaminated Water in America

Our earth is mainly water, and it is sad to say that most of our access to water is now contaminated. Earlier this year, many Americans gathered and protested to better the water systems and have an easy grant to safe and drinkable water.  Our water is contaminated with different toxic chemicals that are harmful to the health of humans. The most prevalent toxic chemicals that are creating terror with our waters are the PFC and PFOA.  I can guarantee that every person across the globe wants the right to have easy access to safe and drinkable water. Who would...

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The Best Portable Water Filter for Any Outdoor Activity

The Best Portable Water Filter for Any Outdoor Activity

We can all agree that almost every person across the globe loves to go out once in a while. When I say go out, I meant basking in the great heat of the sun, appreciating the incredible scenery that nature can bring, enjoying the company of your friends and loved ones, and generally just having fun in the outdoors. The world has a lot to show us, and it is just but fair for us to accept this invitation that the world is giving us.  Undoubtedly, planning any outdoor activities for the family or friends to enjoy is always a...

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The PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline

The PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline

The PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline has been circling the globe because of its awesome ability to prolong a gasoline's shelf life. Not only that, but it also has other amazing benefits, especially during emergencies. Furthermore, the PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline works on any gasoline or fuel out there and helps it improve its performance to its optimum capacity.  What are the Features of the PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline? The PRI Fuel Stabilizer Gasoline is definitely to be considered a must-have in every household. Most importantly, if you own or have a passion for cars and if you live in places...

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The Best Water Filter Systems that Remove PFCs, PFAS and PFOA from Drinking Water

The Best Water Filter Systems that Remove PFCs, PFAS and PFOA from Drinking Water

When you think about your well-being, filtering your household water is more of a need than a choice nowadays. Water contamination has turned into a critical issue that can't be overlooked anymore.   It doesn't make a difference where you live. The same number of the most hazardous chemicals enter the ecosystem and food chain, spreading starting with one continent then onto the next.   Fish and other natural life are showing the impact of water contamination. There's motivation to consider that chemical contamination might influence human health. This is regardless of the possibility that the impacts are not generally...

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Big Berkey VS Royal Berkey Water Filter: Best suits your needs

Big Berkey VS Royal Berkey Water Filter: Best suits your needs

The Royal Berkey and the Big Berkey have been competing for the number one spot in the Berkey water filter brand for over some time now. These two have been the go-to Berkey filters that are often chosen to make them a part of the household. Undeniably, these two are indeed convenient and reliable when it comes to providing high-quality waters. But, the big question still roams around, "What sets these two apart?" This article will be dissecting the different features and benefits of these two Berkey filter water systems. This is to give our consumers awareness and more knowledge to understand...

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Potassium Iodate Tablets for Radiation Protection

Potassium Iodate Tablets for Radiation Protection

Potassium Iodate, according to Wikipedia, is a chemical compound that is, at the same time, ionic. Potassium Iodate is made up of K+ ions and IO3− ions in a 1:1 ratio. In addition, Potassium Iodate is an oxidizing agent. Oxidizing agents are substances that can let other substances lose their electrons. A chemical reaction occurs that allows the oxidizing agent to remove either only one or even more electrons from another substance or atom. In line with that, Potassium Iodate is commonly used or applied for radiation protection.  Radiation Protection The beneficial purpose of the Potassium Iodate when it comes to Radiation protection is quite vital....

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Berkey Water Filter vs Reverse Osmosis vs Distilled Water

Berkey Water Filter vs Reverse Osmosis vs Distilled Water

Water systems that use water purification methods deliver pure water, such as Reverse Osmosis (R.O.), distillation, Berkey purification, and more. There are other purification methods, yet these are the most widely recognized. Water systems use filtration methods such as adsorption, carbon, activated carbon, kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF), and particulate filtration. Many people tend to use the terms of water purification and water filtration. In the water business, they are not the same. The majority of the standard water filters use at least one water filtration and water purification method. There has always been a comparison between the Berkey Purification, Reverse Osmosis,...

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Water Contamination : What are the causes?

Water Contamination : What are the causes?

Water Contamination           What is water contamination? Water contamination is when waste, chemicals, or different particles cause a waterway (i.e., waterways, seas, lakes) to end up distinctly hurtful to the fish and creatures that need the water to survive. Water contamination can disturb and contrarily affect nature's water cycle also. Normal Causes of Water Pollution Sometimes, water contamination, can happen through characteristic causes like volcanoes, green growth blossoms, creature waste, and residue from tempests and surges. Human Causes of Water Pollution           A considerable measure of water contamination originates from human movement....

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Present Water Condition in Los Angeles

Present Water Condition in Los Angeles

Many countries suffer from water shortage, and others are dealing with health problems caused by contaminated water; numbers of people die every day because of these problems, and the mortality rate increases because the problem is still unsolved. Contaminated water may be one of the causes of uncontrolled deaths in other countries; it may be because they cannot afford to buy a good water system to alleviate the problem somehow. Contaminants may not always refer to microscopic organisms, and sometimes it is due to chemicals released in rivers or lakes that residents are left with no choice but to consume....

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Bottled Water vs Tap Water: The Truth about Bottled Water

Bottled Water vs Tap Water: The Truth about Bottled Water

We tend to squander what we are abundant in. Water, comprising two-thirds of the planet and roughly 70 percent of our body, truly dominates us. We take water for granted as we get used to having the privilege of owning this resource.   A glass of water that spilled was nothing because you can take a refill. But for all we know, being thirsty and dehydrated makes us enervated - that’s the time when even drops of water will make us appreciate.   Water is our instant cure - as it quenches, it purifies. Just like in our body, water...

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How to Prevent Chlorine Allergy - Facts and Treatment

How to Prevent Chlorine Allergy - Facts and Treatment

Water is a symbol of purity, but it seems hard to believe. If you look at the present water problems, people around the globe are suffering. Water problems include water-borne illnesses such as diarrhea, hepatitis a, cholera, and others. Due to the uncontrolled increase in these illnesses, the government and the citizens are looking for ways to treat and clean their waters. One of the well-known water treatments used by the government in treating the water supplied to their citizens is chlorinating the water. Chlorine is a hazardous substance often described as having a strong choking scent. It is poisonous...

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Drink Water More Often - Facts about Drinking Water

Drink Water More Often - Facts about Drinking Water

Water is the most dominant element in the plant, but did you know that only 1.1% of Earth’s water is suitable for drinking. Also, if you’re fatigued, stressed, or depressed, did you know that a glass of water could alleviate your mood swings? Water offers a lot of benefits, especially when you know more facts about it. Depression and fatigue can often be an indication of dehydration. It is important to drink water with meals as it helps with the process of digestion. Water can help in losing fat. It allows our body to metabolize more efficiently. Water can give...

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The Importance of Iron in Our Body - Risk and Safety for Health

The Importance of Iron in Our Body - Risk and Safety for Health

Iron is one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. Iron helps produce hemoglobin, an important component of the red blood cell, which contains oxygen transported throughout the whole body. By doing so, iron helps in warding off anemia and fatigue because of the increased production of hemoglobin, thus increasing the blood count. When consumed in higher doses, though, that is more than the body’s therapeutic level, iron overload occurs. Medically known as Hemochromatosis, significant signs and symptoms that occur are weight loss, joint pain, and fatigue. The same signs and symptoms occur when iron in the body is...

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The Journey of Water and Our Lives - How Water Cycle Affects Us

The Journey of Water and Our Lives - How Water Cycle Affects Us

Around 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. This water evaporates and gathers (condenses) into clouds. The clouds result in precipitation, and this water falls back to the earth’s surface, prepared to begin the cycle once more.   For what reason do I give it a second thought? The water cycle is crucial not exclusively to climate yet to live on earth. Rain is essential for the survival of plants and people. Condensation is fundamental for cloud development. Evaporation is essential to cool and keeping a decent balance of water vapor in the air.  “Water Cycle is a continuous...

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Coliform Bacteria Present in Our Drinking Water

Coliform Bacteria Present in Our Drinking Water

Several particles are visibly seen in the water, but there are numerous different kinds of bacteria or parasites that are not seen with our naked eyes. There are already deaths and diseases reported every year because of these unseen organisms freely floating in the water that we drink; though these cases may vary from different countries, it does not mean that we are safe. Contaminants are everywhere, and if untreated, they may cause illness.   Let us not put our lives to the test living it to authority, and believe that the water is supplied to us is indeed crystal...

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Water Quality and Problems in Houston Texas

Water Quality and Problems in Houston Texas

Drinking water is a natural routine that we humans do every day. Knowing that water gives us so many health benefits in our body, we make sure not to miss even one glass of it a day. The cleanliness of the water around the world may differ from country to country or even between states. Despite the difference, there is one sure thing, none of it is too clear that even a single harmful substance won’t exist. Many water issues are being faced by everyone around the world, but what are the specific issues? Let’s look into the Houston, Texas’ water...

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The Evolution of the Portable Water Filter: Sport Berkey

The Evolution of the Portable Water Filter: Sport  Berkey

          Bottled water is convenient. Anyone can buy anywhere for $2/bottle. Anyone can bring it with him everywhere he goes. Some would rather buy multiple bottled water every day rather than bringing a tumbler and filling it with drinking water anytime. It is convenient, especially for people who are always in a rush.           During a long and tiring day at work, at the gym, in school, at the park, you will need to rehydrate yourself, and drinking fountains are not always available. So you won’t have a choice but to buy...

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The Need of Clean Water - Who needs it? Why do we need it? How bad do we need clean water?

The Need of Clean Water - Who needs it? Why do we need it? How bad do we need clean water?

THE NEED FOR CLEAN WATER HOUSEHOLD Clean water plays an essential role in the household. Most especially when there are members of the family who are conscious about their health – people who need proper attention when it comes to liquid/food intake like sick, toddlers, and elders who take their medicines regularly. Also, clean water needs to be considered when preparing food for the family. And the most important thing is simply drinking. Most people nowadays follow the 8-glasses per day rule, which also implies that clean water must be considered. BABIES’/TODDLERS’ FORMULA MILK Clean and purified water is essential...

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Unsafe Level of Toxic in a Drinking Water are Exposed to Millions of Americans

Unsafe Level of Toxic in a Drinking Water are Exposed to Millions of Americans

You may have heard the news that you are drinking unsafe water. Reports say millions of Americans are drinking water tainted with toxic chemicals. USA Today reported about 4 Million in the US exposed to deadly, toxic chemicals in their drinking water. Despite this reality in the water, federal and state regulators often do not force them to comply with the law, USA Today added. Below is the data that USA Today investigated for a year. About 4 million people get water from small companies. They skipped tests or did not conduct them properly. Some 100,000 people get water from companies that found high...

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Water Conservation for Future Generation

Water Conservation for Future Generation

  Saving water saves lives. Since water is essential for life itself, we need to conserve it for the future generation. Nowadays, we use and misused water more than we need. Everyone must know that it is our primary duty to learn its importance and how easy it would be to take action now before it’s too late.   Conservation is defined as “the act of preserving, guarding and protecting or wise use of environment or its natural resources.” It can be done or start even on the small number of adjustments that could become a big blast in conserving...

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