Where does water go after drinking it? The Explanation of Water Absorption into the Body

Where does water go after drinking it   The Explanation of Water Absorption into the Body


All forms of living things need water to survive. Water is accessible from a water fountain, a rain cloud, or even from a plastic bottle. We can all agree that without water, your body would stop working properly.

As you know, water makes up more than half of your body weight. But, how long could your body last without water? Did you know that a person can go for more than three weeks without food? But water is a different story. Unlike food, the maximum time a person can go without water seems to be only a week.

In this article, you’ll find out not only the number of benefits your body can get in drinking water but, most importantly, where it goes after drinking it. How does water absorb into a body? So, don’t stop reading until the bottom of this page to get what you want.

The Water and Your Body

The average body of an adult human being contains over 70% water. Most of the water in the human body is contained inside our cells, two-thirds of the water you drink. Did you know that our billions of cells must have water to live? 

Key Facts:

  • The total amount of water in our body is found in three main locations: within our cells (two-thirds of the water), in the space between our cells and our blood (one-third of the water).
  • The amount of water a body contains varies according to certain contexts: The body of a newborn is composed of more water (75%) than that of an older person (50%).
  • The body holds on to water when you don't have enough or gets rid of it if you have too much. If your pee is very light yellow, you are well hydrated. When your pee is very dark yellow, it's probably time to drink up.
  • Water act as a lubricant to organs, remove waste, regulate body temperature, and aids the body in nutrient absorption.

 How much water is in the human body?

When a person drinks water, the body absorbs it right then, and it has specific parts it’s stored. The more muscular a body is, the more water it contains. On the contrary, the more fats in the body, the less water the body contains – as body fat has little water.

Additionally, all our vital organs contain different amounts of water: the brain, the lungs, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys contain a large quantity of water – between 65 to 85% depending on the organ, while bones contain less water, about 30%.

Water’s Journey Through Your Body

One of the main differences between eating food and drinking water is that when food is consumed, it’s digested, whereas water is absorbed into the body’s system.

Water’s journey first begins in your mouth.

The first big step the body takes is registering hydration through your mouth. After a few gulps of water, the brain will convince the body– that the body has had enough to drink.

This is an important hydration mechanism because it takes a long time for the water that was drunk to reach cells and provide them with sufficient hydration. If the brain registered hydration only after cells received water, people would be drinking way more than the body needs.

The communication between the brain and mouth allows someone to stop drinking at the appropriate time, even if the water hasn’t fully hydrated the system yet.

Water travels through Your esophagus.

It is a small pipe connected to the mouth and lands in the stomach. This is where the process of water absorption into the bloodstream begins.

Water and Your Stomach

The amount of water absorbed in the stomach and how quickly water is absorbed depends, in part, on how much has been eaten. If someone is drinking water on an empty stomach, they are more likely to experience a faster water absorption rate.

Whereas, if a person has eaten a lot of food before they drink water, the speed of absorption will slow down accordingly, and absorption could take up to a few hours.

Water and Your Small Intestine

At around 20 feet long, the small intestine efficiently absorbs water into the cell membrane and bloodstream. From here, water will travel to cells across the body, providing them with the hydration to perform daily functions efficiently.

But the journey of the water you drink doesn’t stop there. Once absorbed into the body, water aids some vital functions.

Water and Your Large Intestine

The large intestine is the key center for water reabsorption rather than the stomach and the small intestine because of the following reasons:

It prevents most of the paracellular flow of water and electrolytes because of tight junctions, unlike in the small intestine. This prevents the backflow of electrolytes and water from the chyle to the blood.

 It mainly concentrates the fecal matter, so reabsorption of water and electrolytes becomes its main function.

Water and Your Kidneys

One such task is filtering toxins. This is primarily the job of your kidneys, but kidneys require a large amount of water to filter toxins efficiently. If the kidney does not receive enough water, it could lead to health concerns, including kidney stones and other kidney-related diseases.

Fortunately, one way the kidneys inform someone of whether they’re providing their body with enough water is by concentrating the amount of water expelled through urine – thus changing the color of urine to bright yellow.

Although our kidneys help filter bad toxins in our body, there’s another way to help you keep clean and safe drinking water. With a water filtration system at home, Berkey Water Filter reduces contaminants and harmful pollutants, and it's ideal for your home. 

Here are a few reasons why Berkey Water Filters are a good choice: 

  • Berkey removes contaminants, including chlorine and fluoride
  • It's affordable
  • Low Maintenance and easy assembly
  • Berkey water filters are travel-friendly, and
  • Very useful in Emergency Preparedness

 So, get started with your Berkey Water Filters now to enjoy every glass of water you drink.

Related articles:

How to Remove Chlorine And Chloramine From Drinking Water Naturally. Best Filtration Without Chemicals 

Does Berkey Water Filter Remove Lead From Drinking Water?

Water and Your Brain

Water is also sent to the brain, where it provides hydration to brain cells. Here, water is used to maintain certain cerebral functions. Studies have shown that people experience impaired short-term memory function and visual-motor skills without the appropriate level of hydration.

How does excess water removal from the body?

Once the human body uses up all the water it needs to function efficiently, it removes excess water. Water leaves the body in four main ways: the kidneys, skin, large intestine, and mouth. Additionally:

  • The most high-profile exit strategy of water is through the kidneys via urine.
  • Another exit point for water is through stools.
  • When someone exercises or heats, small droplets of water, your sweat.
  • Small droplets of water also exit the body via the breath.

When You Drink Water, What Happens in Your Body?

 Water Eases Thirst Before It Hits the Bloodstream

That refreshing feeling after you've taken a long gulp of water? It's far too rapid to be an immediate reaction to your drink — your body is just filling in the gaps.

Thirst is triggered by the brain's detection that cells are shrinking as the body uses up its water, but you'll likely feel sated before the cells are filled with water again.

Why? It's something called an anticipatory reflex. The taste buds and gut register how much water you've ingested and make you feel sated so that you'll stop drinking at an appropriate point.

Water Kick-Starts Your Kidneys

Kidneys are the body's filtration system, but they require a copious amount of water to do their job properly and boot unwanted toxins out. Without proper hydration, the kidneys cannot filter the blood properly, and you risk all kinds of hilarious nasties, from kidney stones to disease.

The kidneys can do a little to save water — by concentrating your urine to the color of a tangerine — but beyond that, you need water to keep it working. Putting the kidneys under stress is a terrible idea — and, interestingly, they have a minimum amount of water that's required to be able to function properly.

The usual thinking is eight glasses a day. People who've had a kidney stone need to drink a massive two to three liters (up to two-thirds of a gallon) a day to reduce their risk of developing another one.

 Water Helps Your Cognitive Performance

Water is essential to the brain's performance — and some unfortunate souls had to prove it in a series of studies about how the brain reacts to dehydration. Being deprived of water leads to short-term memory damage, working memory impairment, and a downgrade in your visual-motor skills.

 Water Reduces Pain

Do your knees ache? It’s time to pick up your water bottle. Getting your proper amount of fluids is crucial to maintaining the right amount of cushioning in your joints. 

You don't have water balloons in your elbows and knees, though — you have something called synovial fluid, which is designed to lubricate the cartilage that protects your joints. 

Unfortunately, replenishing your water levels won't necessarily kick the synovial fluid into overdrive and always leave you with seamless joints. But good hydration is a necessary ingredient in keeping your joints happy.

Water serves some essential functions to keep us all going:

  • A vital nutrient to the life of every cell acts first as a building material.
  • It regulates our internal body temperature by sweating and respiration
  • The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream;
  • It assists in flushing waste mainly through urination
  • acts as a shock absorber for a brain, spinal cord, and fetus
  • forms saliva
  • lubricates joints

How Much Water is Enough?

Because water is so important, you might wonder if you're drinking enough. There is no magic amount of water that kids need to drink every day. The amount kids need on their age, body size, health, and activity level, plus the weather.

Most of the time, kids drink something with meals and should drink when they're thirsty. But if you're sick, or it's warm out, or you're exercising, you'll need more. Be sure to drink some extra water when you're out in warm weather, especially while playing sports or exercising.

When you drink is also essential. If you're going to sports practice, a game, or just working out or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing. Don't forget your water bottle. You can't play your best when you're thinking about how thirsty you are!

You can help your body by drinking when you're thirsty and drinking extra water when you exercise and when it's warm out. Your body will be able to do all of its wonderful, and you'll feel great!

Did You Know...

Drinking excessive amounts of water without replacing salt can be harmful, occasionally even in healthy people.

What happens when you drink too much water?

While water intake is highly significant in our body, too much water drinking may lead to overhydration. It occurs when there is an excess of water in the body more than it loses. 

Overhydration typically results in low sodium levels in the blood called hyponatremia, which can be fatal. Nevertheless, drinking a lot of water usually does not cause overhydration if the pituitary gland, kidneys, liver, and heart function normally. To exceed the body's ability to excrete water, a young adult with normal kidney function would have to drink more than 6 gallons of water a day regularly.

Where does water go after drinking it   The Explanation of Water Absorption into the Body

Who is prone to overhydration? 


Particularly athletes who drink large amounts of water to avoid dehydration can develop overhydration. 

People with Psychogenic Polydipsia

People may also drink excessive amounts of water because of a psychiatric disorder called psychogenic polydipsia. The result is too much water and not enough sodium. 

People with problems in their organs

Overhydration is much more common among people whose kidneys do not excrete urine normally. Also, among people with a disorder of the heart, kidneys, or liver. Among premature infants whose kidneys are immature. Certain drugs, such as some antidepressants, can also cause overhydration in susceptible people.

Overhydration may likewise result from the disorder of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. In this disorder, the pituitary organ secretes an excessive amount of vasopressin (also called antidiuretic hormone), stimulating the kidneys to save water when that isn't required.

Symptoms of Overhydration

Brain cells are especially prone to overhydration and too low sodium levels in the blood. Once overhydration happens gradually and is gentle or moderate, brain cells have the opportunity to adjust, so just mild symptoms (assuming any) like distractibility and lethargy might follow. At the point when overhydration happens rapidly, vomiting and issues with balance grow. When overhydration worsens, confusion, seizures, or coma might develop. 

If overhydration happens and blood volume is average, the excess water moves typically into the cells, and tissue expanding (edema) doesn't happen. If extra blood volume happens, liquid can gather in the lungs and lower legs.

Diagnosis of Overhydration

  • A doctor's examination
  • Blood and urine tests

Doctors attempt to recognize overhydration (a lot of water) and excess liquid in the blood (an excessive amount of salt and increased blood volume) by examining the individual for weight gain and indications of edema and doing blood and urine tests to take a look at the concentrations of electrolytes.

Treatment of Overhydration

  • Restriction of fluid intake
  • Treatment of the cause of overhydration

Regardless of the reason for overhydration, liquid admission typically should be limited (only as advised by doctors). Drinking less than a quart of liquids daily ordinarily brings about progress for more than a few days. When overhydration happens with excess blood volume because of heart, liver, or kidney disease, limiting sodium's admission is likewise helpful because sodium makes the body retain water. 

Medications that will, in general, cause overhydration are stopped. At times, doctors prescribe diuretics to build the discharge of sodium and water in the urine. Different kinds of medications likewise can expand water discharge and treat overhydration when blood volume is average. These medications are usually used when an individual is in the hospital and can be carefully checked.

Drink Water Now! The best ways to drink water for healthy bodies

Where does water go after drinking it   The Explanation of Water Absorption into the Body

1. Take it slow and steady

It’s been proven that drinking water slowly throughout the day makes you more hydrated than drinking lots fast. This makes sense as your intestines can only process so much water at a time, and if it is passed through too fast, you’ll lose out on it.

2. Water with additives

Lemon in water has well-known health benefits, including aiding your digestion, hydrating your lymph system, having a load of nutrients including potassium and vitamin C, reducing inflammation, and giving you an energy boost.

It is a common practice to drink warm water with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it first thing in the morning, then after about 30 minutes, have your breakfast. This process is supposed to improve your energy, cleanse your system and provide better digestion for your breakfast, giving you energy throughout the day.

 Additional feature:

A way to have great tasting, healthy water available when your home uses a water pitcher with an infuser.

 This simple device can be kept in your fridge and infuses your water with whatever you put in it, like fruit, without having the pieces of fruit fall into your glass. For example, adding lemons and cucumber slices will give you a healthy drink that tastes great.

3. Right and proper timing

Since we now know that most water is absorbed within 120 minutes, we can assume that drinking a glass of water about 2 hours before heavy sports will give us the best benefit, as your body will be the most hydrated then.

 It is also best to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning since you’ve gone for about 8 hours without a drink. And for those with a stronger bladder, drinking a glass before bed helps your body stay hydrated while you sleep. But if nightly bathroom visits are already a factor for you, take it easy before bed.

To make drinking water easier, keep it by you all day, whether at the office with a bottle that you sip from all day and can refill, or at home with a glass of water on your counter that you make yourself drink from every time you pass it. Having a bottle of water in your car is great, too, especially when you’re out doing chores and can’t get a good drink in for a few hours.

4. Sit down, drink your water

While there is no scientific proof to let us know if you should drink water sitting down or standing up, it is without a doubt that standing up and drinking water can prompt joint pain, and different illnesses are a myth. But, it is highly recommended to sit down and drink water since posture can take part in how our body gets what we feed it. When we are standing or walking, the blood flow is high towards our hands and legs, demonstrating prevention for the water to reach the digestive system appropriately.

5. Sip on the water to flush down the meal

Drinking water with food helps digestion. Water is particularly imperative to drink close to high-fiber food sources. Fiber travels through your digestive system and absorbs water, helping form stools and advance regularity. So in case, you're loading your plate with plant-based food sources, as you ought to, sip on water, as well.

6. Salt it up!

Although sodium is atypical by many (as it should be once consumed in large amounts), having too little sodium in your body can be similarly harmful. Salt keeps our cells hydrated and aids nutrients going from our small intestine to the rest of our bodies. Without appropriate salt intake, your cells are not able to keep water. Therefore, they're not very significant at hydrating. Thus, in case you're burning through salt with your water (even a tiny pinch will do), you're helping your body with retaining water all the more effectively.

The Best Water Through Your Body

Now that we better see how water travels through the body and why water is so vital to your physical and mental health, we need to discover approaches to get the ideal water. Water filters are probably the most straightforward approach to reliably drink safe, healthy water without harmful toxins and contaminants.

Your body's a powerful tool. However, it needs your assistance. With all the things above-mentioned, give it the possible opportunity to absorb all the goodness from your water! In any case, ensure it's extraordinary water. 

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