Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair

Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair

Drinking enough water is essential for health. A glass of cold or hot water can sometimes fix our health problems. However, we tend to forget this fact most of the time. Our body is composed of water, which can aid in circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion. 

Meanwhile, experts agree that drinking water is good for the skin and hair. Studies show this can provide you with healthy, radiant, and younger-looking skin. Indeed, the skin is one of the largest organs of our body, and it is composed of cells. Skin cells, just like any other cells in the body, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will fail to function properly.     

When the skin does not get enough water, dehydration will cause the skin to be flaky, tight, and dry. If our skin is dry, it is prone to wrinkling and has less resilience. 

Many glasses of water are lost in our bodies each day, and you need to replace them. Whether sitting in your air-conditioned room daily or working under the sun's heat, you lose water every hour. We lose water by either urinating or perspiration. The sad truth about drinking water and skin is that the water we consume reaches all other organs before the skin.     

Thus, this article will discuss the benefits of water for skin and hair and introduce the best ways to add water to the skin.     

1. Keeps the Skin Glowing

Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair
Our body comprises blood, organs, and bones, which we call anatomy. The main body fluid is blood, 8% of our body weight. Moreover, the blood comprises two components: the red blood cells (45%) and the colored plasma (55%).
The fluid plasma is composed of 90% water. When you have optimal blood circulation, the results are visible in your skin, too. As you consume enough water, you won’t have to use a blush to make your cheeks glow. Lipstick won’t be of any use at all to make it rosy. Indeed, water is a great replacement for your expensive beauty regimen. 
Water will not only make your skin hydrated and enhance the complexion. This drink can also make every body organ functional, from the muscular to the digestive system. You know you are getting beautiful and healthy when your digestive tract, sinuses, and arteries are all clean. 

2. Detoxifies the Body

Kendall Jenner revealed that one of her beauty regimens includes drinking lots of water. Indeed, celebrities, models, and doctors recommend the same to their audiences.
Water detox is more effective than any other particular or costly detox beverage. Our skin is one of the biggest organs in the body. Water can flush out the toxins from our organs. This can prevent skin problems like eczema, wrinkles, and psoriasis.
It can also carry the nutrients in the cells, enabling the organs to function optimally. As to the skin, water can help reduce acne, marks, and pimples. Furthermore, it aids in delaying the aging process to some extent. 

3. Release Stress

When an individual becomes stressed, the level of the body's stress hormone called cortisol rises. In turn, it causes an increase in oil production, which can prompt oily skin, acne, and other related skin issues.

A relaxing hot bath or a nice cold shower can calm your nerves. It can reduce the stress related to damaging your skin. In reaction to the soothing warm water, your skin releases endorphins; this is how you feel the sun on your skin.

 After a long day of work, you can soak your whole body in cold water for 2 to 3 minutes to rejuvenate the skin. You can install a Berkey Shower Filter to gain the benefits.
Remember that long skin exposure to water can remove its natural oils. As such, it is not advisable to shower or bathe for too long. 

4. Set the Skin Before Applying Makeup

Bathing in cold water can minimize the skin’s redness. This can also set the skin up for makeup application. Wash your skin with warm water to open the pores and remove the dirt. Then, splash it with cold water to seal the pores. Cold water can tighten the pores and prevent them from being clogged. Moreover, cold water can prevent acne appearance.
Meanwhile, a cold water compress can prevent inflammation underneath the eyes. When the water evaporates from the skin, the surface will become cool. As you splash cold water around your eyes, it can reduce puffiness. When looking for an eye gel, you can search for water-rich products for a long period. 

5. Replenish Water in the Hair

Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair
To prevent dehydration and function accordingly, our body requires you to drink one to seven liters of water daily. The exact amount will differ depending on your activity level, humidity, temperature, and various factors.
When the body feels a water shortage, it borrows from different body parts. This can weaken the body and lead to hair loss, breakage, and thinning of hair strands.
The water supply at the hair roots keeps the hair looking rich. This also maintains the levels of keratin. With this, the hair volume increases, and the hair color darkens. Moreover, water can limit the dirt buildup on the scalp. This can make your hair clean, shiny, and strong. 
Cold water can make the hair shiny. The low water temperature constricts the cuticle, which makes the hair strands reflective and smoother. Meanwhile, there are beauty products called ocean water, which are rich in nutrients. This can cleanse, repair, and detangle the strands. It contains sea lettuce and red algae, which can clean the hair without drying.

6. Natural Hair Lotion for the Hair

Water is a natural lotion for the hair and a vital method of retaining moisture in your hair, and oil goes about as a sealant to secure moisture into your natural hair. When the hair is wet, the strands can separate since it is made up of hydrogen bonds.
 A mix of oil and water keeps your hair very hydrated and saturated when you apply it daily.
If you style your hair when wet, the hydrogen bond can transform into a new shape. 
You can mist your hair with water and separate it into four sections if you want soft waves. Twist each section in a bun and put a pin on it. Blow-dry it until it achieves soft waves. 

7. Provides Water Supply in the Nails

Nails protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes. You don’t need your nails to survive, yet they support the tips of your fingers and toes, shield them from injury, and assist you with getting little items. Without them, you'd struggle to scratch an itch or to untie a knot. 

Nails indicate an individual's overall well-being, and disease frequently influences their development.

Water is an important body need that avoids desiccation. It is considered an essential substance for the survival of the human race here on Earth. Apart from giving you life, water can provide multiple benefits, such as healthy nails.
When the nails are nourished properly by the water, they can produce a glowing and shiny layer of alpha keratin. This can help enhance the nail’s appeal. In addition, water can enhance the nails’ growth and thickness. Drinking water is an easy way to prevent the cuticles from peeling.

8. Delays the Signs of Aging

Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair
Many people underestimate the power of drinking water and that it is the secret to enhancing one’s beauty. This is the key to prolonging your youthful aura. Consuming enough water daily for fresh, soft, glowing skin is best. This can help maintain an optimal body temperature, moisturizing the skin. 
It can replenish and hydrate the skin tissues, increasing the skin’s elasticity. This can delay the signs of aging, like having fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles on your face.

In addition, quick shedding of fat or outrageous weight reduction might cause sagging skin. Many individuals tighten their skin by water fasting, however this is an unhealthy strategy and can harm your skin. Drinking water daily can gradually fix your skin and keep a healthy glow.

Tips to Drink More Water

The amount of water you should drink daily depends on your metabolism, weight, height, and daily activity. Typically, adults should drink between 5 and 8 glasses of water daily, and more if necessary. Ensure you drink something like six glasses daily to remain hydrated and healthy.  

If you need to drink more water, here are some simple yet effective tips on how you can increase your fluid intake and reap its benefits:

  • Make sure that you have water with you after every snack or meal.
  • Opt for beverages that you like. You will tend to drink more liquids if you love how it tastes. 
  • Consume more vegetables and fruits. With its high water content, it will increase your hydration level. According to studies, 20% of our food intake is from our food. 
  • Always keep a bottle of water with you anywhere you go. You can keep it in your bag or table.
  • Select beverages that will meet your needs. For example, if you are watching your calorie intake, you may drink water or other non-calorie beverages. 

Storing Water

In general, the shelf life of water will depend on its original quality, light exposure, and room temperature. To increase the water’s shelf life, you can store them in translucent containers. You can wrap the containers in a dark bag to avoid sunlight. Some ideal containers for storing water include enamel-lined metal glasses or fiberglass containers. 

Make sure that you don’t use containers that were used to store toxic chemicals. Similarly, don’t put your drinking water in the milk and fruit juice containers. The fruit sugar and milk protein might settle down in the containers and lead to bacterial growth.

Rinse your containers with diluted chlorine bleach. This can avoid the buildup of harmful pathogens and bacteria. If your water has already passed treatment from the water utility, then there is no need to treat it as you store it.

Soft Water Can Make the Hair More Manageable

Soft water can make the hair more manageable. This is through the molecules and low mineral salt in them. If your home has a hard water supply, you can install a Berkey Shower Filter now. This can also help prevent your hair color from fading.

Berkey Shower Filter With Massage Shower Head - The Berkey

Salty and chlorinated water can make the hair curly. To prevent this, rinse your hair before you plunge into the swimming pool. Your hair strands will absorb the clean water, so avoid soaking the chlorinated water. After that, you can use a hair conditioner for extra protection.

Water Filters

Today, there are various water filters and purifiers available in the market that you can choose from. The most popular are those that come with reverse osmosis and UV technology. You can try the Berkey Shower Filter to remove the hard water in your shower. This can help you have glowing skin and healthy hair.
Ensure you keep your water supply away from pesticides, gasoline, and other dangerous substances, as their vapor can permeate the plastic containers. See that you inspect your water tanks or supply every three months to check for any leakage. Invest in Berkey Water Filters now for the safety of your whole family.
If the stored water develops a weird odor and taste, you can treat it by pouring it from one container to another. Do this three to five times until the taste becomes better. 

Purifying the Water

Water can get contaminated in various ways.
First, If you leave it in an open container for a long time at room temperature, in this way, you will provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes, algae, and bacteria. Second, the water can get contaminated when the water storage starts to leach the chemicals.
If you drink contaminated water, you can transmit the virus easily into your system. As such, you will be more likely to have typhoid and cholera. During monsoon season, the risk is higher because the water can get contaminated by open sewage, waterlogging, and other unsanitary practices.
Thus, it is important that your drinking water is clean to enjoy its benefits. Here are some steps on how you can purify water before consuming it:
  • If the drinking water is polluted, you can filter it via a coffee filter or paper towel. You can also use several layers of cloth to remove the sediments. Indeed, straining the water at the cloth will not make it safe for drinking since the toxic substances and bacteria are not removed. To be safe, boil the water for 10 to 15 minutes and filter it.
  • Purify your drinking water by adding iodine or liquid bleach. Do not attempt to use the bleach you use for household cleaning because it is poisonous.
Consuming bottled water can lead to waste and unnecessary use of plastic bottles. The bottles are thrown into the environment, which enables chemicals like phthalates to leach into the groundwater. This can lead to diseases like intestinal issues and cancer.  
Avoid keeping your plastic bottles under the sun's heat for long because this can increase the chances of chemical leaching. For traveling purposes, you can use stainless steel bottles. 

Water Safety Profile   

If you drink too much water, it can sometimes lead you to develop Hyponatremia, which is a rare condition. Older adults, athletes, and patients suffering from heart disease are at risk of developing Hyponatremia.

Drinking an excessive amount of water, you might encounter water poisoning, intoxication, or an interruption of brain function. This occurs when there's an excessive amount of water in the cells, including brain cells, making them swell. When the cells in the brain grow, they cause tension in the mind. You might begin encountering things like confusion, drowsiness, and headaches. If this pressure builds, it could cause conditions like hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and bradycardia (Low Heart Rate).

You cannot consider tea, alcohol, cola, and coffee as water substitutes. Also, coffee is considered a diuretic, and excessive intake can affect the water balance in your body.

Below are signs that you are drinking too much water.

Color of your urine. The best way to determine whether you're drinking enough water is to track the color of your urine. As a rule, it goes from light yellow to tea-colored because of the mix of urochrome and the water level in your body. If the urine is frequently clear, that is a certain sign you're drinking an excess of water in a limited amount of time. 

Too many visits to the bathroom. Another sign is in case you're visiting the bathroom more than usual. Typically, you should pee six to eight times each day. Going up to multiple times is typical for water-drinking achievers or individuals who routinely drink caffeine or alcohol. 

Drinking water even if not thirsty. A third way to avoid drinking excessive water is to know when your body needs it. The body can fight against dehydration by telling you when to drink water. Thirst is the body's reaction to dehydration and should be your directing signal.


Top 8 Benefits Of Water For Skin And Hair

Water brings multiple benefits to our body, especially skin and hair. Keeping away from premature aging to giving you plumper, younger-looking skin, water is the key ingredient that can resolve several skin issues.

See to it that you drink enough clean drinking water to gain its benefits. If you are unsure how to clean your water source, you can invest in the Berkey Water FiltersWith this, you are assured that your family is safe from pathogens, chemicals, and other parasites in the water. Drinking the required amount of water should be a part of your daily routine. Your skin will thank you for it.         

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