PPCPs and EDCs in Drinking Water - Contaminants of Emerging Concern

PPCPs and EDCs in Drinking Water - Contaminants of Emerging Concern

Emerging contaminants have now turned into a trendy and large research platform. The substantial number of emerging contaminants represents a test for regulatory agencies. This group of pollutants is ideally named "contaminants of emerging concern."  

An established point of view is given on advancing the issues encompassing emerging contaminants and how environmental researchers have handled this issue.  

This started with worldwide lead contamination from the Romans two centuries back, proceeded to arsenic-based and DDT issues, and recently, to pharmaceuticals, nanoparticles, personal care products, fire retardants, etc.

Contaminants of emerging concern will remain a moving focus as new chemical compounds are constantly being created, and science persistently enhances its understanding of current and past contaminants. 

Understanding CEC 

Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are any compound found in water or in a condition that had not previously been detected or was present at inconsiderable levels. CECs can come from pharmaceuticals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) utilized in numerous mechanical procedures.

CECs is the general term covering a wide class of various sorts of chemical compounds involving:

  • Disinfection by-products (DBPs)

  • Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs)

  • Industrial Chemicals

  • Natural Toxin Analysis

  • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

  • Pesticide Analysis

  • Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)

But let's delve further into Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) and endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs).

PPCPs and EDCs in Drinking Water

For over thirty years, drinking water has contained traces of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (PPCPs).

However, established researchers, regulatory agencies, and fugitives are now taking these compounds more seriously.

Progressive countries use an enormous number of chemicals for various reasons. Some of these chemicals are utilized to prevent and treat ailments, lessen discomfort from pain or medical procedures, treat mental health issues, and for grooming, hygiene, and cosmetic purposes.

Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products, or PPCPs, incorporate solutions, over-the-counter medications, beautifying agents, scents, face and body washes, lotions, bug repellants, and sunscreens.   

PPCPs and EDCs in Drinking Water - Contaminants of Emerging Concern

To add to PPCPs are endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs).

The endocrine system is a complex system of organs, including the pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, thymus, and reproductive organs, that discharge the exact number of hormones into the circulatory system with the end goal of directing basic natural capacities in people and animals, for instance, development, improvement, reproduction, and digestion. 

EDCs are any external characteristic or chemicals capable of intruding with the body's endocrine system by disrupting the union, discharge, transport, bonding, or disposal of important common hormones.


PPCPs and EDCs can access our waterways through leachate from landfills and septic systems, sewage, flushing of unused medications, and agricultural runoff, which can cause many issues.

While much research has not been done on these products and chemicals, a few certainties are known.

For instance, excessive anti-toxin use has prompted the advancement of "superbugs" or microscopic organisms, like MRSA, that are antibiotic-resistant. Methadone retaliates with chloramine, a chemical used to treat drinking water, to produce N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a known cancer-causing agent.

EDCs intervene with the endocrine system, conceivably causing reproductive, formative, neurological, and immunologic issues in wildlife and among people.

The absolute most common EDCs in drinking water incorporate estrogen and progesterone from birth control medication pills and anabolic steroids. These mixes intervene with the reproductive abilities of aquatic wildlife.

One case incorporates eggshell diminishing and eventual reproductive deficiency of waterfowl; the lessened population of Baltic seals because of lower fertility and risk of miscarriage; improvement of male reproductive organs in female marine creatures, like snails; feminization and the eventually reduced population of particular sorts of fish, including bass; and decreased or deformed frog populations.


Most regular water treatment systems are not particularly designed or ready to expel PPCPs from drinking water.

Yet, relying upon the chemical class of the contaminant, there is a scope of treatment approaches that have demonstrated the power to expel PPCPs or decrease their concentration. Such approaches include:

  • Reverse osmosis

  • Nanofiltration

  • Ultraviolet (UV) treatments

  • Activated carbon

  • Ozone/advanced oxidation processes

  • Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems

As indicated by a few researchers, various individual water treatment strategies have shown high levels of accomplishment in expelling PPCPs in a few groupings, as follows:

  • More than 90 percent of steroids can be expelled from drinking water utilizing actuated slime, initiated carbon, biologically enacted carbon, ozone/propelled oxidation processes, UV treatments, and reverse osmosis.

  • Over 90 percent of anti-toxins, antidepressants, and antimicrobials can be expelled utilizing enacted carbon, biologically initiated carbon, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.

  • Over 90 percent of anti-inflammatories can be expelled utilizing actuated carbon, biologically initiated carbon, ozone/propelled oxidation processes, UV treatments, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.

  • More than 90 percent of lipid controllers can be expelled utilizing initiated carbon, biologically enacted carbon, ozone/propelled oxidation processes, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.

  • Under 40 percent of recorded PPCPs can be expelled through coagulation/flocculation and softening/metal oxides.

The EPA's Office of Water maintains a stock of scientific investigations and writing on treating CECs, incorporating modified works from more than 400 records accessible through the U.S. National Library of Medicine and other sources.

The EPA's 2010 report, "Treating Contaminants of Emerging Concern," thoroughly reviews the efficiency of different treatment approaches based on information collected from a subset of the agency's research document archive.


As approved under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the EPA sets drinking water benchmarks to control contaminants in public drinking water supply and now has drinking water directions for more than 90 different contaminants.

To decide whether to control a contaminant, the EPA investigates peer-checked science, considering various factors, including the contaminant's presence in the earth, the course of human exposure, and the well-being impacts of exposure, especially the consequences for vulnerable subpopulations.

How contaminants are identified in trace amounts does not only suggest hazards to people. Critical research is expected to understand the issue's extent and its suggestions for our public drinking water supply.

The EPA is researching to strengthen the science of understanding the conduct of PPCPs in drinking water, including research, technique improvement, and occurrence studies.

Information from this exploration will help the organization decide whether to regulate sufficient concentrations of PPCPs in drinking water and test public drinking water systems, even without health-based guidelines.

The EPA has proposed the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) as part of its ongoing examination to determine which contaminants are of developing concern.

UCMR 3 will need all public water systems serving more than 10,000 individuals and an agent test of the 800 systems serving 10,000 or fewer individuals to lead evaluation checking for the appearance of 28 different chemicals within a year.

The standard will need public water systems (PWS) to lead this event, observed from January 2013 through December 2015. Incorporated into UCMR 3 are various hormones, including equilin and eastern (utilized in estrogen substitution treatments) and testosterone.

Even though national primary drinking water directions do not presently control these substances, the EPA will utilize the information from this and earlier UCMR evaluation stages to decide if advance directions are in light of a legitimate concern for general wellbeing.

The presence of PPCPs and other rising contaminants in drinking water is not another issue, and important research is required to understand the extent of the issue and its implications for the well-being of people in the public drinking water supply.

Yet, advancements in diagnostic technologies have made it possible to investigate a wider range of contaminants in drinking water with greater sensitivity and specificity than ever before.

How Can You Help Reduce and Prevent PPCs and EDCs in the Environment

You can act now to keep your exposure to some of the PPCs and EDCs surrounding us and step toward making the world more secure.

On an individual level, taking little, basic advances can largely affect the number of PPCPs and EDCs in our water supply:

PPCPs and EDCs in Drinking Water - Contaminants of Emerging Concern
  • Inquire on your healthcare supplier to prescribe close to the adequate, powerful amount of medicine, or consider a preliminary prescription before filling the full 30-to-90-day supply;

  • Purchase OTC drugs in small enough amounts that can be utilized before the end date;

  • Return every unused medicine to pharmaceutical reclaim programs that enable the public to convey unused medications to a central area for suitable disposal;

  • If a community reclaim area is inaccessible, evacuate unused or expired doctor-prescribed meds from their original containers and toss them in the junk – never flush! To discourage abuse of particular sorts of harmful drugs, like narcotics, smash the pills and blend them with old bacon oil or other food wastes.

  • Please learn about common PPCPs and EDCs and where they're found. You may see that old toy and cherished fire-resistant loveseat in another light. In present-day items, "non-stick" or "stain-safe" may raise a warning for further research.

  • Read the labels. On plastic bottles, a #1, #2, or #4 in the reusing sign implies that the item is free of BPA, an EDC that is still ordinarily utilized. Shower raincoats, curtains, flooring, and outdoor furniture will be correspondingly marked for PVCs, as will canned food with BPA liners. Labels for cleaning supplies, facial washes, and cleansers likewise show the presence or lack of some EDCs known to be potential hazards, like phthalates

  • Check out for leaching. Abstain from storing canned or plastic-bundled foods in hot areas, similar to the storage compartment of an auto on a late spring day. Likewise, abstain from microwaving or warming foods in plastic holders. EDCs could drain out of the holder and into your food and body.

  • Keep the produce fresh. Limit your consumption of processed foods, and use filtered water instead of bottled water as much as possible.

  • Decrease pesticide use. At home, attempt strategies like plugging holes under the sink to diminish pests and keep the call for pesticides. For produce, wash fresh products of the soil with tap water to expel generally synthetic substances.

  • Learn more from different groups. The Environmental Working Group provides vital guidance on decreasing exposure to PPCPs and EDCs, and the Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit is valuable for all parents and healthcare suppliers.

The Impact of PPCPs on Drinking Water

In contemporary times, there are no scientifically proven effects of PPCPs on drinking water—specifically, human health. Still, the prevalence of PPCPs in drinking water remains a fundamental concern. 

Apart from environmental contamination, PPCPs can also have many other negative effects. For example, pharmaceutical drugs can induce some biological effects in the environment.

This is due to their cellular-level receptors at low concentrations, which generate negative effects upon interaction with nonreceptor targets that do not have the same concentration.

To expound better, there are certain strains of bacteria that, when exposed to antibiotics, become highly resistant to those antibiotics. Needless to say, strains of drug-resistant bacteria are very dangerous not just to the environment but also to human health.

A specific kind of PPCP, like steroid hormones, which include estrone, progesterone, and testosterone, and fragrance additives like galactoside, are studied to have endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs).

By definition, EDCs are synthetic chemicals that can block certain hormonal processes or mimic the movement of natural hormones in the body. As such, it can disrupt the function of the body's organ system and harm overall human health.

Even if the EDCs are in significantly low concentrations, they can seriously threaten the human endocrine system. In line with that, when the endocrine system gets damaged, it may also generate a domino on reproductive effects.

Given all the adverse effects that PPCPs in water may cause, they should be treated properly.

Furthermore, PPCPs can also negatively affect aquatic life. PPCP water contamination may affect aquatic animals more than human life. This is because fish and other aquatic organisms tend to receive continual exposure to PPCP concentrations at an especially high level than those in treated water.

In addition, aquatic organisms need specific aquatic life criteria for them to survive. The emerging contaminants are not conducive to this set of criteria.

Ultimately, prolonged multi-generational exposure may lead to serious effects —both in human health and aquatic life— that may be irreversible at some point if we don't take action now.

Proper Disposal of PPCPS

There are various ways to dispose of PPCPs without risking water contamination. First, do not ever flush PPCPS down the toilet or drain. You can only do it if a specific set of instructions tells you to do so. If you are unsure about that, visit the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration to learn about the proper disposal of those drugs.

Drop-off Sites

You may, of course, take the prescription drugs to drop-off sites. You can also contact your city or county government’s household trash and recycling service to ask for access to the disposal sites or if a drug take-back program is available within the area. This will help lessen the risk of environmental contamination.


You can buy prepaid envelopes for mail-in return at the drug store. Take note, this is not your ordinary envelope. There are specific envelopes that are designed to carry off PPCP disposal. Just ask the pharmacist or drug specialist in charge.

At home

The RI Department of Health and the RI Department of Environmental Management have released a set of pre-approved methodologies and techniques for properly disposing of drugs at home. This consolidates environmental health perspectives to avoid the risk of environmental contaminants.

The following steps are enumerated below:

First, remove the prescription or over-the-counter drugs from their perfectly sealed container. Next, mash and crush the tablets or pills. Meanwhile, fluids, gels, ointments, or other creams can be separated with cat litter or coffee beans. After this, place the drugs in a sealable plastic pack, not an expendable compartment with a secured lid.

Private data, such as the Rx number on the empty containers, can be removed by scribbling it with a permanent black marker or simply stripping the sticker off. And then, you need to place the sealed container or plastic bag in the garbage. Finally, empty drug containers should be put in the recycling bin to prevent them from contaminating water sources.

To Sum it Up  

The issue of PPCPs and EDCs in drinking water does not seem, by all accounts, to be leaving at any point shortly.

Additional research and focus on these chemicals are necessary to ease the harm caused to people and the earth.

We need to actualize additional regulations, build creative and savvy treatment technologies, and provide additional financing to boost infrastructure and lessen our contribution of PPCPs and EDCs to nature.  

Applicable regulations overseeing disposal run-over at point sources of risks, comprehensive reclaim programs, guidance, and upgraded consumer training will bolster efforts to dispose of unwanted and extra medications correctly and lessen the ecological effect of pharmaceuticals entering our environment, including water sources.

As most pharmaceuticals enter the water cycle through wastewater discharges or from ineffectively controlled production or manufacturing facilities connected with generic drugs, the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater to bodies of water utilized as drinking-water sources ought to be firmly disheartened.

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