The Dangers of Drinking and Swimming Cold Water

The Dangers of Drinking and Swimming Cold Water

Proper hydration is essential for working efficiently and for your complete health. Water is the best fluid resource for the body to drink since it makes up around 65% of your body.     

It performs many substantial functions, including waste disposal, regulation of body temperature, and joint lubrication. It additionally transmits hormones and nutrients to organs through the blood and plays a role in recovering from injuries.

If you don't drink enough water, you may become dehydrated. Your body needs more liquid to function properly.   

Your urine can be a warning sign that you may be dehydrated. If it is colorless or light yellow, you are adequately hydrated. However, you might be dehydrated if it is dull yellow or golden.        

Different signs can indicate you might be dehydrated. They include:    

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth
  • Extreme thirst
  • Headache
  • Little or no urine
  • No tears when crying
  • Sleepiness or fatigue
  • Urine that is darker than usual

On the other hand, water is the fluid of all known living organisms and is one of the best sources of recreation. Few satisfy your pleasure, but swimming is recognized to be exceptional. It is the fourth most popular activity in the United States. 

Swimming has been known as the ideal exercise. It is perfect for your physical and mental health.

Experts suggest that adults get 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of powerful activity weekly. It turns out you can get the advantages of a high-impact exercise with no harmful effect on joints, and it is the only activity that can be done at any age, at any ability.

There are incredible benefits you can get out of swimming. They are as follows below:

  • Improves muscle definition and strength
  • Build up bone mass
  • It helps you stay flexible
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Burns calories
  • Can improve exercise-induced asthma
  • Lowers stress and depression
  • It can make you smarter
  • May lengthen your life

Indeed, there are thousands of benefits of water, whether consumed or enjoyed for recreation. Do we even have specifications on how we like our water, warm or cold?

For years, debates have raged over the right temperature for optimum hydration.

Moreover, several notions have emerged about swimming in cold water. The severe dangers of drinking and swimming in cold water are often overlooked. Therefore, it is fitting to highlight them. Let us dive into them!

The Dangers of Cold Water


Facts on drinking cold water

  • It is a great post-workout drink when you have done strenuous exercise and feel overheated. It can also help you lose weight more effectively.
  • A study found that drinking cold water can cause or increase your risk of getting a headache.
  • Studies have revealed that drinking cold water can thicken the mucus in your sinuses, making it more difficult to pass.

There is nothing like a glass of ice water to quench thirst during summer or to gulp down right after returning from work.

Despite that, most people do not realize that the water temperature you are getting is additionally significant.

Many do not know that drinking cold water can carry more danger than good. Optimal hydration must still be observed. Listed below are the risks of drinking cold water that impact your health.

Causes Constipation

Consistently drinking cold water can result in constipation, as food sets and solidifies as it passes through the body.

One of the main causes of constipation is the contraction of the digestive organs. Research has shown that drinking water at room temperature is necessary for digestion.

Triggers Sore Throat

Similarly, as a cold winter's day can give you a runny nose and congest your sinuses, super cold water makes a similar physical reaction. Your body makes bodily fluid (mucus) a natural humidifier to warm any ingested cold air or fluid.

What matters is that this physical reaction is unnecessary because of cold water, and it brings about additional bodily fluid (mucus) piling up in your pipes, making your throat sore.

Lowers Heart Rate

Clinical studies have shown that drinking cold water lowers heart rate and triggers the vagus nerve, which controls the body's involuntary functions. The nerve is an essential part of the nervous system.

The low temperature of the water directly influences the vagus nerve, so the heart rate eventually eases back down.

The heart rate is reduced as an emergency measure until the body temperature reaches balance.

However, this isn't excessively useful for the heart and can prompt other heart-related issues.

Prevents Fat Breakdown

Drinking cold water right after a meal impacts the breakdown of fat. Cold temperatures in the body cause fats to solidify and harden, making them harder for the body to digest.  

Whether you drink room-temperature water or not, wait 30 minutes after a meal before drinking water to get the optimal benefits.

Should We Drink Warm or Hot Water Instead?

The Dangers of Drinking and Swimming Cold Water

As listed above, drinking cold water may quench one's thirst, especially in a dry, hot season, but it has severe negative health impacts.

That being said, drinking warm or hot water is your top option! It does come with one major drawback, though: the taste. However, there are ways to make your water tasty. With that bit of issue, several significant benefits that warm or hot water can affect in your body system:

  •  Your digestion will be more effective because of the natural digestive enzymes that warm water stimulates. 
  • You will hydrate yourself significantly faster every time you taste warm water. 
  •  Warm water makes your blood purer and cleaner. 
  •  Boosts your body’s natural detoxification processes.
  • It stimulates the blood flow to your digestive organs and helps prevent heartburn and constipation.
  •  Switching to warm water has decreased sugar cravings, helping you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Drinking warm water has been proven to help fight particular kinds of pain, such as menstrual spasms, headaches, joint pains, and even muscle sprains, by expanding blood flow to tissues.

When is the best time to drink warm water?

The ideal time to drink warm water is when you get up first thing in the morning. This helps kick-start your digestion so it works optimally for the day.

It is likewise a smart idea to drink warm liquids with meals. This keeps everything liquid and protects your internal organs. Warm water also helps build blood flow and enhance overall circulation.


Facts on swimming cold water

  • About 20 percent of individuals who fall into cold water die of cold water shock in the first minute of submersion.
  • Even strong swimmers will lose muscle control in around 10 minutes.
  • Body heat can be lost 25 times quicker in cold water than in chilly air.

Swimming is not just a fun activity; it has proven health benefits, too. A couple of years back, the United States Masters Swimming released a public statement reminding those with active lifestyles that swimming can be a thorough, powerful wellness exercise.

Safety considerations exist for any sport or recreation. One is that submerging yourself in cold water without a wetsuit or appropriate safety equipment and precautions is likely to be fatal.

Below are serious dangers when immersing in cold water, something to be aware of:

Unexpected Drowning

In minimal cases, immersion in cold water is instantly dangerous for anyone not wearing thermal protection, such as a wetsuit or dry suit. 

When cold water touches your skin, you experience cold shock, which causes a quick loss of breathing control. This can lead to an exceptionally high risk of unexpected drowning, regardless of whether the water is calm and you know how to swim.

The threat is much higher if the water is harsh. The inability to manage one's breathing with wave splashes intensifies the risk of breathing in water.

Gradual Drowning

Coldwater drowning can happen instantly, yet it can likewise require some time– a horrifying, drawn-out process in which limited amounts of water are breathed in again and again until your lungs become so saturated that you choke.

Breathing in around five ounces (150 ml) of water is sufficient to cause drowning.

Heart Failure and Stroke

Since skin veins tighten when exposed to sudden chilling, cold water immersion causes a rapid and massive increase in pulse rate and blood pressure.

Invulnerable people significantly increase the risk of heart failure and stroke.

These things happen well before hypothermia turns into an issue.

Phases of Immersion

To understand why some cold water deaths occur quickly while others take hours, you should be aware of the four phases of cold water immersion, what occurs during each one, and why it happens.

Phase 1: Cold Shock

Coldwater stun can happen when your body experiences sudden immersion in cool water that is under 15°C. It causes uncontrolled breathing and increases heart rate, which can prompt hypothermia and drowning. 
As your heart beats quicker, veins in your skin close, making it hard for blood to flow. 
Indications of cold water shock include: 
  • Quick cooling of skin, pale skin
  • Quick and uncontrollable breathing patterns, hyperventilation
  • Panic

Phase 2: Physical Incapacity

Physical incapacity is another way of saying that you become powerless in the water since you can no longer control your arms, legs, hands, and feet. At the point when this occurs, especially in waves, you are probably going to drown.

At the point when your muscles and nerves get sufficiently cold, they quickly stop working. This loss of muscle strength and control can happen rapidly. In cold water, it is likely to lose the use of your hands in less than a minute.

At the point when cold water cools your muscles and nerves:
  • You become gradually more vulnerable.
  • You become tired all the more quickly.
  • Your hands become numb and futile.
  • Your arms and legs stop working. 
    What this implies: 
    • Incapable of self-rescue.
    • Incapable of helping others who attempt to help you.
    • Swimming failure.
    • Incapable of positioning your back to the waves.
    • Highly increased danger of drowning.

    Phase 3: Hypothermia

    Hypothermia is harmful when the core body temperature drops below 35°C for 30 minutes or more. It might follow cold water shock after an unexpected immersion in cold water. 

    Indications of hypothermia include: 

    • Confusion
    • Loss of coordination
    • Chilling stops
    • Body inflexibility and weakness

      Phase 4: Circum-rescue Collapse

      This circumstance can happen not long before rescue, during rescue– upon removing the victim from the water, and after rescue when the individual is out. Circum-rescue collapse is not indeed known by all accounts to be identified with a sudden drop in blood pressure. It can cause blackouts and heart failure.

      Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP)

      If an accidental fall into the water, attempting to conserve however much of your energy as could reasonably be expected is imperative. This should be possible by taking the HELP method: 

      • Keep your head out of the water
      • Keep your clothes on to help hold the heat
      • Bring your knees to the chest
      • Press both your arms against your sides
      • Maintain movement to a minimum and remain calm
      • Huddle with others as much as possible

        Be Prepared

        Going on a cold water outing requires absolute preparedness whenever there is a need or accidental immersion in cold water.

        Your survival in cold water depends on having adequate flotation to keep your head above water, controlling your breathing, being rescued promptly without anyone else, and keeping your body heat.

        Listed below are the key things to consider before going on a cold water escapade:

        • Always wear a proper personal flotation device (PFD) or life jacket and know how to use them.
        In choosing your  PFD, you have to ensure that: 
          1. It is the suitable type for your boating area and activity;
          2. It is the correct size and has enough lightness to help you in the water and
          3. The U.S. Coast Guard approves it.
          • Wear layered clothing for insulation
          • Supply your boat with a means for re-entry (ladder, sling, etc.) to use if you should fall into the water
          • Bring an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB )
          • Check the weather before you go out on the water

          Surviving In Cold Water Immersion

          The Dangers of Drinking and Swimming Cold Water

          By all means, the best prevention is to take all necessary measures to prevent capsizing your boat or falling into cold water. If you do fall into or must enter cold water: 

          • Do not panic. Strive to get control of your breathing. Hold something or remain as calm as possible until your breathing settles down. Concentrate on floating with your head above water until the cold shock reaction subsides.   

          • When breathing is controlled, do the most important functions before losing capability (10–15 minutes after immersion). 

          • If you were not wearing a PFD when you entered the water, check whether one is floating around you and put it on immediately. Try not to take your clothes off except if necessary. A layer of water caught inside your clothing will help insulate or protect you. 

          • Concentrate on finding and getting everybody out of the water rapidly before you lose full use of your hands, arms, and legs. Attempt to reboard your boat, regardless of whether it is overturned or whatever else is floating. Get as much of your body out of the water as possible. Even though you may feel colder out in the water, the pace of heat loss will be slower than if immersed in water. 

          • Be alert at all times to signal rescuers.            

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