We realize that many people do extensive research before purchasing our products. Because we are confident about their effectiveness, we prefer that people find as many reviews and feedback as possible from people who have purchased them.
At the same time, we are also aware that when people research our products, they may encounter some posts on the web referring to a "Berkey Water Filter Scam."
We have been working hard for decades to build quality water filters for our customers to provide clean drinking water for their families.
Of course, there are no scams about our products or our business. However, there must be some reasons people talk about this big Berkey water filter scam.
Let us explain what we discovered from these claims and clarify misunderstandings about our products.
Observing The Potential Doubts
- Effectiveness- Too Good to be True
- Cost - Inexpensive
- Unavailability in California and Iowa
- Berkey’s History of Neglected Dealers
- The Search Engine Influence
Effectiveness - Too Good to be True

Berkey reduces harmful pollutants, chlorine, fluorine, and toxic heavy metals such as lead and mercury without removing the beneficial and healthy nutritional minerals of the water needed to maintain a healthy body and sound mind.
It does not need electricity, so you can rely highly on it during emergencies and camping trips.
For some people, all this sounds too good to be true. Even though we have many third-party lab results on the effectiveness of Berkey filters, it is not easy to dismiss doubts when the actual seller presents the information.
Cost - Inexpensive

Berkey water filters are very affordable. This affordability can be a downside after people think it’s too inexpensive for something supposedly high quality.
Berkey water filters are, in fact, very economical. They are inexpensive because they only utilize gravity to filter harmful chemicals.
Health Benefits of the Berkey Water Filter

What is a Berkey Water Filter?
Berkey water filter is one of the most used filtration systems in the world. It has met international standards for water filters and was recommended by some well-known experts. This was built to work without electricity and without the need to connect it to your plumbing system.
Berkey Water Filters come in various sizes—light, go, travel, big, royal, imperial, and crown—and can handle water ranging from 1.50 gallons to 6.00 gallons. Black Berkey® Elements dramatically reduce trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, radiological, and more.
The cleanliness and safety of the water you will consume are assured, and the price you pay for it is worth it.
Benefits of the Berkey Water Filter in your Home
Studies show that Berkey Elements can reduce up to 99.9% of lethal elements and chemicals in water. Water contaminated with lead could cause poisoning and even more serious health problems if consumed in the long term.
That could enter your drinking water when the plumbing materials lead to corroding; this may be caused by extreme acidity or minimum mineral content in the water. Thus, it is better to use Berkey Water Filter because it is standalone and doesn't require any more complicated piping.
On the other hand, water suppliers mostly use chlorine as a cleaning agent in their water filtration systems. It is cheaper and provides additional protection to prevent recontamination. Thus, this element is known to be the most efficient filtering agent.
Unfortunately, too much chlorine in the water can also cause problems, especially for those who have been consuming it for years. Some studies have claimed that excessive chlorine intake can make a person vomit, cause commas, trigger cancer, and, worst of all, cause death.
However, there is not enough evidence to prove these accusations. Experts are still debating and conducting tests to determine the long-term effects of chlorine.
However, the World Health Organization has created standards and limits regarding chlorine to be used in our waters. Since there are still no concrete results about the consequences of using the said material, it is better to be safe and take things in moderation.
The Berkey Water Filter ensures your water doesn't exceed 5mg per liter of chlorine. Results have shown that this filter system can reduce chlorine from 5mg per liter to none. Hence, this product makes your water fresh and limits your chlorine intake.
Furthermore, scientists have proven that the Berkey Water Filter could reduce the arsenic and fluoride in your water.
Although fluoride has some health benefits, having too much of it could also be harmful. Overexposure to the material could increase the probability of dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid, neurological, and cardiovascular problems.
And similarly to arsenic, consuming too much of it could cause skin lesions, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. For a child or an infant, exposure to it could negatively impact cognitive development and escalate the deaths of young adults.
Berkey Water Filter can eliminate 95% of the said materials, so it is highly recommended that such health problems be prevented. Its filtration elements are easy to clean, and each element can filter up to 3000 gallons of water. Moreover, this filter can last four years with proper maintenance and care.
As mentioned, this water filter comes in different sizes suitable for your family's needs. The Go size is handy when traveling, and the Crown size could be useful at family gatherings. It is also made from high-quality materials and is safe and ergonomic.
In today's generation, we don't know whether the food we eat and the water we drink are clean and safe. Due to pollution that causes contamination of our natural products, it becomes rare to have clean, fresh, and pesticide-free food. Because of these cases, people's health problems are increasing. Over time, the number of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other medical conditions is increasing.
Local governments are also at alert levels because they are obliged to help and accommodate these people, which has multiplied medical bills in every country over the years. The government has financed scientists and experts to solve these problems. Although the tests continue, cures are slowly being discovered, and medicines are improved.
To do our part, we must try to find alternatives and buy trustworthy products to not add more casualties. Make sure that the things you buy are original and have trusted brands.
Always seek an expert's help when in doubt, and don't hesitate to ask for advice. It is better to ensure that the things you buy are of excellent quality and worth their price.
Berkey Water Filter isn't just another product for storing water; it ensures your water is safe and clean.
Unavailability in California and Iowa
When people from California and Iowa could not purchase the Berkey water filter systems, some wondered about their effectiveness.
The State of California and The State of Iowa require entirely different certifications from other states, and we have concluded that the cost of acquiring these certifications is not worth pursuing the business in these states.
We have dedicated pages explaining why some Berkey products are unavailable in California and why all Berkey Systems are unavailable in Iowa.
Berkey’s History of Neglected Dealers

Queen Victoria of England experienced an increasing health concern regarding the dangers of drinking water in 1835. Typhoid and cholera at that time were common and caused a high fatality rate.
Royal Doulton was commissioned to make a water filter using clay and earth materials that could remove whatever was causing those diseases at the time.
This led to the discovery of ceramic water filters, popularly known as Doulton water filters. These filters were the first to use gravity and were made of stoneware.
Doulton Company continues to improve and modify its water filters under British Berkefeld.
The company in the U.S., New Millennium Concepts, partnered with British Berkefeld in 1998, then started creating "the Black Berkey Element" and releasing the line of Berkey products with this new filter.
The release became phenomenal. The demand for the product was so high that too many new dealers came in a short amount of time.
Some dealers forget about maintaining their reputations as they bask in instant success. They neglect the value of high-quality, dependable customer service and transparency to their loyal and potential customers.
The demand for the product grew by the day, but these neglected dealers were unresponsive. Customers who purchased from these dealers became concerned when they could not contact them, and they started searching the internet to see if they got scammed.
Rumors were spread, and word of mouth created the Berkey water filter scam.
The Search Engine Influence

Search engines can make or break a product. It works magic. As more and more people searched for information about the Berkey water filter scam because of the reasons mentioned above, Google and other search engines remembered the search term and automatically suggested it to others.
Negative things always attract people's attention, and once a company is associated with the word “scam,” it immediately becomes worth reading.
Fortunately, since authentic negative feedback was impossible to find, the term "scam" is no longer associated with Google search suggestions.
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you can depend on our revolutionary water filters. We have worked so hard to provide a mechanism to filter contaminated water. We diligently do everything we can to go above and beyond to make drinking clean water safe for families and communities.
It is always best to hear what users say about our systems.
Read these reviews of Berkey Water Filters here.
Don't worry about getting scammed. We can provide the best water filter solution for your home. Our Black Berkey Filters are made in the USA, and the stainless steel housings are assembled from US and imported parts.
Our portable, gravity-fed Berkey system can provide essential water security for your family's drinking, cooking, and hygiene in emergencies.
All of our Berkey systems are at the most affordable price possible.
Call us anytime for any questions at (888) 899-3903.
Please visit our product line here - Berkey Product Line.
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