Alkalinity refers to water's capacity to neutralize acids. It measures the bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, hydroxide ions, and carbonate present in the water.
The pH level of drinking water refers to how basic or acidic it is and the hydrogen ions found in it. The pH stands for the potential of hydrogen. At a normal drinking level, carbonate and bicarbonate are the main contributors to the water's alkalinity.
What is Alkalinity in Drinking Water?
Alkalinity is the water’s capacity to resist changes in pH that would make the water more acidic. It also helps protect your health and piping regarding drinking water.
The term “buffering capacity” usually denotes this capacity. Alkalinity also refers to the capability of the water to neutralize the acid. This is true that it has a buffering capacity.
A buffer is a solution in which acid can be added without changing the concentration of available H+ ions (as in changes in pH). It absorbs the excessive H+ ions and protects the water from fluctuations in pH.
For example, suppose you add the same weak acid solution to two vials of water with a pH of 7, one with zero alkalinity or buffering power and the other with buffering power (e.g., 50 mg/l). In that case, the pH of the zero-alkalinity water will immediately drop.
In contrast, the pH of the buffered water will change from very little to not at all. The pH of the buffered solution would change when the buffering capacity of the solution is overloaded.
What Changes the Alkalinity?
Factors such as acidic sanitizers, rain, fill water, and other product applications can affect the well water's pH and alkalinity level over time. Most of the alkalinity in surface water comes from calcium carbonate, CaCo3, leached from soil and rocks.
This process is enhanced if the soil and rocks have been broken up for various reasons like urban development and mining. Limestone contains high levels of calcium carbonate. When used to decrease the acidity at homes, it can run off into surface waters and raise the alkalinity level.
Alkalinity is important in treating wastewater and drinking water. It can influence treatment processes, such as anaerobic digestion. Water with a higher alkalinity level than the natural level in the soil can also become unsuitable for irrigation.
US EPA Category | The concentration of Calcium Carbonate (mg/L) |
Acidified | <1 |
Critical | <2 |
Endangered | 2-5 |
Highly Sensitive | 10-20 |
Not Sensitive | >20 |
Alkalinity is closely related to a solution's acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC). Often, ANC is incorrectly used to refer to alkalinity. However, the acid-neutralizing capacity can refer to the combination of the solution and solids available. Examples are aquifer solids and suspended matter.
How to Measure Alkalinity
Measurement of Alkalinity
Titration is the process that measures alkalinity. The ‘titrant’ is an acid of known strength added to a volume of a treated water sample. The volume of acid needed to bring the samples to a specific pH level reflects the alkalinity of the sample.
A color change indicates the pH endpoint. The unit expressing alkalinity is milligrams per liter (mg/l) of CaCO3 (calcium carbonate).

Measuring Alkalinity
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) uses one common method for measuring alkalinity. It takes a water sample, adds acid, and then checks the pH as the acid is added. The method takes an initial reading of the water, adds small amounts of acid, stirs it, and then measures its pH. The same steps are repeated many times.
First, the compounds in the water, such as bicarbonates, neutralize the acids being added. The more acid is added, the more bicarbonates get “used up” as the acid neutralizes them.
Eventually, all the acid-neutralizing compounds are used up. After this, the acid in the water will linearly lower the pH. The scientist will see this reflection point by viewing a line chart of the acid added to the water and the resulting pH. The point where the change in pH line becomes linear determines the water’s alkalinity.
In this picture, a USGS scientist performs an alkalinity titration to determine the alkalinity of a water sample. Note that the pH meter in the background is currently reading 5.477. The pH probe is the larger grey tube that goes into the beaker.
The black device on the right side pushes a fixed amount of acid through the white tube that goes into the right side of the beaker of water. The black box on the bottom has a twirling magnet, which then twirls a small magnet placed in the bottom of the beaker, keeping the water sample stirred.
Factors Affecting Alkalinity
Geology and Soils
The water system accumulates carbonates if it passes through soil and rock containing carbonate minerals, such as calcite (CaCO3). Waters with limestone and sedimentary rocks and carbonate-rich soils are high in alkalinity.
The eastern part of the Boulder Creek watershed is one example. Waters with igneous rocks (such as granite) and carbonate-poor solids are low in alkalinity. The western part of the Boulder Creek watershed is another example.
Changes in pH
Since pH and alkalinity are closely related, changes in pH can also affect alkalinity. This is true, especially in a poorly buffered stream.
Sewage Outflow
The effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) can increase the alkalinity of a stream. Household wastewater also contains bicarbonate and carbonate from the cleaning agents and food residue we put down our drains.
Alkalinity Degree and Levels
Alkalinity with a pH of higher than 8.3 is mostly carbonate (CO32-). On the other hand, alkalinity with a pH lower than 8.3 is mostly bicarbonate (HCO3-).
Since alkalinity varies due to differences in geology, there are no set standards. Freshwater usually has 20-200 mg/L levels of alkalinity. A total alkalinity level of 100-200 mg/L can stabilize the pH level in a stream.
Levels below ten mg/L indicate that the water is poorly buffered and susceptible to pH changes caused by natural and human sources.
Why Alkalinity Is Important
To A Body of Water
The alkalinity of your nearby body of water is important to the health and welfare of, for example, a lake. The ecosystem and organisms living in the lake adapted to the water bodies that did not change quickly.
Before humans arrived, these bodies of water were not subjected to acid rain or chemical spills. The fish in the lake were fine until the pH and aquatic characteristics of the lake changed dramatically over a short period.
Even today, water bodies are vulnerable to sudden chemical inputs, such as those in acid rain and wastewater. These can cause quick changes in a lake's acid/base balance, lowering its pH.
To Aquatic Organisms
Fish and other aquatic life need a pH range of 6.0 to 9.0. Since alkalinity buffers against rapid pH changes, the alkalinity helps protect the living organisms that need a specific pH range. Higher alkalinity levels in surface water can buffer acid rain and other acid wastes. This can prevent pH changes that are hazardous to aquatic life.
To Drinking Water Source
Alkalinity is also important in drinking water and wastewater treatment because it influences cleaning processes like anaerobic digestion.
When the alkalinity level in water is higher than the natural alkalinity level in the soil, the water may be unsuitable for irrigation.
The pH Level in Drinking Water

The pH level of the water is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. If the measurement is below 7, the water is acidic. If it is above 7, then the water is alkaline or basic. If it is 7, then the water is neutral.
If the pH level of the water is less than 6.5, it can contribute to the corrosion of the fixtures and the pipes. Also, the corrosiveness of the water depends on other factors. Examples are total dissolved solids, water temperature, alkalinity, and hardness.
Furthermore, water with a pH balance of 6.5 is not a health risk. However, corrosive water can dissolve metals found in pipes, such as zinc, cadmium, lead, and copper. This can increase the concentration of metals in drinking water, which can lead to health issues in the long run.
Meanwhile, the pH above 8.5 can contribute to the scale build-up, especially in plumbing.
The Level of Alkalinity in the Water
Alkalinity comprises hydroxides, bicarbonates, and carbonates, which join magnesium, calcium, and lye. You can find such components in antacids like Rolaids or Tums, lye, baking soda, and limestone. If the alkalinity level is high, it will take more acid to lower the water's pH. One way to think of alkalinity is the ability of the water to neutralize the acid.
Alkalinity is expressed as ppm calcium carbonate equivalent. The higher the number, the more these components are found in the water.
High-alkalinity water may gradually increase the growing media's pH level. Whenever the pH level climbs, the availability of various plant nutrients, especially micronutrients like manganese and iron, is negatively affected. This can now result in deficiencies.
Mineral acids, such as phosphoric or sulfuric minerals, may need to be introduced into water or acidic media amendments, such as acid-forming or sulfuric minerals.
Conversely, low-alkalinity water lacks the components that neutralize the acid. Using acidic formulas may decrease the pH level of the growing medium.
The water is often deficient in magnesium, calcium, sulfate, or other supplements that may be needed.
Alkalinity Water Testing for Well Water
Regular well water testing for standard chemical parameters, including alkalinity and pH level, is necessary. Choose an accredited water testing laboratory for this.
The special sampling bottles and instructions can be obtained from the laboratory of your choice. The cost of analyzing water samples can vary depending on the parameters tested and the lab.
In testing for alkalinity, you must first fill the filtration tube up to the 5mL line in the water. Then, put a red tablet in the water. Seal it and shake it until the tablet disappears. Then the water might turn blue-green. If the water turns pink, then it does not contain alkalinity.
After that, fill out the direct-reading titration with the Alkalinity Titration Reagent B. Next, you must fill out the titration whenever the plunger reaches the zero graduation mark. When the plunger is up to the zero graduation mark, put the titration found in the center hole of the titration tube cap.
Slowly depress the plunger until the titrated sample, which is blue-green, changes to pink. Reagent B, which is depressed into the titration as it turns pink, is the available alkaline water level. You can measure it by parts per million (ppm) out of 200 ppm.
Other Term for Alkalinity
Another terminology for alkalinity is water hardness. So, it is fair to say that alkalinity and water hardness are similar. Both come from sources in nature. As water moves through rocks, it picks up minerals on its way to rivers and lakes. When limestone and dolomite dissolve in water, one-half of the molecule is calcium or magnesium (the “hardness”), and the other half is carbonate (the “alkalinity). This means the water hardness and alkalinity levels in a place will be very similar. However, their measurements are very separate and of very different importance.
Does Alkaline Water Work?
The use of alkaline drinking water is controversial. Some health experts claim insufficient research supports the health claims made by sellers and users. Meanwhile, research findings differ depending on the type of alkaline water study.
According to experts, regular water is still the best for people. There are no studies to verify the claims made by alkaline water supporters fully.
However, some studies show that alkaline water can be helpful for certain medical conditions.
For example, a 2012 study found that drinking naturally carbonated artesian-well alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 may help deactivate pepsin, the main enzyme that causes acid reflux.
Moreover, drinking alkaline ionized water can positively benefit the body, especially for those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes.
A few years ago, around 100 people were found to have significantly higher blood viscosity after drinking high-pH water than those who drink regular water after a heavy workout. Viscosity refers to the direct measurement of blood flow via the vessels.
Those who drink water with a high pH level can have a reduced viscosity of 6.3% versus those who drink standard water with 3.36% viscosity. As such, you can have the blood flowing efficiently using alkaline water. With this, the delivery of oxygen in the body can be increased.
However, more research is needed to support these studies. The field needs more research to provide answers to other claims made by those who support alkaline drinking.
Though there is a lack of scientific research, alkaline water supporters believe it brings various health benefits. It includes:
- Anti-aging benefits (this is via the liquid antioxidants which absorb faster in the human body)
- Cleanses the colon
- Supports the immune system
- Lose weight
- Hydrates the skin and detoxifies it
- Provides resistance against cancer
Proponents also argue that acidic sodas have positive ORPs, which can cause multiple health issues.
Meanwhile, alkalinized and properly ionized water have negative ORPs. Green tea has antioxidant properties, and it has a slight negative ORP.
Alkaline Water and its Possible Treatment of Cancer
Using alkaline water can help counteract the acid in the body's bloodstream. Drinking water with a high pH level is believed to boost metabolism and improve the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients.
Other theories explain that alkaline water will starve the body's cancer cells. This is because cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. More alkaline water can potentially stop or slow down the growth of cancer cells by balancing the body's pH level.
In summary, alkaline water can hydrate the body and even improve the symptoms of some diseases, such as acid reflux.
However, the alkaline water in retail stores does not cause significant changes in a normal functioning body. This will not cause that much change in the overall acid-base balance in the bloodstream.
How to Use the Alkaline Water
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued updated guidelines on drinking water quality. However, the organization does not generally make health-based recommendations or guidelines for the specific pH level of drinking water.
The guidelines state that the pH level of drinking water does not directly impact consumers. This is true because water disinfected with chlorine has a pH of less than 8.0.
If you wish to use alkaline water, you must drink it as you do with tap water. But be aware that drinking too much alkaline water can lead to possible side effects, like having indigestion or an upset stomach.
Risks and Possible Side Effects of Drinking Alkaline Water
In general, drinking alkaline water is safe. However, it can still cause side effects on the human body. Some of the side effects can include lowering the stomach acidity level. This can help kill the bacteria in the body. It can expel unwanted pathogens in the bloodstream.
In addition, excessive alkalinity in the human body can cause skin irritations. It can also lead to gastrointestinal issues. Furthermore, it can agitate the body's normal pH level. This can lead to metabolic alkalosis, a health condition that can cause symptoms like vomiting, nausea, muscle twitching, hand tremors, confusion, and tingling in the face.
Metabolic alkalosis can lead to a decrease in calcium levels in the body. As such, it can damage bone health. However, the most common cause of hypocalcemia is not because of drinking alkaline water. It has an underactive parathyroid gland.
Natural or Artificial?
Natural alkalinity occurs when water passes through rocks, like in springs. The water picks up minerals along the way, increasing the alkaline level.
But modern homes that consume alkaline water buy a product that has been chemically processed via electrolysis.
This technique uses an ionizer, which can raise the pH level of regular water. The makers of the ionizers state that electricity can separate the molecules in the water, making it more acidic or alkaline. The acidic water is then removed.
However, experts state that these claims are not supported by worthy research. The source’s water quality must be good before the ionization begins to ensure that contaminants are not present in the drinking water.
On the other hand, other scientists suggest using reverse osmosis. This method adequately purifies water before it is connected to an alkaline ionizer, which adds minerals and raises the pH level.
The World Health Organization (WHO) study restricts drinking water with low mineral content. Distillation, reverse osmosis, and other techniques can create this type of water.
Where to get the Alkaline Water?
One can get alkaline water from health food stores or grocery stores. You can also buy it online. You can also have sparkling water, which is high in pH level and is naturally mineralized.
Meanwhile, water ionizers are sold in various large chain stores worldwide.
On the other hand, you can also make alkaline water at home. Lime and lemon juices are naturally acidic, but they contain minerals that can modify the composition of the water. Add a squeeze of lime or lemon to make the water more alkaline. You can also add drops of baking soda to change its pH level.
Suppose you filter the water to remove contaminants and re-mineralize or ionize it. In that case, there is no evidence of the limitation of how much alkaline water you can consume daily.
Safety of the Alkaline Water

Many health experts are not concerned with the safety of alkaline water. They are more concerned with the health claims that they make about it.
There is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of alkaline water to treat various health conditions. However, several medical experts have warned against its use based on claims made by several marketers.
Drinking alkaline water is indeed generally safe since it contains various natural minerals. However, you must be cautious about the use of artificial alkaline water. This is because it contains fewer minerals than necessary for the body. This can contain more contaminants than you have believed. Overall, its overuse can make you deficient in consuming minerals for the body.
In sum, drinking alkaline water is generally safe for the body. It brings benefits to its consumers. However, the claims have not been backed up by quality research. More things need to be proven with its use, and it will take more years to learn its health potential for human beings.
But if you wish to drink alkaline water, you can produce your own using several filters available in the market. You can also find trusted water stores in your locality.
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