Many people do not think that water can be complex. Various types are available today; sometimes, people get overwhelmed and confused about which is best for their family.
One of the controversial waters today is the artesian water. Learn more about it in this article.
What is Artesian Water?
The term artesian is derived from a province in France called Artois. It is said that water wells were first used in this place. Thus, it is a term used for a natural phenomenon.
Artesian water is a confined natural underground reservoir that contains water under positive pressure. The aquifer is the geologic layer of rocks or limestone that provides the source of the artesian well.
Such aquifers are commonly found underneath the surface of the earth. They preserve deposits and massive amounts of the finest water.
The majority of the artesian aquifers around the world are replenished non-stop by the groundwater and rain. The water flows down from the porous substances. Examples of these are gravel, rock, and sand.
Around these porous substances are rocks or other hard materials. As such, the water cannot escape and reach ground level.
Artesian groundwater is generally similar to any type of groundwater on your property. The difference is how it gets to the surface.
The artesian well does not need a pump to push the water to the surface. This is because there is so much pressure in the aquifer. It pushes the water out without any assistance.
How are Artesian Wells Formed?

Artesian wells are formed when water flows down a land and decreases into a porous rock substance like limestone, sand, or gravel. This alone wouldn't push water upwards.
However, when the porous ground is enclosed by dense rock— the water source encounters critical pressure. This pressure powers the water upwards, where it's delivered into a well and looks like a fountain (sans steam).
A portion of these artesian wells is solid to such an extent that they can give enough water pressure to multi-storied buildings!
To make an artesian well, you must take advantage of the source. Therefore, drilling companies around the globe have made artesian wells to access this novel sort of spring water.
Artesian Well VS Flowing Artesian Well
The artesian well connects to the confined aquifer, causing the well water to rise on top of the aquifer. However, it will not reach the land surface.
Meanwhile, the flowing artesian well is a type of well drilled into an aquifer. The pressure in the aquifer forces the water underneath to rise above the land naturally, even without a pump.
It can flow continuously or intermittently. It can originate from aquifers, which are unconsolidated materials such as gravel, sand, or bedrock. The depths range from a few meters to a thousand meters.
Not all flowing wells can be considered artesian wells; however, not all are known as flowing wells.
The Reason Why Wells Flow
There can be two types of situations why the flowing artesian wells are found. These are the following:
- Impermeable materials restrict the aquifer. Examples are the confined beds with the static water level on the aquifer and the land's surface.
- There is no confinement on the aquifer. However, the static water level is above the surface of the land.
The conditions of the artesian water can be generated through various factors such as topographical and geological controls.
Due to the geological controls, water rises above the ground due to the pressure restricted in the aquifer. This pressure raises water if you drill a well from the land's surface via the waterproof layer, causing the flow of the artesian well, especially in areas where the pressure is great.
Meanwhile, the hydraulic head is higher than the land's surface in topographical control cases. This usually occurs at discharge areas at lower elevations near lakes and rivers around steep slopes.
With depth, the pressure of the groundwater increases, especially in the discharge areas controlled by the topography.
The Importance of Controlling or Stopping the Artesian Flow

Learning to control or stop artesian wells will prevent the waste of groundwater. For example, if an artesian well is uncontrolled and flows at 10 USgpm, it can waste around 14,400 gallons of water daily.
It can waste approximately 5.25 million gallons of water yearly to supply four homes.
Wasting water may decrease the confining pressure available in the aquifer. The well will no longer flow at a reduced rate, affecting the nearby springs and wells.
Whenever the groundwater breaks outside the well, it can cause flooding, sinkholes, and damage to the area.
One reason to control its flow is to prevent the groundwater from the aquifer from overlying aquifers.
If the situation is not contained, clay, gravel, silt, sand, and other fluids can carry the artesian groundwater to the surface water, affecting its quality.
Moreover, the flowing artesian wells can lead to erosion. The accumulated flowing water in the ponds can contribute to mosquito problems.
Determining the Artesian Conditions Before Beginning to Drill
Before drilling a well, it is crucial to do a pre-drilling assessment. This will determine the flow range and the pressure found during the drilling. With this, you can know if you can encounter flowing artesian conditions.
The pre-drilling activities include determining geological conditions, gathering information, knowing the static water levels, and any history of the artesian water in the area. You can obtain this information from the following:
- Checking the reports available from the local well construction
- Reviewing the available hydrological reports
- Interview with the government’s environmental hydrogeologists
- Consultation with professional hydrogeologists and drillers within the local area
If such information is unavailable, the person in charge of drilling the well must consider the proposed depth of the well following the geological and topographical information of the site.
Also, the electrical survey or the geophysical logs can be used to understand the subsurface conditions better.
Whenever there is limited information available, it is best to take some precautionary approaches to the issue. Planning should be considered seriously, and one should assume that the flowing artesian conditions are always present.
- control the flow
- secure the casing or borehole
- ensure the drill rig
- expanding the weight of the drilling mud
- using plugs
- using surge-blocking to limit the flow
- introducing a drillable packer.
Controlling the Artesian Flow from the Well
One can say that the flowing artesian well is under control when the entire flow is through the production casing up to the wellhead. After that, one can stop the flow indefinitely without surface leakage on the ground’s surface. This can also prevent leakage into other aquifers near the well.
If the flow of the artesian well is controlled, it will not stop the flow or even dry up the well. This is true, especially if the well is constructed properly.
The opposite is true since the waste of the artesian water will cause a decrease in the artesian pressure. If you control the flow of the artesian well, it will prevent the unnecessary loss of groundwater from the aquifer.
Why Choose Artesian Water?
Nowadays, more people are considering the importance of drinking artesian water. The water comes from the country's deep aquifers, which reach the land and have been falling through the rocks and mountains for decades.
As such, it has a rich concentration of natural minerals and is considered free from contaminants. Many people choose artesian water when they decide on safe and healthy bottled water for their family.
Now, here are the benefits of drinking artesian water:
Contains Natural Minerals
Artesian water is the type of water that the human body is designed to consume. It contains natural minerals that are just right for our health. Some of the minerals are:
Calcium is essential for life. It is crucial for building and maintaining bones, preventing blood clots, and keeping the body healthy. It also causes our muscles to contract and our heartbeat to beat. Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in our body is found in our teeth and bones.
Fluoride- The artesian water has been proven to have traces of fluoride in it. Fluoride is beneficial for good dental health. However, the content is not as high as that in tap water. As such, you must not worry about the potential health hazards artesian water can cause consumers.
Electrolytes—Artesian water contains natural electrolytes, which help regulate the pH balance of the blood. The bicarbonate in the electrolytes prevents the blood from becoming too acidic and prevents fatigue.
Indeed, artesian spring water has various benefits. Its awesome natural taste can make it one of the best alternatives for soda and other sugar-based drinks.
Always Opt for Genuine Artesian Water
It is best to opt for companies that use natural artesian water for your office or home. Choose companies that use water from the springs and bottle it directly. Some suppliers deliver water bottles using certified food-grade material.
Water Quality Concerns of Flowing Artesian Wells
In summary, the quality of the flowing artesian wells is excellent. However, in some cases, the artesian waters are of poor quality, which can cause serious issues with the overlying aquifer and surface water.
The depth of the well can affect the quality of the water. For example, if artesian water flows deeper, it can have poorer water quality than water flowing from shallower wells. Like the water from deep sandstone formations, the water from bedrock formations can contain arsenic, which can lead to serious health problems in the long run. Thus, artesian wells with poor water quality must be closed permanently.
Meanwhile, most problems with flowing artesian wells are due to improper construction or discharge controls. For example, the constant water flow can cause casing corrosion and leakage. This is true if the water contains fine sand or is corrosive.
If the artesian water is corrosive, a smaller pipe made of corrosion-resistant material can be installed in the well. When it becomes corroded, it can be replaced periodically. Remember not to use thin-wall casing for artesian wells.
Failure of the surface seal or the casing during construction can be costly. It can even result in the eruption of a large amount of sand, silt, clay, or gravel. It can cause unstable conditions and potential flooding to nearby structures. This is possible through subsidence and erosion, which can harm the living area of the aquatic organisms.
The screens of the well can yield water that can withstand if it is not developed properly. This can be an issue if the flowing artesian well in an aquifer is shut off. Then, the sand will clog and settle in the area and beneath the casing. The screen size should be coarse to prevent pressure buildup in the aquifer. It must be noted as well that the well should be developed properly.
Experts do not recommend using the perforated casing in artesian wells. Sometimes, the smell of an unpleasant rotten egg can be present. This can be controlled by stopping or reducing the flow of the artesian wells.
Hygiene concerning Geology
Selection of the Site
Before beginning the drilling, you must choose a good site. In most cases, the owner or the villagers will point you to the location suitable for the wells. However, this might not be the best location to get the best water quality. Thus, you are responsible for learning about the water's hygiene and the most hygienic location for the well.
Indeed, there are two crucial factors that you have to take note of.
First, consider pollution sources, such as waste dump areas, fuel stations, toilets, and fireplaces. Second, consider the shade of the well's location.
Some homeowners might find it practical to build their well near their house and privy. But when you do so, you might not realize that the well is close to the toilet, which will cause contamination of microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
These organisms can cause illnesses like diarrhea whenever they are consumed. The pathogens found in human waste in restrooms can move downwards and contaminate the groundwater.
Thus, when selecting an excellent site for the well, it is best to construct it downhill or downstream from a restroom. If determining the groundwater flow is difficult, build the well 30 meters from the restroom.
Waste Areas, Fire Place, Fuel Stations, and Farms
The same principle applies to areas where waste is dumped or burned or where fuel and other contaminants can seep into the groundwater. Chemicals found in drinking water can also cause serious health problems, such as failure of bodily functions.
Sun or Shade
Drillers may tell you that they like to drill under a shade. But this is not a good location for a well. Many people will go to the well to fetch some water. However, they are unaware that they are carriers of harmful pathogens from the soles of their feet.
For example, bacteria can be picked up from work or the restroom, especially if someone just went to the toilet. These contaminants will be washed off your feet and into the well surroundings, threatening water quality. Whenever a well is placed under shade, algae and bacteria thrive. However, if the good surroundings dry up each day, sunlight will disinfect the area and kill the pathogens.
Migration of Pathogens
Pathogens, including viruses, parasites, and bacteria, will move downward with the infiltrating rainwater through the porous soil layers. When it is in the groundwater, the chemicals and pathogens will spread horizontally and vertically deeper into the aquifer.
Groundwater easily flows through porous layers like gravel and sand. Chemicals and pathogens dissolved and suspended in this groundwater migrate through permeable layers.
Water with pathogens must be stopped before it reaches the surroundings of the well screen. Luckily, impermeable layers can be found. Water and pathogens do not flow well with these impermeable layers. Because of its fine texture, the impermeable layers prevent the pathogens from vertical migration down into the aquifer.
Since the impermeable layer blocks pathogens from downward migration, the lower aquifer contains water without harmful chemicals and pathogens from the surface.
However, sometimes, only one aquifer—a 50-meter-thick permeable sand layer — is within the reach of manual drilling equipment.
Yes, there is no impermeable layer in this case. But down into the sand layer, the number of pathogens will decrease gradually. It takes time for the pathogens to go down, and as they do so, they will die over time.
However, no impermeable layer will prevent the downward movement of contaminants and pathogens. This will mark the exact depth at which the contaminants are no longer present. Thus, drilling as deep as possible in places where only one aquifer exists is recommended.
Sanitary Seal
Drilling through the impermeable layer creates a shortcut between the first and second aquifer. Drilling a hole into the impermeable layer will enable the contaminants to flow down from the polluted layer into the clean aquifer and well-screen.
A well screen and gravel pack are placed when a hole is drilled. The impermeable layer must be closed to prevent contaminants from traveling into the second aquifer. A sanitary seal made of bentonite and cement can seal the impermeable layer again.
A 3-5 meter thick sanitary seal must be installed above the gravel pack whenever there is only one aquifer. This will prevent contaminants from entering the well screen.
Pathogens and water can travel faster down into the loose material in the borehole than through the undisturbed soil. This will force the water to flow through the normal undisturbed soil, increasing the time for the surface water to reach the filter screen.
Water Quality Testing
Good-quality potable water is free from disease-causing bacteria and excessive chemicals. It should also smell and taste clear. The water must be tested to ensure it is suitable for drinking.
Indeed, drinking water must be tested based on various parameters:
- Chemical parameters: hardness, pH level, electrical conductivity, heavy metals, iron, nutrients, artificial threats, and natural chemicals.
- Biological parameters: Pathogens, parasites, and viruses.
- Physical parameters: Color, turbidity, color, smell, etc.
Most water quality tests must be performed in a laboratory. However, some can also be performed in the field.
When taking water samples for testing, wait until the whole process is finished. Wait for another few weeks to allow some parameters to disperse. Do not take a sample immediately after well disinfection. This will make the result predictable but not useful in the study.
After the well's construction, disinfect it to kill harmful organisms. Pathogens might have entered the well during the annular backfill or installation. To disinfect the well, chlorinate it.
Key Issues to Take Note When Drilling a Flowing Artesian Well
Constructing flowing artesian wells with high flow rates and pressure is challenging. Those flowing wells drilled deep in the ground are less prone to developing flow problems. They are easier to deal with. In bedrock locations, the rock allows for the easy installation of the seal.
If you drill a well into a confined aquifer, you can potentially disturb the overlying geologic layer, which provides a potential pathway to the pressurized movement of the artesian water. As such, the closer the above portion of the artesian formation is to the ground's surface, the more challenging it is to control the flow.
Qualified well drillers should observe the condition of the flowing artesian water. Do this for one to two weeks after the construction. Check if there are any leakages outside or in between the casings.
Disinfecting the Artesian Wells

Due to the protected nature of the artesian aquifer, flowing wells are generally less prone to bacterial contamination.
Positive artesian pressure can also minimize contaminants' entry into the well. Contaminants introduced during drilling can be flushed out via continuous water discharge.
You can put a temporary casing extension above the piezometric level to disinfect the flowing well with chlorine.
This can increase the chlorine and stop the flow. A neutralizing agent can be used if the chlorine solution can potentially harm the environment.
An example is Vitamin C. It is affordable, can inactivate chlorine, and has an instantaneous reaction time.
If chlorinated water harms the environment, such as fish, a powerful killing agent like Vitamin C can deactivate the chlorine.
The savviest type of vitamin C is a solution of at least 1 percent (by weight) ascorbic acid. Reaction time is almost constant when added to the sump or a stream of chlorinated water.
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