Have you ever felt a burning sensation in your chest area? This phenomenon is called heartburn, a common health condition experienced by many men and women. It feels like a nagging pain in the chest behind the breastbone. It worsens in the evening, after eating, or when bending or lying down. A bitter or acidic taste in the mouth also denotes it.
Now, before you panic, you should know that heartburn is, more often than not, common and not a cause for alarm. Most people alleviate the symptoms and risks of heartburn by simply changing their lifestyle or taking nonprescription medications.
As mentioned above, heartburn is a common medical condition. It affects 60 million Americans monthly and 20 to 30 percent worldwide. Occasional heartburn is normal.
Still, even though heartburn generally does not entail serious health complications, it can sometimes lead to more serious health problems. So, when should you see a doctor? You should be wary of your symptoms and monitor them occasionally.
For example, if you experience severe chest pain or pressure, pain in the arm or jaw, or difficulty breathing, it is best to consult a doctor immediately.
In addition to those, you should also note its frequency, difficulty swallowing, persistent nausea or vomiting, and weight loss due to poor appetite or difficulty eating.
In this article, we will discuss heartburn in depth.
First, we will discuss its various causes, signs and symptoms, natural treatments and remedies, and several lifestyle changes you can make to lessen or alleviate heartburn symptoms. We will also discuss GERD, acid reflux, and other related health conditions.
Finally, we will tackle whether drinking water helps ease heartburn pain.
Causes of Heartburn
To expound further, heartburn occurs when the stomach acid is transported back into the esophagus tube.
Normally, when you swallow food, a stack of muscle around the bottom of the esophagus, otherwise called the lower esophageal sphincter, relaxes, wherein food passes through, along with the liquid, and reaches the stomach.
Right shortly, the muscle tightens again until another food is transported.

However, in some instances, the lower esophageal sphincter does not execute this mechanism of "tightening" and "relaxing."
As such, when the lower muscles of the esophagus weaken or relax abnormally, the acid in the stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, also called acid reflux, and causes heartburn. It happens whenever the acid backs up in the esophagus. This is the tube that carries the food that we eat up to the stomach.
Some foods and drinks, including spicy foods, citrus, onions, and tomato products, can trigger heartburn. Fatty foods, chocolate, and peppermint also trigger heartburn.
Finally, coffee, carbonated beverages, and alcohol can hinder some from enjoying holidays.
Meanwhile, being pregnant or overweight increases one's risk of experiencing heartburn.
Signs and Symptoms of Heartburn
There are various signs and symptoms of heartburn. One is a nagging, discomforting pain in the chest. This usually happens right after eating, and some experience it at night.
Moreover, there is an acidic or bitter taste in your mouth. Finally, the pain worsens when you bend or lie down in your bed.
If you are experiencing severe chest pain, it is best to see a doctor immediately. Some people may also feel pain in their jaw and arm.
Others can have difficulty breathing. If the issue is neglected, these symptoms can lead to a heart attack.
As previously stated above, take note of the following symptoms so you'll know when exactly to see your doctor:
More than twice a week of heartburn
Burning pain in the chest despite taking over-the-counter drugs
Painful experience when swallowing
Vomiting or nausea
Difficulty eating
Poor appetite or extreme weight loss
If heartburn often occurs and disrupts your daily routine, you might develop Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
GERD may require treatment and sometimes operation. It can damage the esophagus, and recovery can be challenging. Furthermore, it may cause concern for digestive and kidney diseases.
What is gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD)?
Repeated backflow or reflux of acid from the stomach into the food pipe or mouth is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a digestive disorder since it messes up primarily with your digestive tract.
Many people experience acid reflux more frequently than what is deemed normal. It happens over and over again that it develops chronic acid reflux condition —which, in return, causes gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Like normal heartburn, most people try alleviating symptoms by changing their lifestyle or daily routine and taking certain medications.
Occasionally, some people experience severe symptoms that they need to undergo surgery, like gastrointestinal endoscopy, to lessen the pain.
Three conditions can cause Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):
Poor color of the lower part of the esophagus (food pipe)
Too much acid in the stomach
Delayed stomach emptying
The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle that controls the passage of food between the esophagus (food pipe) and stomach.
Sometimes, this muscle doesn't close completely, causing the acid produced by the stomach to flow again into the esophagus or throat. This abnormal condition is called gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn.
The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux consist of a sour taste in the mouth, a dry cough, and a burning sensation in the throat. It might sometimes cause acid reflux (pain in the upper abdomen and chest that occasionally feels like an individual has a heart attack).
Ultimately, if these symptoms become repetitive and severe, or simply, frequent acid reflux happens, it becomes what is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Treatment for Heartburn
Heartburn can be treated easily by changing your lifestyle. Eat certain foods to prevent acid reflux. Pair your food with certain beverages and drinks that help enhance your digestive process to make it more heartburn-friendly.
Perform simple steps to avoid it, like the tips included below:
Natural Remedies
When the symptoms of heartburn strike, you can find immediate relief with the food and drinks at your home. You don't need to get prescription medications right away or other types of medicine to relieve heartburn. Check out these easy and natural remedies below:

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is commonly used to treat sunburns. Amazingly, it is also an effective remedy for heartburn. Just drink a glass of aloe vera juice to calm your esophagus. This can limit inflammation and avoid irritation in the long run. Since it is a natural remedy, it does not aggravate acid reflux.
Apple or Banana
Eating a banana or an apple a day will prevent heartburn. These fruits contain natural antacids that can relieve and prevent the onset of acid reflux and other heartburn symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar
People may be hesitant to take apple cider vinegar at first. However, acid reflux is due to a condition wherein there is not enough acid in your stomach.
Taking apple cider vinegar is the best way to introduce acid back into your belly. It tastes good and can be used as a salad dressing.
Apple cider is also conducive to weight loss and preventing stomach bulges. All in all, this is a good component to add to your diet.
Baking Soda
Baking soda has a high pH level on it. As such, it helps in neutralizing the acid in the stomach. Whenever the acid rises from the stomach and esophagus, the baking soda does its magic by stopping the acid. You can swallow a teaspoon of baking soda. Or you can dilute it in water whenever you are in pain.
Coconut Water
Drinking unsweetened coconut water can help people who experience acid reflux. It contains helpful electrolytes like potassium. This can promote the balance of the pH level in the body. It aids in controlling the symptoms of acid reflux.
Chamomile Tea
Chewing Gum
Amazingly, chewing gum can help with heartburn. Chewing gum aids in saliva production, which in turn helps dilute and clear the acid from the stomach. This can relieve pain and reduce symptoms in the long run.
As mentioned, chewing gum accelerates saliva production in the mouth. A study states that chewing gum helps lessen the risk of heartburn since "increased" saliva production helps promote swallowing in general.
As a result, you can keep acid down and neutralize the acid your stomach makes, preventing it from getting sent back into your esophagus in its most "acidic" form. But eating other gum won't also benefit your health, so make sure it's sugar-free!
Fermented Foods
Ginger Tea

The Truth about Drinking Water during an Acid Reflux
Heartburn is due to the flow of the acid in the stomach back into the esophagus. Drinking water can provide relief. It can raise the pH level of the stomach. It can dilute the acid. Also, it can clear out the esophagus.
The pH level of water is neutral, which can raise the pH level of acidic food.
Recently, there has been a buzz about drinking alkaline water and its promise to help ease heartburn. Alkaline has a higher pH level and lower acidity. Some people say it can neutralize the acid and relieve the symptoms.
Drinking alkaline water will neutralize the liquid for only a few minutes. However, it will not solve the main cause of stomach acid.
Furthermore, drinking too much water can disturb the balance of minerals in the body, most likely increasing the chances of experiencing acid reflux.
Talk to your doctor first before considering alkaline water for treating heartburn. Make sure to partner it with other remedies to resolve the signs and symptoms immediately.
Water likewise blends well with fiber in your stomach. This helps you control your cravings so you don't consume a lot of food and is a decent way of absorbing excess stomach acid.
That way, the acid will not spill into your esophagus, creating that terrible burning sensation and numerous symptoms.
Subsequently, consuming food sources rich in fiber blended with some water is an incredible way to fight heartburn symptoms.
Does drinking hot water help heartburn?
How does hot water help with heartburn?
Restarts metabolism and speeds up digestion
Can lemon water help with heartburn?
Lemon is an acidic substance. However, many individuals trust it can help diminish acid reflux or heartburn. Does it work, and is it safe?
According to a 2012 survey, lemon juice has been used in Eastern and Western practices to help with digestion and gastrointestinal issues, including acid reflux.
Nonetheless, no research suggests that it works. Indeed, lemon juice's acidity could worsen acid reflux.
A few sources say that lemon water has an alkalizing impact, implying that it can neutralize stomach acid and diminish indigestion. However, this isn't backed by research.
Lemon juice is acidic, with a pH of 3, while water is neutral, with a pH of around 7. Thus, water is neither acidic nor alkaline.
Drinking lemon water can improve reflux in some individuals. However, an acidic fluid, such as lemon water, could even worsen symptoms for other people.
How do you use lemon water for acid reflux?
Again, there is no research to back up the idea that lemon water will diminish the side effects of acid reflux. If an individual still prefers to try this home remedy, they can think about the option below:
Mix one tablespoon (tbsp) of fresh lemon juice with eight ounces (oz) of water. If the mixture tastes too strong, add less lemon juice at first. Always dilute lemon juice with water to lessen its acidity.
Some people drink lemon water 20–30 minutes before each meal to prevent acid reflux from happening.
Drink a small amount at first and observe how the body reacts. Slowly graduate up to a full glass if fitting.
Drink lemon water with a straw since the acid in the juice can damage teeth and enamel.
Change Lifestyle
Apart from eating the recommended food and drinks mentioned above, there are also a few lifestyle changes that you should try. It includes avoiding a few treats, wearing the right clothes, and listening to your body. Check out the tips below:

Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine
One step to start your journey toward lifestyle changes is by limiting, or if possible, stopping your vices. When one smokes or drinks alcoholic beverages, the body relaxes. This makes the valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach relax. Now, the acid can escape the stomach and trigger reflux. You can experience vomiting and stomach pain as you smoke and binge drink.
Avoid Eating Spicy Foods
Change your Eating Habits
Do Not Eat Chocolate or Drink Citrus Juices
Lose Weight
Pay Attention to Your Body
Sleep with your Body Elevated or an Incline
Take Licorice Supplements
Take Over-the-Counter Medications
Wear Loose Clothes

In sum, when heartburn hits, there are many natural and over-the-counter remedies that you can try to ease the pain. Drinking water can help with the immediate relief of the symptoms. However, this might not be an effective remedy to solve the issue in the long run.
To experience long-term relief from your health condition, you should adjust your lifestyle, watch your diet, and talk to your doctor.
If you experience heartburn more than two times a week, it is best to seek professional help immediately. It might be a symptom of a bigger health problem. See a doctor so the issue can be solved immediately.
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