Today, we use plastics in almost every aspect of our lives. This is unsurprising since plastics are lightweight, sturdy, and long-lasting.
Yet, according to researchers, having plenty of plastics around can cause serious health problems. Also, the chemical bisphenol A, commonly found in our products, is something to be cautious of.
This article will discuss BPA and its effects on the body. We will also introduce tips on minimizing its impact on health.
Understanding What Is BPA
The acronym BPA stands for Bisphenol-A. It was created by a Russian chemist in 1891. In the 1930s, BPA was found to be a chemical that can simulate the functions of the hormone estrogen in humans.
Moreover, BPA entered the industry in the 1950s and became a major factor in the production of plastics worldwide.
It is a chemical used to harden plastics and make plastic resins, keeping metal from breaking and corroding. BPA is found in epoxy resins for food and baby formula, polycarbonate drinking bottles, hard plastic baby bottles, and infant glasses. Studies show that BPA can be mixed into foods or beverages from containers made with BPA.
Mostly, these are hard, clear plastic bottles with a reusing code "7" inside the triangle.
Since 2009, most baby bottles made in the U.S. have NOT contained BPA.
It is also used in medicinal equipment, dental sealants, smaller plates, and warm paper (used in certain sales receipts, fax paper, and lottery tickets).
To sum up, below are the common products that may contain BPA:
Canned foods
CDs and DVDs
Dental filling sealants
Eyeglass lenses
Feminine hygiene products
Household electronics
Items packaged in plastic containers
Thermal printer receipts
Sports equipment
Numerous BPA items must replace BPA with bisphenol-S (BPS) or bisphenol-F (BPF).
Yet, even small concentrations of BPS and BPF may upset the capacity of your cells in a way similar to BPA. Thus, a satisfactory result may not be achieved without BPA-free bottles.
Plastic items labeled with the recycling numbers 3 and 7 or the letters "PC" likely contain BPA, BPS, or BPF.
How Can It Enter Your Body?

BPA is known as an endocrine disruptor. It can imitate the body's hormones and hinder its production, transport, and secretion. It copies how the hormones behave, such as the estrogen.
According to studies, pregnant moms and children are susceptible to BPA.
BPA is mostly found in water bottles and has become a serious issue, especially in water bottle industries. DrinkMore Water president Bob Perini decided to remove polycarbonate bottles from their portfolio.
They substituted their products for PET bottles with ZERO BPA, a tough and expensive decision that cost more than $1 million. Nonetheless, it was a brave and wise decision to promote health and wellness for consumers.
Dangers Of BPA
The controversy about the danger and safety of BPA has been ongoing for a long time and is still being debated. Some agencies and companies say it is safe for numerous reasons.
On the other hand, many rebut by showing different facts and figures that can harm one's health.
Much research has been conducted to determine the truth about the chemical BPA. Even if we try to convince ourselves and others that it is useful and safe, its effects on our health are inevitable.
BPA has hazardous effects on our health. It can cause several health problems, especially if we are often exposed.
Health problems such as cancer, diabetes, and congenital disabilities are some of the most common causes. It can also damage our respiratory system and kidneys.
Here is a list of the most common health risks of being too exposed to BPA.
Breast and Prostate Cancer
Experts believe that excessive exposure to BPA can increase cancer risk in the prostate, breast, and other parts of the body.
Furthermore, it is stated in the study that fetal exposure to BPA can cause long-lasting effects on the body's organs. This is especially true for babies, who can potentially lead to hormone-related cancers as they grow up.
Medical professionals found out that BPA can hamper the effectiveness of chemotherapy during cancer treatment.
Cardiovascular Problems
Studies found that even low-dose exposure to BPA is linked to cardiovascular problems. Examples of these are coronary heart disease, heart attack, angina, and peripheral artery disease.
BPA from plastic can trigger atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, and changes in blood pressure.
Dental Issues
A French study 2013 found that low daily exposure to BPA can damage tooth enamel. Although the study needs more research, it found that the white marks and brittle enamel on the teeth of 18 children can be signs of BPA overexposure at an early age.
Obesity Breeder
In 2013, the Kaiser Foundation Research Institute scientists evaluated the BPA levels in the urine of 1,326 children in Shanghai.
They have found out that girls who have higher BPA levels in their system were twice as obese as the average children in their place.
Pre-Diabetes Trigger
A paper published in the Acta Diabetologica stated that people with high BPA levels in their urine are linked with a pre-diabetes condition. Meanwhile, this is independent of the risk factors of traditional diabetes.
Interestingly, the study states that BPA can affect glucose metabolism through resistance to insulin, adipogenesis, oxidative stress, and inflammation, regardless of diet and fitness level.
Reproductive Disorders In Both Men And Women
Women Reproductive Disorder
In today's generation, it is impossible to avoid contact with BPA because it is available almost anywhere. Most food items today are packed using BPA materials, and it is an environmental contaminant.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital scientists published a study in 2013 that showed that BPA exposure can affect the maturation of eggs in women.
Another study conducted in 2015 stated that BPA can hamper endocrine functions, including those of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. It suggests that BPA disruption can affect ovulation and puberty and, in the long run, even lead to infertility.
In a study published by the Jilin Medical College of China in 2013, it has been found that long-term exposure of women to BPA can cause endocrine disorders. Then, it is followed by functional and morphological changes in the vagina, uterus, oviducts, and ovary. Indeed, this is known to cause fertility issues.
Another study by the University of California in San Francisco discovered that BPA exposure in female patients can interfere with the oocyte. Furthermore, the health of the oocyte is diminished during IVF, which can disrupt proper implantation and conception.
Men's Infertility Caused By BPA
Researchers at the University of Buea in Cameron have studied the effects of BPA on infertility. They have found different results regarding the reproductive health of men.
First, BPA can influence male impotence. Massive exposure of men to BPA may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. There can also be problems with ejaculation and sexual desire.
Second, BPA can affect the balance of the hormone. In adults, this chemical can affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. It can alter the hormones which are known to cause sperm dysfunction.
It can also prompt oxidative stress in the epididymis and testis. As such, it suggests antioxidant supplementation, which could offset BPA-induced side effects.
Third, Men who are often exposed to BPA can be more susceptible to developing urinary problems and abnormal semen parameters.
Babies At The Womb Is At Risk Of Diseases
Babies in the womb are at high risk of adapting to the negative effects of BPA. They are at the critical stage of embryo development. It can prevent the proper development of the embryo's thyroid.
BPA can produce various defects in babies. Examples include the feminization of the male fetus, increased prostate size, atrophy of the testes, disruption of BTB, and shortening of AGD. It also changes adult sperm parameters such as sperm density, count, and motility.
Finally, according to experts, the adverse health effects of BPA can be transgenerational.
Fetal Brain Development
When pregnant moms are exposed to large doses of BPA, their babies’ brain development could be affected. This is especially true during gestation.
Some of the impacts in the developmental stage include DNA modification, interference with the regulation of estrogen, and anxiety after birth.
Respiratory Problems
Similarly, a 2016 study found that early exposure to BPA can increase the risk of developing respiratory problems, such as asthma and pneumonia.
Type 2 Diabetes And its Impact on Body Weight
Even low-level exposure to BPA can contribute to insulin resistance. In the long run, it can cause type 2 diabetes. Studies found that BPA can impact body weight.
Vitamin D Drain
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to various health problems for adults and children today. Some of these illnesses are weight gain, heart disease, arthritis, insomnia, and even cancer.
A study conducted in September 2016 found that exposure to BPA can lower Vitamin D levels.
In addition to BPA, phthalates in vinyl and fake fragrances can disrupt the hormone and lower Vitamin D levels.
Furthermore, experts agree that hormone disruptors can affect the active form of Vitamin D in the body, just as they can disrupt the thyroid's normal functioning.
Meanwhile, if you're worried about BPA, you can follow these simple steps to lessen its exposure to your body:
Tips To Lessen Exposure From BPA

1. Use BPA-Free Products
Manufacturing companies create hundreds of thousands of BPA-free products. The next time you buy products, be keen and look for the label 'BPA-free.' If you can't see the label on the product, do not panic. Note that some plastics marked with recycling codes 3 or 7 indicate products made with BPA.
2. Cut Back On Cans
Since most cans are made with BPA-containing resins, there is one solution to do. Lessen the use and consumption of canned foods. Most importantly, cook from raw and scratch to ensure healthier meals.
3. Avoid Heat
Advice from the National Institute of Environmental Health Science, part of the National Institute of Health, avoids microwaving polycarbonate plastics.
Furthermore, they should not be put in dishwashers, as plastics may break down over time, allowing BPA to seep into food and beverages.
4. Use Alternatives
We must be mindful of everything we do, especially our health. Instead of using plastic containers for hot food and beverages, substitute them with something more "healthy."
Use porcelain, stainless steel, and glass containers to avoid BPA leaching into your foods.
Some preventive methods here mostly involve lifestyle change, a huge decision requiring much effort and time.
Especially if you grab breakfast with canned food, why eliminate that part of your life? You can opt to retain or minimize the use of canned food. However, there is one option that can guarantee you the lifestyle you still want.
5. Sports Berkey Water Filtration System
Sports Berkey water filtration system and all Berkey systems with Black Berkey Elements eliminate 99.9% of unpleasant taste and odor, unwanted chemicals, sediments, salts, and chlorine.
This water filtration system is designed to diminish heavy metals, toxic chemicals, detergents, pesticides, petroleum-based products, VOCs (Volatile organic compounds), chlorides, and trihalomethanes.
Most importantly, this product is made from BPA-free materials.
Instant Elimination Of The BPA In Water Bottles
The Berkey water filtration system instantly removes BPA and other unwanted chemicals from water bottles. It utilizes ionic adsorption Microfiltration.
The Sports Berkey Water Filter's unique characteristics are due to its "tortuous path" arrangement. This practical and portable filtration system uses medical-grade technology.
In summary, various studies show that BPA can seep into food from containers and affect the body. Exposure to this chemical is a major health concern nowadays, especially for children.
In the meantime, you can follow the abovementioned tips to protect your family from potential risks.
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