Discovering How Can Drinking Clean Water Alleviate Allergies

Discovering How Can Drinking Clean Water Alleviate Allergies

Discovering How Can Drinking Clean Water Alleviate Allergies

Each year, thousands of Americans are affected by the triggers of seasonal allergies. The common indicators include watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. However, one of the most overlooked symptoms is dehydration.

Drier air and changing temperatures make it hard for the body to be hydrated. As such, drinking water will not only flush the system. It can also eliminate foreign substances like allergens, which circulate in the body. 

Indeed, drinking a good amount of water is important to your health. Keeping it hydrated will also bring an end to your allergy issues. As you drink extra fluids, it can help thin the mucus found in the nasal passages and drain the sinus.

Drinking caffeine and sodas can alleviate dehydration and not help solve allergies. As such, the goal is to drink at least 60 ounces of water each day. You can do this by buying water bottles, subscribing to water delivery, or installing water filters in your home.

In this article, we will discuss what dehydration and allergies are. Moreover, we will discover the remedies on how to combat dehydration and allergies at your home.

Allergies and Dehydration

Do you have allergies? Allergies can be hereditary. They are common in children, but they can appear at any age. Sometimes, it can disappear and return at a later stage of your life.

No parents wanted to see their children suffer from allergies. Any child can develop allergies. However, they are common in children from families with allergies history. Since the parents can’t control everything that their child eats or gets exposed to, parents should focus on monitoring their child's symptoms.

Early identification of the allergies will improve one’s quality of life. It can reduce the number of missed work or school days. If you are suffering from allergies, it is time to consult an expert and identify the problems.

People with allergies suffer because of the histamine reaction in their system. Histamines are produced by the body to combat dangerous pollutants. The symptoms that your body feels are its natural way to fight the harmful irritants. Examples of these are pollen, mold, and dust.

Histamines can regulate the body's water supply whenever the body does not receive an adequate amount of water. Histamine production functions as a defense mechanism. It performs as such to preserve water in the body. As such, when the body is dehydrated, histamine production increases. This enables the body to experience similar trigger symptoms like those of seasonal allergies.

Symptoms of Allergies

The common symptoms of allergies are the following:

  • Itchy, blocked, or runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery, itchy, and red eyes
  • Chest tightness, cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath
  • Asthma
  • Red rash or hives
  • Swollen eyes, tongue, lips, or face.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, feeling sick
  • Cracked skin, dry, or red skin

The symptoms may vary depending on the trigger and the contact. In rare cases, allergies can lead to anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. This can be life-threatening and needs medical attention immediately.

Kinds of Allergies

Discovering How Can Drinking Clean Water Alleviate Allergies

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common ailments which is caused by allergies. Some of the symptoms include an itchy nose, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, and postnasal drip. If you have allergies, you may experience red, itchy, and watery eyes, plus chronic ear problems. Allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever. However, it is not always triggered by hay, and it does not cause fever.

Nasal Congestion

Allergies are one of the common causes of chronic nasal congestion like stuffy noses experienced by children. Sometimes, the nose of the child is congested, and they breathe through the mouth. This is true, especially when they are sleeping. This causes the child not to have a good sleep and become tired the following day. Thus, early treatment of allergies, which causes nasal congestion, can prevent these problems.

Ear Infections

Allergies can lead to ear inflammation and accumulate fluid in the ear. This can promote ear infections and decrease one’s hearing. A child whose hearing is impaired can develop poor speech while learning how to talk. Moreover, allergies can cause ear itching, fullness, and popping of the ears.

Food Allergies

In the United States, there are around 6 million children who suffer from food allergies. If a mother is breastfeeding, some infants can have allergic reactions to their mothers' food. As such, babies must be tested for allergies. Eliminating such foods from their mother’s diet may cure the child’s allergies.

All parents of a child with a food allergy must be aware of the potential anaphylaxis. This is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can impair breathing, drop in blood pressure, and put the body into shock.

Preventing Dehydration and Allergies

It is best to prevent dehydration and allergies early on. Most sufferers of allergies and asthma try to modify their environment to help alleviate wheezing, sniffling and sneezing. Experts agree on focusing on cutting down the toxins and air pollutants inside the home. But apart from this, you can also test tap water sources to help prevent allergies and asthma attacks.

Here are some essential steps on how to do it:

Chemicals in the Water: Cause of Allergies

Testing your drinking water source can be a good idea if you or your family member has asthma allergies. According to studies, chlorine can make asthma in children worse. Chlorine is a chemical added to tap water to kill bacteria.

However, chlorine in the water can trigger allergies and asthma. People with allergies are sensitive to the fumes produced by chlorine. The gases can build up in an enclosed container which can irritate the lungs of adults and children. It can cause skin irritations, dry skin, itching, rashes, and respiratory conditions.

Apart from chlorine, fluoride can also affect people with allergies and asthma. Fluoride is added to the municipal water source to help fight tooth decay in children. However, it can compromise the health of others. For many years, studies have documented the effects of fluoride on people with allergies.

Another chemical to blame is dichlorophenol, which is often used to make pesticides. It is used to clean the drinking water, but it can cause allergies too.

Indeed, these purifying chemicals are interfering with our immune system. When the immune system identifies allergens, it will release antibodies to attack the substance, which leads to allergic symptoms.

Filtering Tap Water to Alleviate Symptoms of Allergy

If there is someone with asthma or allergies in your home, experts agree that you should consider filtering the water source. Many home water filters remove chlorine through reverse osmosis water filtration or a semi-permeable membrane.

This can successfully remove calcium, pesticides, and various hard water chemicals. Moreover, reverse osmosis water filters can remove fluoride from the tap water.

Alternatively, various whole house water filters in the market can remove all the chemicals from each faucet. As you install it at your bathroom and kitchen faucets, it can provide a completely purified bath and drinking water at your home.

Drink More Water

As discussed above, dehydration can play an important role in asthma and allergies. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, you must drink the right amount of water.

Experts believe that it constricts the airways because the lungs lack water vapor and makes the lungs produce mucus. These two factors are the causes of an asthma attack.

Since your body experienced hydration preservation mode for too long, rehydrating it can be challenging. But you must stick with it! Think about it this way. The more water you pour on the dry land, the more water the land will be absorbed and soften eventually. This is similar to your body. The more you drink water, the more accustomed your body will become to hydration.

It is recommended for asthmatic people to drink at least ten glasses of water each day. You can put a pinch of salt in it to regulate water in the body. Make sure to avoid drinking coffee because it can rob the needed water of the body. No matter how enticing other liquids can be, there is no substitution for drinking water to hydrate the body.

Discovering How Can Drinking Clean Water Alleviate Allergies

The most important time to drink water is when you wake up in the morning. It is also ideal for drinking your water in between meals to aid in rehydration and digestion.

Drink enough water each day. Rehydrating is the body’s way of consuming at least of your body weight in ounces of water each day. You can increase this intake when you exercise and when the weather is hot.

Also, you must keep track of how much water you are drinking. As you track your water consumption, it will give you an idea of how much water you are taking each day. This is one way of getting to know if you are drinking enough water to hydrate your body.

Take note and water is important in your health. Staying properly hydrated will let your body react better to allergens. With this, it need not produce high levels of histamines because of lack of water. Water is an important and inexpensive way to regulate allergies. 

Here are other tips to prevent allergies in water:

Keep Showers Cool and Short

Long hot showers can increase chemical absorption that lingers in the home water supply. You can consider limiting the shower time. Use lukewarm water and turn off the water entirely as you shave or lather.

Choose Bottled Water

You can either invest in installing water purifiers for your home. Another option is to buy bottled waters which can provide a safe alternative for your drinking water on the go.

Limit Pool Time

Public pools are dependent on the use of chlorine to kill bacteria in the water. So if you love swimming in the pool, you might want to limit your swim time. You can also treat your pools with non-chlorine chemical alternatives. Check pools with bromine or ionization processes. These types of pools rely on silver ions and copper to make the water clean.

Distilled Waters for the Humidifiers

Humidity in the air can improve your breathing. If you are using a humidifier to sleep comfortably through the night, you must fill it with distilled water. The minerals found in tap water can form deposits that can promote bacterial growth. This can be released through the air and worsen your symptoms.


In sum, these techniques will help reduce the toxins in the water to resolve asthma and allergies. There are various options to try, which are considered effective for sensitive to the chemicals in the water.

Indeed, understanding health effects is important. Now that you know the problems, you can take proper steps to reduce asthma and allergies and improve your health. Breathe well and breathe deeply. Today is a brand new day to start living well!

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