Too Much Chlorine in Drinking Water Can Be Dangerous - Does the Berkey remove Chlorine?

Too Much Chlorine in Drinking Water Can Be Dangerous - Does the Berkey remove Chlorine

Chlorine is without a doubt the most typically used drinking water disinfectant in all parts of the world. This halogen element has given safe savoring water in the United States for over 100 years.


Starting on September 26, 1908, Jersey City, New Jersey, turned into the principal U.S. city to routinely chlorinate city drinking water supplies. Over a thousand U.S. urban communities embraced chlorination throughout the following decade, serving to lessen irresistible infection drastically.


Today, around 98 percent of U.S. water treatment systems use chlorine purification procedures to help give safe drinking water. The U.S. Ecological Protection Agency (EPA) requires treated tap water to contain a detectable chlorine level to shield against germs as it flows from the treatment plant to customers' taps.


Chlorination is a sign of water treatment. Be that as it may, is it safe?


You have sniffed chlorine at the pool and your tap. It's a water disinfectant in far-reaching use. Yet, why? Furthermore, have you at any point poured out a glass to halt at taking a sip?

Let’s delve into chlorine as water treatment, its harmful effects, and be protected against its cons.

Why is Chlorine added to drinking water?

Chlorine eradicates ailment-causing germs and supports make water safe to drink. Waterborne illnesses once executed a huge number of U.S. residents consistently. Following its first use in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1908, drinking water chlorination spread quickly throughout the United States and served all intents and helped dispense waterborne illnesses like cholera and typhoid fever.


Drinking water chlorination assumed an impressive job in expanding Americans' future by 50 percent amid the twentieth century. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls drinking water chlorination "a standout among the most significant public health discovery in U.S. history."


Other than destroying harmful germs like bacteria, infections, and parasites, chlorine decreases repulsive tastes and odors in water. Chlorine additionally disposes of slime microscopic organisms, molds, and algae that usually develop in water supply wellspring, on the dividers of water mains and storage tanks. The U.S. Ecological Protection Agency (EPA) requires treated tap water to contain a different chlorine level to help secure against germs all through the residents’ taps.


You Should Measure High Levels of Chlorine

Even though it's fundamental and safe in ample amounts, you should check chlorine levels in your drinking water to make sure for yourself and your family. The EPA advises that levels that surpass the regulated amounts will be dangerous.


The agency’s councils express that the reasonable chlorine levels in drinking water might be up to 4 sections for every million. This provision has a wide room for mistakes, so if larger amounts of chlorine are erroneously included, most consumers will even now be protected while the action is made to redress the mistake.


It's beneficial to note that water treatment offices are in charge of testing your water. However, they don't generally test often or precisely. The recurrence of testing is straightforwardly connected to the nature of raw water and the number of inhabitants in consumers.


On the off chance that you live in a densely populated region with low-quality drinking water at its sources, the water is likely to be tested each day. Be that as it may, if you live in an area provided with top-notch mountain spring water and less than 10,000 individuals, your water might be tested as sometimes as once every month.

Chlorine in your drinking water is harming your health and your family

Too Much Chlorine in Drinking Water Can Be Dangerous - Does the Berkey remove Chlorine

It is critical to treat drinking water before its transportation to your home. Initial wide chlorination of drinking water infection ran wild and represented a more significant health hazard than chlorine.


That being stated, chlorine is not close to healthy. After some time, as we gain an introduction to chlorine, it starts to develop in the body and disrupt the wellbeing of our cells and organs. Subsequently, you are at a greater danger of creating threatening infections.

Chlorine Can Gain Weight

Drinking or showering in chlorinated water can have an impact on weight gain on a few fronts. As a harmful substance, chlorine removes the iodine in your thyroid, prompting hypothyroidism and undesirable symptoms like hot flashes and weight gain. What's more, since your liver is caught up with dispensing extra estrogens, it is more resistant to work admirably performing other vital capacities like burning fat.


Chlorine likewise kills cell reinforcements or antioxidants like vitamins E and A that regularly shield your good fats from harm. Without this defense, you can wind up insufficient important fatty acids like  omega-3, 6, and 9, adding to more weight gain!

Chlorine Can Mimic Estrogen

What's more awful is the hormone disrupt chlorine performs in your body, regardless of whether chlorine is absorbed through your skin in the shower or from drinking water. At the point when it's in our bodies, chlorine turns into a xeno (or false) estrogen.


Xenoestrogens add to estrogen strength, resulting in both female and male cancers and many other health concerns like male pattern baldness, weariness, reduced sex drive, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, a sleeping disorder, and PMS. It also prompts nutrient inadequacies like zinc, magnesium, and B nutrients (which have their long rundown of medical issues).

Chlorine Can Kill Good Gut Bacteria

Bacteria in our drinking water have turned out to be more intelligent. A large number of the water-borne parasites, once alerted by chlorination like Giardia and Cryptosporidium, have created other levels of protection from chlorine, and it's turned out to be significantly less successful.


As a disinfectant intended to cut bacteria in the water, absorbing chlorine does precisely in your GI tract, wiping out great gut microbes like lactobacillus. Without these beneficial bacteria, the immune system endures, and numerous investigations have now connected poor gut health to emotional well-being issues in youngsters.


A recent study found a relationship between disposition and the presence of good bacteria, despite indicating poor gut health to ailments like asthma, bowel disease, obesity, and hypersensitivity.


To keep your gut unstable, it is recommended not only to avoid chlorine in your drinking water but also to use a brilliant probiotic powder consisting of somewhere around 10 billion beneficial bacteria every day. Populating your GI tract with probiotics can avert bacteria and parasites (both water-borne or something else), yeast abundance, and hypersensitivity.

And, that is not all.

As chlorine responds with water's organic compounds, it makes significantly more concerning issues for our wellbeing. Disinfectant By-Products (DBP) like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) are connected to reproductive issues, similar to stillbirths in animals and people, and represent a great hazard through skin exposure from pools and showers despite your drinking water.


One type of THMs is chloroform—the chemical used to thump people out—so it shouldn't seem to be a stretch when we say exposing yourself consistently to chlorine can cause kidney, liver, and nervous system harm!

Should You Stop Drinking Chlorinated Water?

Every passing caused by something we hope to be protected, our drinking water, is one to quite a few, yet there are no substantial alternative water treatments accessible. To stop chlorinating our drinking water isn't an alternative, as turned out to be clear in Latin America two decades back.


The significance of security against harmful waterborne ailments was exhibited in Peru in 1991 when lacking drinking water sterilization prompted a five-year cholera outbreak. The plague spread to 19 different nations, causing 12,000 passing and over one million diseases.


How could this occur? There was a misinterpretation of the health risks of byproducts of chlorination. Since these risks were believed to be substantially higher than they are, several communities and districts in Latin America chose to desert chlorination.


To prevent further misconstruing, the EPA stated that gauging the referred advantages of disinfection as prove by diminished waterborne disease outbreaks, with hypothetical excess cancer risk, EPA emphatically supports disinfection of drinking water to control bacteria.

What You Can Do To Protect Yourself and Your Family

Too Much Chlorine in Drinking Water Can Be Dangerous - Does the Berkey remove Chlorine

While water treatment options like ultraviolet and ozone do exist, chlorine is a "fundamental" role that the vast majority in the US isn't ready to keep away from in our drinking water.


But, in any case, a basic filter in your house is everything necessary to shield your family from chlorine and its destructive impacts. A premium filter can expel over 99% chlorine and 95% chloramines, chloroform, and byproducts like THMs.

Now we are exposed to chlorination byproducts for long eras, making a move is advisable.


The water might be filtered and treated at the plant, and however, when it's gotten the way to your home, it may not be that perfect, what with a conceivable reverse from different buyers, old, dirty funnels, and so forth.


Boiling water will expel chlorine. However, it will just filter a few results.


Trihalomethane concentrations decreased in chloraminated (74-98%) and chlorinated (64-98%) water after boiling. Boiling chlorinated water for 1 minute lessened chloroform concentration by 75%. Chloroform was decreased by just 34% in chlorinated water following a 1-minute boil.


The best filters to expel DBPs are quality carbon block filters. The EPA additionally pertains to these as the best alternative for expelling synthetic substances, herbicides, pesticides, microbes, VOCs, fluoride (with filter connection), heavy metals, nitrate, nitrites, and parasites.


So, ensure your tap water is drinkable is with an under-the-counter or countertop filter. Not only will it eliminate chlorine and its byproducts, but it will also protect your family from parasites and heavy metals like lead.


Adding sufficient water filtration to your house is the most secure and most cost-effective approach to expel chlorine and savor pure, clean water whether you're cooking, drinking, washing, or showering.

Berkey Water Filters can remove chlorine for greater than 99.9%. 

Berkey Water Filters can remove 

  • Fluoride - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Lead - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Arsenic - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Iron - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Mercury - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Chlorine - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Trihalomethane(THMs) – Removed to greater than 99.8%.
  • Bisphenol-A - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Chloramines - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Pharmaceuticals - Removed to greater than 99.5%. 
  • Petroleum Contaminants - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Methylcyclohexane-methane - Removed to greater than 99.9%. 
  • Pesticides - Removed to greater than 99.9%
  • Heavy Metals - Removed to greater than 99.1%
  • Atrazine - Removed to greater than 99.9%.
  • Uranium - Removed to greater than 97.0%.
  • Gross Alpha emitters - Removed to greater than 98.7%.

The filter formulation of Berkey systems (Black Berkey Purification Element) has been tested by State and EPA accredited laboratories to exceed NSF/ANSI Standard 53.

Also Read: Is It Safe To Drink Tap Water In U.S.? Find Out The Facts And Truth About Tap Water

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