Playing Too Much Video Games? Drink More Water!

Playing Too Much Video Games? Drink More Water!

While gaming used to be something for the most part enjoyed by more younger individuals, this dynamic has changed throughout time. Limitless information has permitted games to be played on a mobile phone without agonizing over excess charges on your data allowance, cross-platform play allows gamers to partake in similar games on a wide range of gadgets, and the sheer assortment of games being delivered implies that there is practically something for everybody, paying little heed to age or sexual orientation. Last year, it was accounted for that there are presently over 3.24 billion gamers worldwide, and that number is expected to be much higher one year from now.

Playing too much video games?

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) formally grouped gaming disorder as a behavioral condition. This turn of events, for apparent reasons, sent many guardians into turmoil. Also, it likewise gave parents and adult gamers an essential guideline of common gaming disorder symptoms and approaches to look for help if gaming addiction starts to impact them or somebody they love. 

Here are a few of the basic mental and social symptoms of gaming disorder: 

  • Excessively thoughts about gaming
  • Feeling down when you can’t play
  • Feeling like you need to play to feel better
  • Being unable to quit or cut back on game time
  • Losing interest in activities outside of gaming
  • Gaming impacting your school or work performance or affecting your social life in a negative way
  • Knowing that you have a problem but playing anyway
  • Lying to people about how much time you spend playing or how much money you spend on gaming
  • Regularly using gaming as a way to ease negative feelings

Typically, an individual with gaming addiction would show at least five of these symptoms in a year. There are additional physical side effects of gaming disorder, like fatigue, headaches, inadequate hygiene, and carpal tunnel disorder. In any case, no addict is something very similar, and these indications will differ from gamer to gamer.

How much is too much?

Playing Too Much Video Games? Drink More Water!
The truth is, there is no exact answer to this question. And the appropriate response differs broadly depending upon who you ask, mainly since most research focuses on the impacts of gaming on kids, as opposed to every one. 
A 2019 study concluded that gaming, similar to some other hobby, can just be enjoyed for a long time with no genuine impact on mental and physical health, regardless of age. In any case, different studies show that kids ought to be restricted to not exactly an hour on school days and under two hours on weekends or days without school, referring to social issues and physical health as explanations behind implementing such cutoff points. 
The vast majority of these studies share, practically speaking, is the conviction that we should focus on quality, not quantity, with regards to what games affect our lives.

Alarming news and you need to know. 

While you thought playing video games is all laughs and good times, it is more than just a hobby to some. Unfortunately, there have been news and reports about gamers and a few young individuals collapsing or being sent to the hospital after playing for a long amount of hours on their gaming consoles.
One is a 15-year-old boy, Tyler Rigsby, of Columbus, Ohio. He was rushed to the hospital after a marathon-playing session of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3." His family confirmed that her son had been playing for at least four days, possibly even five.
His aunt noticed something strange on Tyler, and then, later on, he collapsed. With the mother, they saw he turned very pale, and his lips became blue. At the hospital, he was then attended to and was diagnosed with severe dehydration.
Another case happened in February of 2011, where it led to the death of a Chinese gamer. He reportedly barely slept or ate. He got immersed that it took him three straight days of gaming sessions.
Chris Stamiforth, 20-years old from Sheffield, England, died from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) when a blood clot forms from lack of movement. The blood clot moved to his lungs, which had caused a pulmonary embolism.
On the one hand, a game-obsessed mother forgot to feed her kids and her dogs. The British woman was tried and sentenced to a suspended two-year sentence, community service, and Internet ban. In July of 2012, an 18-year-old Taiwanese teenager died after a 40-hour Diablo gaming session.
Authorities believed that the long period of sitting and not moving, as well as not stopping for sleep or food, may have led to blood clots. This is just accentuated by Mayo Clinic. They stated that dehydration happens when you lose a larger amount of liquids than you take in. Your body needs more fluid to complete essential functions. Severe lack of hydration can prompt heat exhaustion or stroke, seizures, shock, kidney failure, swelling of the mind or coma, and even death.

Drinking more water is an antidote to gamers.

Playing Too Much Video Games? Drink More Water!

Water is an integral part of our life, more so our health. Thus, it is vital to keep hydrated, even if you are just at home, doing minimal things.

Hydration is the process of causing something to absorb water. It has enough water to be able to do essential physiological functions. Some of these physiological functions are the formation of blood plasma, detoxification, and heat dissipation. Without water, your body could not survive.

The scale below represents urine color to estimate your level of hydration.

The most evident manifestation of dehydration is extreme thirst. A mild feeling of thirst isn't a sign that you are already dehydrated. Instead, it is your body reminding you to drink water to keep you from dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Infrequent urination
  • Dark, discolored urine (see the chart above)
  • Decreased sweat
  • Muscle cramps or spasm
  • Headaches
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Poor skin turgor: if you lightly pinch your skin, it should be elastic and quickly return to its normal presentation. Dehydration will cause your skin to stay in a pinched or shriveled appearance after being pinched or squeezed.

With all these said, staying hydrated while in the zone on that online match is a must!. Cognitive performance plays a vital role in video games. Drinking a sufficient amount of water boosts neurological function such as cognitive function and mood. Dehydration (>2%) has been shown by plenty of studies to affect cognitive performance significantly. This comprises vigilance, working memory, attention, and motor coordination, which are essential for maximum gaming performance for longer periods. 

As previously mentioned, staying hydrated likewise improves your mood. A few studies have shown dehydration to affect your mood, specifically, higher feelings like aggression, anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, and pressure. These feelings are generally connected with players that have become shifted, which can altogether affect gaming execution. In this way, gamers keep hydration levels in control to remain calm during training and particularly during matches where the individual will be set under more noteworthy degrees of stress.

How much water should you drink? 

Instead of detailing how much water you should drink, it is more suitable to see daily hydration dependent on overall fluid intake. For instance, not all of the liquids that enter your body are water. If you drink 8 ounces of coffee, most of those 8 ounces are water, so that matters! 
The recommendation for liquid intake is a large portion of your body weight (estimated in pounds) in liquid ounces each day. Along these lines, if you weigh 120 lbs, you should drink 60 fl. oz. On the off chance that you weigh 160 lbs, you should drink 80 fl. oz, etc.
It is also vital to know that the water you are drinking clean and safe, without sacrificing its taste. The Berkey Water filters is a perfect tool to secure healthy and safe drinking water.

Other ways for gamers to improve their health.

A study shows that taking part in esports can help players create critical thinking capacity, quicker response times, and make significant relationships. In any case, there are concerns concerning players encountering burnout from the get-go in their profession. 

Burnout emerges from exposure to constant pressure, which is ineffectively overseen. To illustrate the stress players can insight, one study has shown a player's pulse can increase to coordinate with that of an F1 driver. 

Playing Too Much Video Games? Drink More Water!

Here are critical practical tips for working on your health and performance while playing: 

Target 8-9 hours of sleep a night: excellent quality rest is critical to keeping up with focus and further developing decision making. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the phase of rest when you dream, has been demonstrated to be significant for learning, memory, and emotional wellbeing. 
At least 30 minutes of exercise a day: playing esports for extensive periods can prompt high degrees of cortisol, a chemical related to stress. Staying physically active is significant because low-intensity exercise can lessen cortisol levels. In addition to the fact that exercise benefits actual wellness, it can likewise further developmental health and diminish tension. 
Remember to take breaks: players are known to encounter fatigue when playing repeated matches of their most loved esports game. Preparing a ton of data all at once can turn out to be difficult work for the brain. Setting aside an effort to separate and participate in some unwinding strategies can give the necessary downtime to maximize performance.
Be cautious with caffeine: caffeine (as found in energy drinks) can appear to be an appealing decision to remain alert. Nonetheless, it can be harmful when you need to focus throughout longer timeframes, as burning-through items with high caffeine portions can cause anxiety and poor sleep. Caffeinated sodas will, in general, be high in sugar too. After a spike in sugar from food or drink, your body can respond by dropping your glucose levels, coming about in a "sugar crash," which can leave you feeling more exhausted. Take a stab at using better snack choices, for example, fruits or grain bars that will gradually deliver energy as you play, without a sugar spike. 
Eat a balanced diet: players might prefer processed or fast food that they can eat while playing. In any case, these food varieties are high in fats, will generally be less healthy, and won't give the body the vital supplements that new food can. Keeping a healthy balanced eating routine incorporates an everyday intake of 5 portions of leafy foods, protein, dairy items or dairy options, high-fiber carbohydrates, and an ample amount of unsaturated fats. 
Take time from playing to eating: try not to eat at your PC as this will give your mind some ideal opportunity to detach and unwind. Have a go at eating in another room, or on the other hand if possible, with companions or family. Preparing food and consuming from your work area will help separate extensive stretches of sitting down. 
Use applications to help mental health: the NHS suggests various applications that can assist with supporting approaches to unwind your mind and body, joining breathing procedures, loosening up sounds, and short activities. LIKEWISE, the NHS gives a concise summation of these applications to distinguish one that will turn out best for you, dependent on elements like age. Another alternative is to try low-intensity games or take a stab at loosening up exercises like reading while having a break between playing.

Esports reward the individuals who train well, and a piece of preparation admirably implies focusing on your wellbeing. Keeping a sound and way of life has been displayed to effectively affect esports competitors' actual well-being, psychological well-being, and execution.

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