The Gravity Water Filter is a water filtration method with outstanding benefits and abilities.
Still, it is not well-recognized or acknowledged, especially since many competitors are in the same business and aim to outperform each other in functionalities and customer satisfaction.
However, the Gravity Water Filter is not underestimated because it has highly beneficial consumer features.
We live in an era in which everything is possible. Over the years, the modernization and development of technologies and machines have skyrocketed.
This left us all in awe about how certain things come together and result in something greater than we cannot easily grasp or understand, leaving us surprised.
One of the examples that can surprise us with its greatness is the Gravity Water Filter.
This article will discuss the different features of gravity water filters, their different features, how they are helpful to their consumers, how they work, and the best gravity water filters to choose from.
What Is A Gravity Water Filter?

A Gravity Water Filter uses gravity to filter polluted or contaminated water. It sounds too broad.
This device comprises two chambers: the upper chamber and the lower chamber. You pour your contaminated water into the upper chamber; the lower chamber is the finish line, where it is filtered.
The Gravity Water Filter is perfect because it is convenient and no longer requires plumbing or electricity.
We live in an era in which everything is possible. Over the years, the modernization and development of technologies and machines have skyrocketed.
This left us all in awe about how certain things come together and result in something greater than we cannot easily grasp or understand, leaving us surprised.
One example that can surprise us with its greatness is the Gravity Water Filter.
This article will discuss its different features, how it helps consumers, how it works, and the best Gravity Water Filter.
Overview of Gravity Water Filter
Gravity water filters are as precise as they sound. These filters use the force of gravity to push the water down while it filters. As you would expect, water is fed into it from the top.
This can be done with any filter method, such as distilled water, reverse osmosis, or charcoal-filtered water, which uses a gravity filter process.
If you are unfortunate enough to live in an area with insufficient tap water, face an emergency without water, or have a questionable water supply, a gravity filter can help.
One of the best things about gravity water filters is that they tend to work with gravity, which means you don’t necessarily need electricity.
What Is a Gravity Water Filter?
A Gravity Water Filter uses gravity to filter polluted or contaminated water. It sounds too broad.
This device comprises two chambers: the upper and lower chambers. You pour your contaminated water into the upper chamber; the lower chamber is the finish line, where it is filtered.
The Gravity Water Filter is perfect because of its convenience. It no longer requires plumbing or electricity to function. The water's weight allows it to flow over and through the filters. The filtered water is gathered in a tank under the filtration system.
As the name indicates, the system uses the natural force of gravity to allow water to flow over the filters. Many modern filtration systems are powered.
How Does It Work?
The upper chamber of the gravity water filter contains an element that takes care of the filtering process of your contaminated water. That element comprises microscopic pores that disable the contaminants and other pollutants from passing through it, leaving only the water to pass through that microporous element to the lower chamber.
Now, you have your filtered water, which is ready and safe for drinking.
However, due to the increasing number of manufacturers, some might have different elements in their chambers that allow them to filter water.
Generally, the idea behind the Gravity Water Filter is to have two sets of chambers and a mediator in between the chambers.
This mediator acts as the filtering machine by letting the contaminated water pass through it while leaving all the contaminants and pollutants behind as the water transfers to the lower chamber.
When Was The Gravity Water Filtered Discovered?
Surprisingly, the Gravity Water Filter can be traced back to 1800 in London, England. With legendary craftsman John Doulton, Royal Doulton Ceramics was already ahead in making water filters due to the drastic increase in rampant water-borne diseases during that year.
Polluted and contaminated water was one of London's top problems that year. Because of this, Doulton, with Martha Jones and John Watt as partners, created water filter cases packed with powder carbon.
When Queen Victoria came to the throne, Her Highness acknowledged Doulton and his team by establishing their company brand as an innovative manufacturer of industrial products.
In 1835, Queen Victoria requested Doulton make water filters for the Royal household. The company then developed gravity-fed stoneware units crafted from delicately designed ceramics.
When was the Gravity Water Filtered Discovered?
Surprisingly, the Gravity Water Filter can be traced back to 1800 in London, England. With legendary craftsman John Doulton, Royal Doulton Ceramics was already ahead in making water filters due to the drastic increase in rampant water-borne diseases during that year.
Polluted and contaminated water was one of London's top problems that year. Because of this, Doulton, with Martha Jones and John Watt as partners, created water filter cases packed with powder carbon.
How did it start?
When Queen Victoria came to the throne, Her Highness acknowledged Doulton and his team by establishing their company brand as an innovative manufacturer of industrial products.
In 1835, Queen Victoria requested Doulton make water filters for the Royal household. The company then developed gravity-fed stoneware units crafted from delicately designed ceramics.
Queen Victoria requested John Doulton (later to become Royal Doulton) use his ceramic-making skills to produce a water filter. He created the first gravity water filter stoneware, Doulton water filters, using various earth and clay materials.
Pros and Cons
Indeed, the gravity water filter has various advantages as well as disadvantages. Let us take a look at each section:
The gravity water filtration system is effective and efficient. It is simple and very functional.
There are various sizes to choose from, depending on your needs.
It can be placed anywhere at home, on the table or countertop.
It requires less maintenance. The filter should be replaced only once or twice a year, depending on the manufacturer's recommendation. The system does not need electricity.
One can build his version of a gravity water filter if on budget.
The parts of a gravity water filter can be costly, especially for those on a tight budget. For example, the replacement cost for the unit parts can range from $25 to $100 or more. However, the cost will still depend on the type of water filter used. Indeed, a gravity water filter is cheap, but not its parts.
Before buying a gravity water filter, you must have the right estimate. You can also monitor the number of water you drink each day. It is indeed expensive to buy a large water filter. However, buying a small one might not work out for your big family, especially on a hot summer day.
Some gravity filters take time to clean the water, while others can do the cleaning quickly. As such, you should check out how fast the unit can do its job.
What To Consider Before You Buy A Gravity Water Filter
Here is a quick buying guide for gravity water filters. The list below are some of the things you should review and take into consideration before you buy one:
Do you have enough space? Gravity-fed water filters come in many different shapes and sizes, but you need to know where you will put them and if you have enough space for your chosen device.
Can it filter enough water for you every day? To answer this question, you must know how much water you consume. Once you have this number, determine how much water filtration you get with each filter cartridge. This will tell you how often you need to replace cartridges and whether your chosen filter can meet your demands.
What do you need to filter? Find out what is in your water supply. You can do this by looking at the water quality report by looking at the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) dedicated agency in your state. Alternatively, you can get a water test kit and see what is in your water. Once you know what to filter, you must ensure the gravity filter you want to buy can cope with everything you find. Knowing exactly what contaminants are in your water will help you better know which type of countertop gravity filter system to get.
Alkaline or acidic water? Another thing to check is the pH level of your water. A neutral number is seven on the pH scale; any number lower than seven means you are acidic, and a higher number means alkaline. Regularly drinking alkaline water has some health benefits. Consider getting a gravity water filter to improve the pH level to enjoy some benefits.
Types Of Gravity Water Filters
Just like all other kinds of water filtration systems, gravity filters may come in variations. Each one has its purpose plus advantages. Take a look at each type below:
Ceramic Gravity Water Filter: This product is ideal for individuals allergic to organic materials and sensitive to chemicals. Excessive chemicals should not be used in drinking water.
Meanwhile, it works just like the steel water filter unit. You must put water into the top ceramic chamber to use it and turn the system on.
Stainless Steel Gravity Water Filter: Most stainless steel filters available today are bigger than the average ceramic unit.
The Stainless Steel units are ideal for renting a house or are always on the go. Unlike the ceramic unit, this one will not break easily, even if you accidentally drop it on the floor.
Furthermore, it is lighter and does not require complex installation. More families carry this along wherever they go, so it would help if you considered it, too.
Gravity Bag Water Filter: This is also known as the gravity water bag filter backpacking. It is a real on-the-go filter unit, best for people who like to travel to various places.
Bringing huge and heavy water filters with you is not the best idea when camping or hiking. However, bag filters can significantly improve your water supply if your supply is depleting.
Do-It-Yourself Or DIY Water Filter
Indeed, having a water filtration unit in your home is a great investment. It is helpful in emergencies, such as when water is contaminated in your area during natural calamities.
Meanwhile, you can create your version of the gravity water filter system now! It will only cost you around $75-$100, a good deal for your water filter. Here are the materials that you will need to create one:
Two pieces of food-grade buckets- You can ask restaurants for these buckets. Check the lid and see that there are no cracks. You can also buy at online or local stores near you.
Water filter- You can buy a ceramic dome or fluoride filter.
Faucet or spigot: Choose a plastic faucet instead of metal or steel, as these may be too heavy for the project.
Drill-Have the drill with you to make holes in the food-grade buckets.
How Effective Is A DIY Gravity Water Filter?
Now that you know how to make a DIY gravity water filter, you can assemble one in any situation. But how do you know if it works effectively?
The first thing you can do to prevent issues is to use high-quality materials and construct them carefully.
Another way to ensure your water is safe to drink is to boil any water you filter. Boiling water kills any harmful pathogens present.
However, boiling water cannot adequately kill things like toxic chemicals nor dissolve any contaminated solids.
How To Make A Free-Standing Water Filter
Step 1
Drill a hole in the lower container. Ensure the hole will enable the spigot or faucet to fit precisely. Once done, put the knot in place to ensure it can be sealed.
Step 2
Next, measure your dome water filter inside the upper container. Place the water filter dome inside and use a marker to measure it. Once you have measured its placement, drill the bottom surface of the upper container. Do not place the dome filter just yet.
Step 3
Take the lid of the lower container and place the upper container on top. Due to the plastic, you can see the hole in the second container's lid. Drill a hole that matches the other one.
Step 4
You can connect the two containers by sliding the dome filter inside the upper container and locking the lid of the lower container.
Tips In Buying The Best Gravity Water Filtration System
If you still haven’t decided what product to buy for your home, familiarize yourself first with the features to look for when buying a system. This will save you time, money, and effort on your next shopping trip.
Have a look at these tips:
Water Capabilities And Quality
The essential feature of the water filter is the quality of the water it produces. There is no point in buying a system that cannot handle water from wild resources.
If you wish to invest in a water filter system, ensure it generates plenty of healthy drinking water.
Another consideration is the water capacity. Ensure you know how much water you will most likely use at any time of the day. Next, buy a water tank that fits your family's needs.
Speed of Filtration
Lastly, the speed of filtration should also be considered. Check out how fast the system can filter the water. Some systems work slowly, while some work quickly. You don’t want to wait 30 minutes or more to have a tank of clean drinking water.
What Is The Best Gravity Water Filter System Out There?
Many gravity water filter manufacturers compete head-to-head on who's the best in delivering their consumers quality results to safe, reliable, and drinkable water.
Although they are all competitive and have their highlights, one brand easily stands out: the Berkey Water Filtration System.
What Is The Berkey Water Filtration System?

The Black Berkey® Elements dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, radiologicals, and more..
The Berkey Water Filtration System comes in different sizes to give our consumers other options for what Berkey Water filtration system is suitable for their household.
The Different Sizes Of Water Berkey Filtration Systems
Crown Berkey is the biggest of the Berkey Water Filtration Systems. It can hold 6 gallons of water without any additional elements being installed.
Imperial Berkey - It can contain 4.5 gallons of water without any additional installation of elements.
Royal Berkey—This size is convenient for households with more people. It can hold 3.25 gallons of water.
Big Berkey—It perfectly fits the size of an average household's headcount. It can hold 2.25 gallons of water without any additional installation of elements.
Travel Berkey - The Travel Berkey is great for those who love traveling or going on small, on-the-go adventures. It is just the right size to fit in small compartments, such as a travel bag or suitcase, and it can hold 1.5 gallons of water.
Go Berkey - If you want to choose a ready-to-go filtering system, Go Berkey will be suitable. It is great for those who love to go hiking and cycling. It can contain 1 quart of water without any additional installation of elements.
The Design And Features Of The Berkey Water Filtration Systems
The Berkey Water Filtration Systems are designed with a well-constructed, highly polished 304 stainless steel.
Not only that, but it also comes with a complete package essential kit containing the following:
2 Black Berkey elements (expandable to 4)
Two chambers
a spigot
rubber gasket base
Two blocking plugs
In addition, the Berkey system can significantly reduce fluoride and arsenic through its 4 PF-2 Fluoride and Arsenic filters that can be installed in the lower chamber.
Air Locking in Gravity Filters
If there is one issue with gravity filters, it is a frequent incident of low flow rate. In line with that, one of the reasons for the low flow rate is a thing called air locking.
As the name implies, an airlock is air trapped in a high point in a fluid-filled pipe system. This causes the air to move and feel lighter than the liquid itself, which results in air rising to an elevated point and lingering around, disrupting the liquid flow.
Needless to say, gravity water filters have risen to prominence in almost all parts of the world. However, it is undeniable that these kinds of water filters have low heads or insufficient pressure to push water through the filtration system.
By standard, only a few centimeters of water segments can push the filtration in a gravity channel. Specifically, the water column in the gravity filters can only give about 0.4 psi pressure at the beginning of the filtration system.
As it falls head-first, the pressure drops as low as 0.1 psi. In conclusion, the container height used for water filtration defines the operating water pressure available in the system.
However, due to the very low velocity, releasing air bubbles trapped inside the filter channel from the cartridge and clearing the water flow passage is difficult.
Ultimately, the issue of air locking in your water gravity filters can generate several complications if not addressed immediately.
Apart from resisting the flow of water, it channels or short circuits water in the filter bed, which can only partially use the filter channel surface of the filtration system, resulting in a compromised water content.
It also reduces the longevity of the water filtration cartridge. As soon as the filter bed fouls and you see blocks of impurities in your water, the impact that this may pose goes beyond the aesthetic because, in this case, it might affect your and your family's overall health.
The Bottom Line

The main highlight of all Berkey Water Filtration Systems is the Black Berkey Element, which comes with the product. This element is the core feature that makes the filtration magic happen.
Our Berkey Water Filtration Systems have been rigorously tested. They continuously prove to people worldwide that they are the perfect choice for providing your household and loved ones with clean, safe, reliable, and drinkable water. With our systems, you can rest easy knowing that your water is of the highest quality.
Clean and reliable drinking water is essential for our daily lives. Gravity water filters possess a high capacity for filtering out several contaminants from your drinking water.
One of the many benefits of our Berkey Water Filtration Systems is their ease of installation. You can easily set them up at home by following our detailed guidelines, which include simple, easy-to-understand procedures.
This DIY process ensures convenience and saves you from the hassle and cost of hiring a professional. Plus, it's more affordable than other costly water filtration systems!
With Berkey Water Filters, you can rest assured that your water is safe because it is a pack leader in water filtration that uses gravity to feed water through a gamut of "Black Berkey Elements."
If you want to know more, please call (888) 899-3903 or visit our website, theberkey.com.
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