Endocrine Disruptors In Drinking Water: Its Examples, Effects, And Common Sources

Endocrine Disruptors In Drinking Water Its Examples, Effects, And Common Sources

You are exposed to specific chemicals in your environment daily, which can affect your hormones. These chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors.           

It can interfere with the reproduction and development of a human being. It can cause serious immune system and neurological effects.                   

Nowadays, these chemicals are used in homes, offices, and other public places, and their usefulness can sometimes be problematic. They are found in cleaning, personal care, cookware, and food.  

This article discusses what endocrine disruptors do in the body, what some of their sources are, and how to avoid or minimize their effects on the body.

Effects of Endocrine Disruptors 

The endocrine system can release body hormones through its glands. These hormones are like chemical messengers in the body once released.

Meanwhile, the endocrine disruptors can copy and bind the hormone and the receptors. These are tiny objects, but they can greatly influence your health.  

It can create a powerful, less powerful, or different response from the original hormone. Furthermore, endocrine disruptors can change the synthesis of hormones, binding, and transport.

Endocrine disruptors are stable, and breaking them down can be challenging. They can remain in the air, water, soil, and even the bodies long.   

The hormonal system is essential to overall function and health. If endocrine disruptors modify it, one can be prone to stress, social problems, and sensory issues and experience the early onset of menarche.

Also, endocrine disruptors can cause an altered testicular function, and they can even suppress testosterone synthesis, especially in men.

It can alter the conversion of cholesterol to steroid hormones, make one obese, alter the onset of puberty, and even disrupt one’s immune system.

Top Endocrine Disruptors   

Here are some of the common endocrine disruptors and their sources in the products that you should avoid:

Endocrine Disruptors In Drinking Water Its Examples, Effects, And Common Sources


Arsenic is naturally found in the Earth's crust, released through industrial and mining activities, and incorporated into water sources.

When exposed to arsenic, he can have insulin resistance, suppression of the immune system, damage in the cardiovascular organs, weight gain or loss, and slow development of cognition, especially in children.


BPA is everywhere: plastic drinking bottles, food cans, smartphone protectors, printed receipts, and water pipes inside the house. The skin can absorb the chemical through skin contact.

According to studies, almost 93% of Americans have BPA detected in their bodies. It is linked to being one of the causes of breast cancer, early onset of puberty, obesity, problems in the reproductive system, and cardiovascular diseases.


Dioxin is a byproduct of many industrial processes, and the US government has recognized it as an endocrine disruptor.

It can cause heart disease, reduced fertility, diabetes, low sperm count, poor sperm activity, miscarriage, especially in pregnant mothers, and interference in embryo development.

Dioxin is found in meat and other food products. It can accumulate in fats and remain for many years.


Ethynylestradiol is a synthetic form of estrogen, and it remains active even if you take it orally. The United States government has acknowledged its effects, but still, you can find this synthetic hormone in all forms of oral birth control nowadays.

According to research done by experts, this can cause cell proliferation and even breast cancer in the long run.

Fire Retardants (PBDEs)

Polybrominated Diethyl Ethers (PBDEs) can affect thyroid function by blocking iodine uptake. Eventually, the PBDEs can replace the thyroid in the body.

PBDEs are linked to lower IQs and can affect infants and children's physical and neural development.  


Mercury is another toxic chemical that is extremely dangerous to mothers and their babies. This chemical can be found in seafood, CFL light bulbs, and other products inside the home.

Studies show that mercury can bind with an important hormone in ovulation and menstruation.

Furthermore, mercury can also attack the pancreas and affect insulin production.

Organophosphate Pesticides

Some farmers spray this kind of pesticide to kill pests on their produce. As such, consumers can ingest pesticide residue when they eat fruits and vegetables from farms.

Studies show that organophosphate pesticides can cause infertility among men. At the same time, this endocrine disruptor can affect children and even upset the thyroid function among adults.


Perchlorate, found in fertilizers, fuel, fireworks, and explosives, can negatively affect thyroid function. Like PBDEs, it can replace the iodine in the thyroid, causing a decrease in thyroid activity.  

Some of the symptoms of a decrease in thyroid activity include depression, sudden weight gain, and poor energy. Meanwhile, the highest concentration of perchlorate can be found in water.  

Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)

Studies show that about 99% of Americans have accumulated PFCs in their bodies. Companies commonly use Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) to make nonstick pans.

When pans such as these are used in cooking, the chemicals escape from it, go into the food, and the bodies accumulate it.

PFCs can affect hormone function, especially PFOAs and PFHxS, and produce low thyroid hormone levels. Studies have also found that they can cause ineffective sperm count, high cholesterol, heart disease, thyroid problems, and low birth weight, especially in infants.


Plastics are added with Phthalates to make them flexible and durable. Various research groups around the world have constantly reported its negative health effects on people for many years.

For example, phthalates can cause leaching into the bottled water and contaminate it.

Indeed, phthalates can inhibit the development of the sperm cell. It can also be the cause of obesity, thyroid problems, and diabetes.

Ways on How to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors

Indeed, eliminating endocrine disruptors in society today is a bit challenging. The most you can do is to follow measures to minimize its effects on your body. Here are some of the methods on how to do it:

Endocrine Disruptors In Drinking Water Its Examples, Effects, And Common Sources

Clean your House Regularly

Clean your house daily and reduce exposure to lead, fluorinated chemicals, and phthalates. Flame-retardant chemicals can escape from couches, baby products, and electronics. Thus, a vacuum with a HEPA filter can trap small dust particles instead of allowing them to scatter around the house.

Some people use harsh chemical products while cleaning, which can introduce indoor air pollutants. Knowing what chemicals are in products can be challenging and almost impossible.   

Always read the label to know what ingredients are in these goods. Ensure it has the “Safer Choice” label, meaning the company has disclosed its ingredients. Finally, you can also make homemade cleaners, such as one made from borax, baking soda, and vinegar.

Eliminate the Use of Canned Goods

It can contain BPA to prevent corrosion. BPA can disrupt the body’s functions, so the best way to prevent this is to choose fresh foods in local stores.

You can also opt for products packed in glasses or cartons rather than canned ones.

Go Organic 

Always buy organic fruits and vegetables that are free from the spray of pesticides. Aside from switching to a healthy lifestyle, buying organic will also enable you to support small-time farmers in the community.

If you have a tight budget, choose conventionally grown foods containing the least chemicals.

Install a Water Filter

You must filter the water you drink from your tap or another source. You can install a high-quality filtration system whenever you shower or bathe to protect yourself. Install a water filter that removes perchlorate and arsenic.

One of the water filter products you can try is the Royal Berkey 3.25 Gallon Water Filter. This water filter can remove 9.99% of pathogens in the drinking water inside the home. 

The Royal Berkey can remove and reduce the following elements in the water:

  1. 99.9% of Flouride 
  2. 99.9 % of Lead 
  3. 99.9% of Arsenic 
  4. 99.9 % of Iron 
  5. 99.9 % of Mercury 
  6. 99.9% of Chlorine 
  7. 99.8 % of Trihalomethane (THMs) 
  8. 99.9% of Bisphenol A 
  9. 99.9% of Chloramines 
  10. 99.9% of Pesticides 
  11. 97.0% of Uranium 
  12. 99.9% of Petroleum Contaminants 
  13. 98.7% of Gross Alpha Emitters 
  14. 99.9% of Atrazine 
  15. 99.9% of Coliform and e-Coli 

Minimize the Use of Plastics

Plastics contain hormone-disrupting chemicals such as BPA and phthalates. Studies have shown that even a low level of exposure to such chemicals can be significant.

Nowadays, plastics are everywhere, and while you can’t eliminate everything, you can take steps to eradicate their use.

For example, you can replace plastic containers with stainless steel or glass for storing food and beverages. You can replace plastic bags with reusable lunch boxes and cling wrap with beeswax-coated cloth.

If you buy your children toys, you can choose hardwood blocks or cotton dolls over plastic ones.

Finally, research products in the market and check if any alternatives are available before buying a plastic one.

Opt for a Fragrance-Free Product

Perfumes, colognes, and similar products contain phthalates that can disrupt the body's hormones.

Companies incorporate fragrance labels on their products. However, this is just a marketing technique encouraging consumers to purchase the products. A fragrance is not necessary for a product to be effective.

Opting for fragrance-free supplies such as personal care, laundry, or cleaning agents is best.

You can open the doors and windows or use a fan to make your rooms smell fresh and clean. You can also empty the trash cans and litter boxes instead of using air deodorants. You can also put fresh flowers or plants inside your home or office or an open box of baking soda in your fridge.

Recheck Health Products for Your Children

Your children don’t need excessive cosmetics and healthcare products, even though many kid-related moisturizers, soaps, and perfumes are available today.

These products can only contain various endocrine disruptors, which can soon cause skin irritation, asthma, and allergies.

Children might find these products irresistible because they are smooth and good-smelling, but don’t buy them; leave your baby's skin as is.    

The fewer products you use for your baby, the better. You can also check the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database for your children's recommended lotions, soaps, and sunscreens.

Use Homemade Beauty Products

Switch to homemade or natural personal hygiene products to avoid exposure to endocrine disruptors. Choose products that do not contain chemicals, and you can buy them at your local stores. You can also cut down your daily use of these products if possible.

Wash your Hands Often

Wash your hands before and after eating. Also, wash them after doing laundry, cleaning the house, or doing other hard work or chores inside your home. Avoid using antibacterial or fragranced soaps and opt for an all-natural product.

Watch How You Eat

Eat food that is as close to the hole as possible. For example, choose whole roasted chicken rather than processed chicken nuggets. Also, eat foods rich in iodine to help maintain the regular function of your thyroid glands.

Avoid packaged or processed foods if possible. Finally, consider how the food is prepared. Nonstick pans and pots can contain endocrine disruptors. Thus, cook on cast iron or stainless steel instead.


Endocrine Disruptors In Drinking Water Its Examples, Effects, And Common Sources

In sum, society nowadays is bombarded with endocrine disruptors due to the various products available. Many are still unaware of the negative effects of such chemicals. That’s why they keep buying it since it helps them in their everyday lives.

Indeed, eliminating the use of these products is impossible. But what you can do the most is to minimize and be responsible for its usage.   

Wash your hands regularly, eat organic foods, minimize the use of plastic, and always read the product labels. Don’t use excessive personal care products for pregnant moms and infants since they have sensitive skin and immune systems. This way, you can protect yourself and your family and prevent health issues.                 

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